... Medieval Weapons Flail One handed and two handed Not popular among knights Easily Deflected and bad defence II. Sword Efficient A favorite among knights Single-handed and two-handed III. Mace Another favorite of knights Strong Varying sizes IV. Long Bow Remarkable during its time Multiple different types Required extensive training to use All men in medieval times were taught how to fight and were expected to serve the the King whenever they were called or requested. Soldiers during the middle ages were Knights, Foot...
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...Medieval Weapons In medieval times, there were many types of weapons. Some of these included the lance, the axe, the bow, the dagger, the sword, the Morningstar, the longbow, the crossbow, and many more. Warriors in the medieval era did not use gunpowder much, as it was rare and not invented until the High Middle Ages. There were over twenty weapons in the Middle Ages. Out of these weapons the sword, the crossbow, and the longbow were the most useful. The sword, one of the most useful of the medieval weapons, was commonly used by knights. This double-edged piece of sharp, metal could pierce through chainmail, which was the common armor in the Middle Ages. Chainmail consisted of many metal rings linked together, making a flexible mesh-like garment. The sword could be extremely long, and could decapitate an unarmored victim in one clean stroke. These weapons could be up to six feet long, which was good because it gave the wielder, a long reach. Another advantage was the fact that there were many different types of sword. Some of these were a broadsword, a longsword, a falchion, a greatsword, and a scimitar. This...
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...MEDIEVAL WEAPONS Other Titles in ABC-CLIO’s WEAPONS AND WARFARE SERIES Aircraft Carriers, Paul E. Fontenoy Ancient Weapons, James T. Chambers Artillery, Jeff Kinard Ballistic Missiles, Kev Darling Battleships, Stanley Sandler Cruisers and Battle Cruisers, Eric W. Osborne Destroyers, Eric W. Osborne Helicopters, Stanley S. McGowen Machine Guns, James H. Willbanks Military Aircraft in the Jet Age, Justin D. Murphy Military Aircraft, 1919–1945, Justin D. Murphy Military Aircraft, Origins to 1918, Justin D. Murphy Pistols, Jeff Kinard Rifles, David Westwood Submarines, Paul E. Fontenoy Tanks, Spencer C. Tucker MEDIEVAL WEAPONS AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THEIR IMPACT Kelly DeVries Robert D. Smith Santa Barbara, California • Denver, Colorado • Oxford, England Copyright 2007 by ABC-CLIO, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data DeVries, Kelly, 1956– Medieval weapons : an illustrated history of their impact / Kelly DeVries and Robert D. Smith. p. cm. — (Weapons and warfare series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-10: 1-85109-526-8 (hard copy : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-85109-531-4...
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...Introduction II. Knights Weapons A. Topic sentence B. Used Swords C. Used heavy artery D. Conclusion III. Castle (Defense and Offense) A. Topic sentence B. Trebuchet C. Catapult D. Cross-bow E. Conclusion IV. Coat and Arms Weapons A. Long-bow B. Flail C. Mace D. War hammer E. Conclusion V. Final Conclusion Medieval Weapons C. Wilburn 2 Have you ever wanted to know about the weapons knights used? Well the knights used different things including battle axes, bow-and-arrows, and catapults. Some were used by different people though. Some spent years of training, while others spent just a year. Some knights had armor while others didn’t. But the kind of weapons in use was the types of weaponry of the Medieval Ages. All in all, the knights had some good weapons. Medieval knights used some cool weapons. Usually when knighted, the knights would get spurs which are sharp spikes behind the heels of the knight’s shoe, to guide the horse, a shield to protect themselves in battle, and a sword to fight with. Some swords could be the slashing swords that were flat and wide sharp-edged swords to make a very destructive blow. Later in the Medieval Ages, sword makers would make thrusting swords which were longer and more pointed than slashing swords. The point of the sword can fit between armor of the knight and the chain...
