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Mental Health Stigma

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The Stigma Following Mentally Ill Individuals and How It Undermines Their Progress
Mental illness is usually regarded as a curable disease, but what if people knew it can be a life sentence worsened by the beliefs of others? At the mere age of eleven, I was diagnosed with Major Depression; A debilitating mental illness, in my case brought on by childhood bullying and what I like to call, “bad genes.” After diagnosis, I assumed that my biggest struggle would be lack of motivation, but unfortunately it was the stigma.
I soon became extremely sensitive to what others thought of me. Some individuals refused to be my friend just because I was mentally ill. Others seemed somewhat empathetic, yet ignored me anyways. Some things don’t change, …show more content…
Four hundred and fifty million people worldwide suffer from a mental illness. Shouldn’t this mean that individuals are more willing to accept people who are different from them?
In the article, “The Stigma of Mental Illness and Ways of Diminishing It,” Peter Byrne attempts to shed light on the consequences caused by the stigma of mentally ill individuals and the people associated with them. According to Byrne, in one study of one hundred and fifty six parents and spouses of admitted patients, half reported making efforts to conceal the illness from others.
The stigma following mental illness makes it nearly impossible for patients to share their story with others, which could potentially lead to acceptance. Why would a mentally ill individual want to share their story, when they are ridiculed and judged on something they can’t control? For a patient to be able to share his/her feelings is a huge step towards recovery. Without acceptance from family, peers, or friends, a mentally ill individual is unlikely to make a full recovery. Without acceptance, patients can suffer from suicidal thoughts or actions, taking away what difference he/she could have made in the

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