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Mentor Leadership Paper


Submitted By tiffanymwalter
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Christian Mentorship Interview Profile

A paper submitted to Dr. Curtis King
Liberty University Theological University

For partial fulfillment of CLED 510

Tiffany Walter
Submitted: August 7, 2011
Mentorship Interview Profile The word “mentor” is defined as “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.” Although “mentoring” doesn’t appear in the Bible, Scripture does give us numerous examples of mentoring. Moses was mentored by his father-in-law Jethro, first as son-in-law and then as a leader (Exodus 18). The mentoring relationship between Eli and Samuel prepared Samuel for the tasks and responsibilities that were his after Eli’s death (1 Samuel 1–4). Jesus mentored His disciples (Luke 9), and both Barnabas and Paul excelled in mentoring (Acts 9–15). Jesus made His style of mentoring clear: He led so that we can follow. He said, “If anyone will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24-26). Because He is our leader and we are to follow Him, Christian mentoring is a process dependent upon submission to Christ. Neither the mentor nor the candidate controls the relationship. As such, the process is best characterized by mutual sharing, trust, and enrichment as the life and work of both participants is changed. The mentor serves as a model and a trusted listener. The mentor relies on the Holy Spirit to provide insight, change lives, and teach through the modeling process. The Apostle Paul spelled out mentoring as his leadership model very simply. “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice” (Philippians 4:9). In essence, he is saying, “Let me mentor you. Let me be your role model.” He reminds the new Christians at Thessalonica to “follow our example” (2 Thessalonians 3:7). Example. Teach. Model. These are all facets of mentoring which are indispensable in developing fully devoted followers of Jesus and in transmitting the faith from one generation to the next. It goes without saying that if mentors expect others to follow their example; they must be wholeheartedly committed to following Christ. Any hint of hypocrisy—“do what I say, not what I do”—will be detrimental to both the mentor and his charge. Not only Jesus and the apostles, but elders in the local church also do their work by mentoring. Peter commands, “Be examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:3), and Paul explains to the elders at Ephesus, “You know how I lived the whole time I was with you” (Acts 20:17). In other words, Paul is telling the elders, “I showed you, now you show them.” In all truth, if a Christian leader is not mentoring someone, to that degree he or she is not living up to his or her calling. Of course, God has filled the body of Christ with many potential mentors besides those who are named as elders or shepherds. The official church leaders cannot personally meet all the mentoring needs of everyone. While it may not be possible for shepherds to personally, intentionally, hands-on mentor each sheep that needs mentoring, they are to help these needy sheep find godly mentors. To provide for the mentoring needs of their local community of faith, the leaders must be intentional, continually expanding the circle of mentors by “equipping others” to mentor.
Interview Comparison and Contrast
Mentoring to At Risk Youth Prophet Phillip Taylor has a personal lawn care business in which he is responsible for maintaining approximate five to six properties. He has another member of his congregation assisting him with the business. However both men work long hours at their main place of employment and often times they are not always off at the same times to work within their side business. The opportunity to have a third and fourth hand is always welcomed. When the parents of Prophet Taylor’s mentee approached him, they were gravely concerned about their son’s behavior and the fact that he had gotten in trouble at a local store for stealing. Because it was a first offense, the young man was sentenced to completing a certain number of hours of community service. The parent’s however felt that this was certainly not enough to ensure that their son understood the severity of his actions. So they asked Prophet Taylor to step in because he seemed to have a great rapport with other young people within their congregation. In addition, Prophet Taylor serves as the praise and worship leader, for which the young man sometimes plays the drums. For Prophet Taylor, he believes in a strong work ethic. Having served in the US Army for 8 years and currently being employed with the Georgia Ports Authority as a longshoreman for the past 13 years he seeks to instill the message of 2 Thessalonians 3:10 to young men. Prophet Taylor decided to take the young man under his wing and teach him the value of hard work. Taylor states, “Being that it was the summer, I felt like this was a great way to help the young man earn some money, but more importantly teach him about Christ and how to develop a strong work ethic. Kids are looking for something to do and feel that they need a way to stay out of trouble. Many of them get into trouble because there is nothing better for them to do.” Prophet Taylor states that he came from a single parent home and growing up he became enticed with the fast money, women, and drugs. He attributes his change to a praying mother and those within his local church who mentored him. Taylor states, “Someone did it for me when I was younger and I felt that I needed to do this to grab hold of this young man’s attention.” Min. Harold Edwards, also known as “Zion” is not only a youth minister but also a gospel hip-hop artist. In addition to Zion’s ministry, he has served as a juvenile probation officer and counselor for adjudicated youth. Zion is on a quest to draw all men to Christ, despite their age or nationality. He has a