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...Professor Tangeman November 29, 2015 Chivalrous Actions in the Battle of Agincourt Chivalrous Actions in the Battle of Agincourt The word chivalry is often associated with knights of the medieval ages. This term was used during the 11th and 12th century. The code of chivalry is a code of conduct that reflected bravery and service to others. This code of conduct was expected of the medieval knights. In his book, La Chevalerie, Leon Gautier wrote the ten commandments of chivalry which were the following: 1. Believe the Church’s teachings and observe all the Church’s directions, 2. Defend the Church, 3. Respect and defend the weak, 4. Love your country, 5. Do not fear your enemy, 6. Show no mercy and do not hesitate to make war with the infidel, 7. Perform all your feudal duties as long as they do not conflict with the laws of God, 8. Never lie or go back on one’s word, 9. Be generous, 10. Always and everywhere be right and good against evil and injustice (author, page). The knights were soldiers on horseback. They were soldiers that underwent years of training. They were highly respectable, intelligent and agile fighters. They wore full armor and used swords as weapons. They were once the best soldiers an army could have but the Battle of Agincourt changes every aspect of medieval warfare. With these knightly qualities in mind one can examine the actions that occurred in the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. This very well-known battle was a major turning point in the history...
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...During the Middle Ages, knights fought in battles and were admired by the people for their chivalry, and courage. Knights were around from the ninth to the seventeenth century. Boys that were from a noble family, a knight himself, or a wealthy family were usually the ones who grew up to be nights. Knights would fight for their lord during times of war. Knights spent most of their time perfecting their weapons and making sure they stay fit. Knights were expected to know and understand the rules of chivalry. Boys would start training to be knights when they were young. They were steps that had boys had to go through to become a knight. When boys turned seven years old, they would begin training to become a knight. Only boys who came from a...
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...Medieval Europe Gunpowder changed wartime forever. The medieval times where also called the Middle Ages. This was the time of knights, castles, and jousts.Also in the is time gunpowder was very useful because it had just started being used for war. The Middle Ages took place in 500 AD-1500 AD. The Middle Ages were a time of war and men had to be completely devoted to it. In this time some of the most brutal and bloodiest battles were fought. Most battles in this time were bloody,because you would have to get up close and personal to attack, unlike battles today which are less gory because we try to stay away from the threat. The Crusades also occurred in this time period and were a horrible time. The crusades were military campaigns controlled by the Latin Roman Catholic Church. They started in 1095 and the goal was to restore Christian access to Holy places in and around Jerusalem. During this time artillery was very important.They used many weapons such as swords, pikes, spears, and axes. These weapons were used by many foot soldiers. They were used to take out...
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...return. By the 11the century a new social order was formed my armored knights, who served a local lord, count, or duke, and were in turn served by serfs. When males were about seven, a boy of noble birth who was going to become a knight was usually sent away to a nobleman’s household, often that of his uncle or great lord, to be a page. Here he learned how to behave and how to ride. About 14, he was apprenticed to a knight whom he served as a squire. He was taught how to handle weapons and how to look after his master’s armor and horses. He even went into battle with his knight, helping him put on his armor and assisting him if he was hurt or unhorsed. He learned how to shoot a bow and to carve meat for food. Successful squired were knighted when they were about 21 years old. Young men who wanted to be knights had to keep fit. So squires trained constantly to exercise their muscles, and improve their skills. They practiced with each other and also sometimes with their knightly masters. The main body armor worn my early knights was made of mail, consisting of many small, liked iron rings. During the 12th century, knights started to wear more mail. Their sleeves got longer, and mail leggings became popular. A padded garment called an aketon was also worn below the mail to absorb blows. In the 14th centuryknights added steel plated to protect their limbs, and the body was often protected further with a coat-of-plates, made of pieces of iron riveted to a cloth covering. A suit weighed...
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...take place? More importantly though, what are samurai and knights? Samurai were fierce, agile warriors from Feudal Japan. Knights, on the contrary, are bulky, strong warriors from Medieval Europe. Though these two protectors lived far away from each other, they were both created around the same time. However, if these two titans were to engage in a duel, the samurai would win because of his great armor, physical training, and mental training. Samurai are superior to knights because of their specialized armor. Some pieces...
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...How to Become a Medieval Knight In the middle ages there were men in armor called knights, they were brave, courageous and had very good swordsmanship. To become a knight you had many steps to complete and it started as a young boy. Becoming a knight was a tradition throughout your family and boy hood, if you were raised by a knight then you were trained to be one. So how did a boy become a knight? The first requirement for a boy to become a knight was the requirement of his heritage. If you were born to the right person such as another knight, Lord, a wealthy merchant, or someone who held title and position in the court of the king you were given the opportunity to become a knight. Once you were chosen to become a knight the training started at a very young age, and you were trained by your father or other lords, barons and knights. As you started training, everyday you would go to the lord’s castle and learn a host of basic skills to become a well-rounded and educated knight. Some of the skills you learned were fundamentals of court life such as table manners, care and maintenance of armor and weapons, and how to care for horses. Other training he had to complete courses in reading and music, complete martial arts training and learn how to hunt and how to hawk. Around the boys thirteenth year of life, he would be promoted to a squire. At this time he is assigned to a knight and becomes that knight’s personal assistant. During this time he focuses on the...
