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Medical Malpractice And Tort Reform Case Study

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Medical Malpractice and Tort Reform Many medical conditions as well as procedures do not result in the desired outcome. A professional in the medical field is not personally responsible for every single negative outcome which may effect one of their patients (Blair, 2013). These individuals are, however, legally responsible for any harm or injury to a patient which was a result of the medical professional deviating from the level of care that a knowledgeable doctor would have delivered in a similar event to the event which caused harm or injury to the patient (Blair, 2013). For this reason medical malpractice lawsuits exist along with the associated legal criteria.
Medical Malpractice vs. Negligence Medical malpractice and negligence are …show more content…
However, when a physician sees a patient moving in a manner inconsistent with their claimed injury it may be time for the physician’s attorney to investigate further. Such was the case of a 56-year old man who claimed pain due to a physician’s negligence during back surgery (Crane, 2015). The physician’s investigators who videotaped the plaintiff picking up a hydraulic jack to prop up his car (Crane, 2015). Due to the videotape the case was dismissed. The doctor’s ability to prove that an injury did not occur removed one of the elements necessary for a malpractice tort thereby nullifying the court …show more content…
Legislation in the House of Representatives in 2015 provides doctors with new safeguards against malpractice lawsuits (Pear, 2015). This bill does not allow the rating doctors provide of their work quality for Medicare and Medicaid to be submitted in malpractice cases (Pear, 2015). This is a great benefit for several reasons. It is unethical to require a physician to rate themselves in order to qualify for federal programs and then use the positive rating against the same doctor in a lawsuit. It is placing the doctor in a no-win situation: if they rate themselves low it hurts the doctor’s in service reimbursements (which are linked to quality in government programs); but if physicians rate themselves high, it is used against them in court. It would be more ethical to allow the doctors to rate themselves but not allow the information to be made public. Another benefit of not making the ratings public is that the best doctors would not consider opting-out of the federal system due to the rating/liability dilemma. This would benefit the American public as the best doctors would remain available to the Americans who need their services most: Medicare and Medicaid

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