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Met Cs 669 Assignment 2.3 Iteration Example


Submitted By ajaaron5000
Words 1423
Pages 6
Now that you have decided on a direction for your Term Project, you can now start with an initial design. Structural business rules and a conceptual entity-relationship diagram (ERD) are a useful tool to frame your initial design. You will be providing both in this Term Project iteration.

Let us review the basics of both of these items. The structural business rules will indicate the entities, relationships, optionalities, and pluralities of your Term Project design. For example, “A person may own many cars; a car is owned by one person” is an example of a structural business rule. A conceptual ERD is independent of the relational model, and therefore does not contain primary and foreign key constraints.

Make sure that all business rules are represented in the ERD, and that all entities and relationships present in the ERD are described by the business rules.

This Term Project iteration is not the final submission of the business rules or conceptual ERD for your Term Project. You have the opportunity to make modifications before the final Term Project submission at the end of the course.

Business Rule

1. A Customer must have a membership to use Netflix 2. A monthly invoice is accrued at the beginning of every billing cycle for membership fees. 3. An invoice must have membership type, taxes per state, membership price, and other miscellaneous fees accrued during the billing cycle. 4. A Customer must have a paid in full membership before they are able to utilize Netflix features. 5. Customers will have a three tiered membership to choose from: online streaming, two at a time, and three at a time. 6. A movie watched must be tracked to the membership history queue. 7. A movie placed in a members “ship to me queue” will be shipped automatically once customer’s current movie is returned. 8. A movie must only belong to

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