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Personal Narrative: Moving To North Carolina

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I can hardly remember moving from New York to North Carolina, but it was a good decision that impacted our family in a positive way. While living for three years in NY I don’t remember much since then but do remember a few things. I have seen videos and pictures of my life in NY and can remember my first home as well as my first friend! I also saw many videos of times with family around the holidays and other special events. Moving to NC was a memory itself and the adventures that came with it.

Before we had moved to NC, I did live in NY for a few years. While in NY, the first place I called home was a brick house built by my dad and uncle. It was a beautiful house with 4 bedrooms and 5 acres. I don’t remember everything exactly since I was a baby, but I’ve seen many videos and pictures of it. When the house was sold, one of my dad’s co-workers moved in and may still live there today! …show more content…
The reason I say “best friend” is because I didn’t know her for long, we only knew each other for 2 years or even less. But I still have memories of her and us playing! We were both young when I moved, I was 3 and she was 4 from what I know.

I don’t really know what my first-holiday memory was, but I have seen videos of my first Christmas in NY. I got this cute little stuffed-cat, and I still have it to this day! (But eventually a few years later I cut off its whiskers, sorry Kittie!) I never really did name the cat so I just called it Kittie!

One illness, I have remembered to this day was when we had already moved to NC. We were having a party and my mom had gone out to buy something and only my oldest brother was home. I had a fever and was basically going crazy; I was crying and screaming while my brother was trying to calm me

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