conviction to serve young people, especially those who have less than stellar pasts. For him, there is no compromise to God’s word and that we all should be convicted to study, follow, and live by that word, no matter the cost. Unfortunately, Zion believes that many people profess a Christ, but does not know who He really is. Zion truly believes in Romans 12:2 that states, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” He professes that he within the world, but does not live of this world (John 17: 11-20). Zion states that he, as the mentor, initiates the relationship with the mentee as he is commanded to do so by the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). He will minster to anyone. Zion’s approach to the mentorship process is a little different from that of Prophet Taylor. Zion mentions that, “Once that relationship has been birth, I then began "pouring" into the mentee the understanding gained over the years as a result of walking with the Lord. This pouring into includes life experiences, doctrinal truths as well as "Life on Life" interaction. Theologically, this is called discipling.” Discipling is the most likely candidate as an equivalent to “Christian Mentoring” if it is properly understood as potentially holistic (training in knowledge, skills, character and relating), integrated and as a lifelong process. Discipleship, rightly understood as a lifelong, holistic process of ‘teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’ (Matt 28.20) in essence, is Christian mentorship. Zion admits that his approach is a bit more “in your face” than many other ministers. He states, that he holds “no punches” when it comes to the word. He does not feel the need to be apologetic of the word of God. Either you receive it as it is given, or you don’t. But the bottom line is there is absolutely no compromise. Both men seemed to be driven by the spirit, whom leads them to worship and work within their ministries. Both Zion and Prophet Taylor also use music as a platform to minister to others. Zion uses hip-hop music, while Prophet Taylor uses his voice through praise and worship. For both individuals, music is an avenue that can reach anyone. There is no question about the importance of music throughout the bible. Think about how David used his harp to sooth King Saul, King Solomon and his song writing ability, or how the walls of Jericho tumbled down after Joshua sent the people out with horns and symbols to march around them. One of the things that I noticed with both interviewers is that mentorship can be anywhere. While Prophet Taylor uses his business as a platform to mentor, Zion also uses various avenues and atmospheres to minister. One of the biggest differences between Prophet Taylor and Zion is how the time is spent with each of their mentors. Zion’s approach to mentorship appears to be more structured and biblically based while Prophet Taylor’s approach is more about establishing a relationship first then approaching the situation as an opportunity to empower and build on self-esteem and self-worth. Zion uses his session more as an opportunity to counsel and minister, rather than to relationship build or just become the mentees friend. I also believe that another reason for this difference is the fact that Zion mentors a different age group (16-25) than that of Prophet Taylor (13-18).
What Can Be Learned From the Interviews?
Being a mentor/minister means practicing what you preach Mentoring is not a way to meet your needs for significance, but to walk with others as they grow and become like Christ. Your goal as a mentor should never be to shape your mentees into your image, but to encourage them to bear God’s image more fully. The picture of the Christian life being a “journey” or “pathway” is an often used metaphor. The phrase, “Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk,” while good advice, is quoted so widely it has almost become clichéd. However, Jesus’ earliest disciples were known as followers of “The Way” (Acts 22:4) and the Apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthian church to “imitate” his “way of life in Christ” (1 Corinthians 4:14-16). The idea of Christians being fellow travellers is not unknown in the mentoring context.
God brings about change. Mentoring is not your opportunity to implement your agenda in the life of another person. It is your opportunity to walk with another person as God shapes him into His image. From a biblical standpoint, in the opening chapters of Mark the disciples are called to “follow” Jesus (1:17, 20; 2:14). Just as the “call” implied intention so the idea of “following” implies association, including association in Jesus’ ministry (v.17). This early signal that being a disciple of Jesus would involve physical proximity and association is made explicit in the calling of twelve to “be with him” (3:14). Mentoring generally involves meeting face-to face, one-on-one, and often the mentee may “shadow” a mentor learning through observation. When the mentee observe how Christ has changed the mentor’s life, the mentee can hopefully start to transition his/her own life.
Leaders take responsibility. Both the mentor and mentee should take responsibility to meet on time, be prepared, and commit to growth. Ask your mentee to take responsibility for contacting you, changing meeting times, and setting goals for the relationship. Put simply, a Christian mentor is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, a heart to care and a life to watch. I can think of many people who invested, and continue to invest, their lives in mine in order to see me grow as a Christian and as a servant of Christ. The challenge for those who have been on the Christian journey for a while is begin to share their life lessons with the next generation. Experience has shown that its rewards are greater than its costs! Reach out to others, both saved and unsaved and share your life as a living example, just as Christ did for each of us.

