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Medical Malpractice Research Paper

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Trusting Medical Professionals
Doctors are excellent resources to seek when dealing with medical issues. We trust our doctors and consider them more than qualified to act in our best interest when it comes to our health. Unfortunately this isn't always the case, as medical malpractice is unfortunately something that occurs quite often. If we feels that we are victims of medical malpractice, we should consider taking steps to ensure that the problem is corrected and justice is served.

What is Medical Malpractice?
In order to determine if we've experienced medical malpractice, we must first understand what medical malpractice entails. Medical malpractice occurs when a health care facility or professional, due to negligence or mistreatment, fails to perform the necessary measures to ensure optimal health, resulting in injury or death. This may include (but are certainly not limited to) the failure to diagnose(or a misdiagnosis), necessary surgery, early discharge, or neglecting symptoms. The injuries sustained in a case of medical malpractice may lead to continued pain and suffering, loss of income, or worsened health.

Document Everything! …show more content…
Acquiring these details through official documents is the best way to present them to the court as it speaks to the credibility of the details. It is ideal to acquire every possible detail you can find, such as names of nurses, doctors, hospitals, medical practices, phone numbers, medications, patient history, the history of the treatment(s) in question, dates, proof of injury. Every aspect about the situation you're bringing to court should be documented so that your legal team can give you optimal representation and avoid using hearsay in the court of

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