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...Life in the medieval times was dominated by the feudal system. Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe were so different but were so similar at the same time. The social classes the were different, there are more social classes Japan and their social classes were different. The way they treated their women was similar but still had its differences, in Japan there was more equal rights. Their armor was just completely different, one wore leather and iron and the other wore chainmail and plate armor. One of the many differences in Feudal Japan and Feudal Europe is the social classes. In Feudal Japan the empower is at the top of the social class then, shogun, daimyo, samurai, peasants, and merchants. In Feudal Europe the king was at the top then, nobles, knights, and serfs/peasants. In Japan, there are...
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...Frank Krause May 4, 2015 His 101-001 The History of the Bow and Arrow in Early Western Civilization Early prehistoric humans hunted with ancient spears. The bow and arrow is one of man’s most ancient technologies in prehistoric hunting and war weaponry. The development of the bow and arrow allowed early western civilization to evolve by providing a more effective weapon than the spear, which was used for hunting, protection, and war. Stone Age humans were the first to use the bow and arrow, in which there is no argument this ancient weapon helped save many lives by providing safety during hunting and war. Spears were used for hunting and protection prior to the invention of the bow and arrow. The arrow, essentially is a specialized...
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...The knights were heavily armored soldiers who rode on horseback. Only the wealthiest nobles could afford to be a knight. They needed very expensive armor, weapons, and a powerful war horse. Medieval Knight by Unknown The First Knights The first knights of the Middle Ages fought for Charlemagne, the King of the Franks, in the 700s. In order to fight battles across his large empire, Charlemagne began to use soldiers on horseback. These soldiers became a very important part of his army. Charlemagne began to award his best knights with land called "benefices". In return for the land, the knights agreed to fight for the...
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... The first aviation fighter pilots were used in World War 1.They flew very slow but stable planes. It was the Idea of a Frenchman named Roland Garros to strap a machine gun to the nose of the plane. He soon realized that there was a problem, the stream of bullets were wrecking the blade. Roland Garros then had an idea he took steel armor plates and welded them to the lower portion of the blades to deflect any bullets that might hit the blade, this idea worked but it was crude. He took his idea into combat and was able to down four planes. Before Roland Garros idea the pilots normally would use rifles and pistols to bring down a plane (3). When he was fighting later he was trapped behind enemy lines and forced down. The Germans found out his secret and sent it to a nearby factory to Captain Anthony Fokker to duplicate it. Fokker had never seen a machine gun up close and examined the gun closely. He did as he was told to duplicate the weapon but then realized that the mechanism was a crude design and would damage the spinning blades. He and his engineers looked for a better solution to the problem than to put steel armor on the blades. The...
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...Transformations of Military Technology Transformations of Military Technology The military is armed forces authorized to use lethal force, and weapons, to support the interest of the citizens, and the profession of soldiering goes many years back. The military’s primary reason of existing is to engage in combat and be victorious. This is the primary focus for all military throughout history. Tactics and methods are used for engaging and defeating the enemy in direct combat. However the soldiers and armies have come a long way from the spear, or the bow and arrow. The innovations along with changes in tactics and strategies were crucial to the evolution of warfare. In the middle ages the army, air force, marines, national guards, and navy did not exist. Medieval knights were the middle ages military. Knighthood was awarded to members of nobility. Normally a man must have been born the son of a knight in order to become one. At the age of seven or eight, a young knight would be sent away from home to begin formal knight training, in preparation to dominate the medieval battlefield. In this training, the most commonly used weapons for war were swords and the lance; by horseback riding knights wearing body-covering armor. In addition, the knights were taught to use a wide range of weaponry, from simple tools and farm implements to sophisticated acts of surrounding and attacking the enemy, for capture. Wounds inflicted on the battlefield were usually cuts to arms, legs and scalp;...
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