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Family Systems Framework Paper

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Family Systems Framework Another way to look at the functioning of these individuals would be to use the Family Systems Framework, which “defines properties and characteristics of families rather than any particular individual within the family” (Hepworth, 2017, p. 255). This framework will examine the following dimensions: homeostasis, boundaries, family decision making, family roles, communication styles, life cycle, rules, social environment and adaptive capacity. When exploring the family as a whole, we see homeostasis which is the tendency to maintain balance and the status quo. Celia sees major changes coming for the family and her role as a caregiver, while Alejandro does not want to go against his father’s expectations of his career. …show more content…
With the current information, there are gaps to creating a full assessment, however, it provided an understanding of complex struggles, successes and social justice issues. However, this approach did not address the issue for Hector’s declining health as this was more a potential stressor for Celia. It also did not address the social justice issues of meritocracy or the family's social class. Last, this framework entirely missed Alejandro’s unhappiness and withdrawing behavior. Overall, this framework would highlight the conflict within various members of the family, but is missing the individual needs of Celia and Alejandro. Neither the Biopsychosocial Approach nor the Family Systems Framework alone sufficiently address all the struggles, successes, social justice and diversity issues for these individuals. However, using both creates a balanced picture of the main strengths and challenges for Celia and Alejandro. It would be beneficial to use the Biopsychosocial Approach while gathering information, then use the Family Systems Framework to explore the family unit and add more information to the treatment plan and

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