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Medical Illustrator Research Paper

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The influence of computer technology has been all over the world for decades now. Humankind has benefitted largely by the advancement in the science and technological field. Some of the latest developments in the field of science and art have come through the field of 3D technology. Have you ever noticed when you are in the doctors office and on the walls there are illustrations or 3D molds of the human body whether it be of the muscularly system, nervous system, or the skeleton. Ever wondered who drew that or how that was created? These people who create these images are called Medical Illustrators. Medical illustrators are professional artists who are trained not just in art but in life sciences. This got me thinking, how were artists able to create life like sketches of the human anatomy without the technology availability today and how far back does human anatomy illustration go? Researching into the history of human anatomy, where and when it began, who provided the best discoveries, what artists contributed to science and how past and modern technology has helped artists create the life like works today.
Medical illustrations have been used and created possibly since the beginning of medicine, in this case for hundreds or thousands of years. Many illuminated manuscripts of the medieval period contain illustrations. That represents various …show more content…
It has been characterized, over time, by a continually developing understanding of the functions of organs and bone structure in the body. Science and art were very much intermingled in the early Renaissance, with polymath artists such as Leonardo da Vinci making observational drawings of anatomy and nature. A polymath is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas; such a person is known to draw on complex

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