Interview Response of Prophet Phillip Taylor ~ Agape the Church of Jesus Christ
Who initiated the mentoring relationship? Mentor or the Mentee?
The parent approached me and asked if I would step in and help their son. The young a man had been getting into trouble at school, not listening and following the directions of the parents, and did not want to work and assist around the home. After the parents asked if I would assist the young man, I then approached the young man personally and asked if he would be willing to start working with me in my personal lawn care service. Being that it was the summer, I felt like this was a great way to help the young man earn some money, but more importantly teach him about Christ and how to develop a strong work ethic. Kids are looking for something to do and feel that they need a way to stay out of trouble. Many of them get into trouble because there is nothing better for them to do. Someone did it for me when I was younger and I felt that I needed to do this to grab hold of this young man’s attention. I didn’t want to automatically approach him biblically because I knew that I had to establish a relationship first. The parents had stated that young man had been counseled by our pastor, but the young man didn’t really receive him. I really wanted to teach him about having a work ethic… a man that don’t work, don’t eat, (2 Thessalonians 3:10). I believe in the proverb that talks about a father’s instruction of not just giving a boy a fish when he is hungry, but teaching him how to fish offers a skill to survive a lifetime.

When and where do you meet?
Every two weeks, but I also see the young man every Sunday at church and throughout the week during services.

How is the time spent? (format, accountability confidentiality, evaluation, closure)
Mostly conversational…during breaks of cutting yards and in the truck when going to and from job sites. Before we get started I explain to him who he is, that he is a king. Encouraging him and building him up as a man. To inform him that he is above this world and the standards that he is currently living by. Reminding him that work is good because he is earning his own and not taking from others. That working has rewards.

Most difficult aspect of the relationship?
Having and keeping his attention. If he doesn’t have your attention, he won’t listen. Also if a young man responds, speak or repeat verbatim what I have said. If he can do this then I know that he has heard and received what I have spoken.

Most significant result of the relationship?
Seeing his life change in a way that he wants to be in church. Seeing the changes of his actions and attitudes towards life and about salvation.

Interview Response of Min. Harold Edwards, Jr. ~ Fairlawn Missionary Baptist Church
Who initiated the mentoring relationship? Mentor or the Mentee?
I, mentor initiates the relationship in accordance with the command of the "Great Commission" given by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20. Once that relationship has been birth, I then began "pouring" into the mentee the understanding gained over the years as a result of walking with the Lord. This pouring into includes life experiences, doctrinal truths as well as "Life on Life" interaction. Theologically, this is called "Discipling"

When and where do you meet?
We meet several places depending on what will take place during the meeting. There is one aspect that is never omitted when we meet and that is discussion around the truths of God’s word. We meet in homes, church, basketball court, etc.

How is the time spent? (format, accountability confidentiality, evaluation, closure)
The time is spent in bible study. The mentee is given assignments to research and study and to be able to discuss what they have found. They are taught how to "Defend the Faith" that they profess to have according to Jude 3 and 1 Peter 3:15. Accountability is very important. We discuss the struggles that may be present in their life, and certain things are implemented to avoid walking into compromising situations. It is totally confidential as long as the Mentor does not feel that further assistance is not needed to minister to the need of the mentee. The mentee will be informed prior to the additional involvement of another.

Most difficult aspect of the relationship?
One difficulty is” Time” The responsibility of Work, family, ministry, and the unexpected things in life seek to hinder the quantity of time spent, so there must be a conscious focus on the quality of time spent.

Most significant result of the relationship?
Is to witness a young believer grow and mature in the faith of Jesus Christ.

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