...DRM, FDM, ODI…OMG Which Tool Do I Use? Edward Roske eroske@interrel.com BLOG: LookSmarter.blogspot.com WEBSITE: www.interrel.com TWITTER: ERoske Introduction to EPM Architect: Cheaper…Faster…Better Edward Roske eroske@interrel.com BLOG: LookSmarter.blogspot.com WEBSITE: www.interrel.com TWITTER: ERoske Thinking Outside the Cube: NonFinancial Applications of Oracle Essbase Edward Roske eroske@interrel.com BLOG: LookSmarter.blogspot.com WEBSITE: www.interrel.com TWITTER: ERoske About interRel Reigning Oracle Titan Award winner – EPM & BI Solution of the year 2008 Oracle EPM Excellence Award 2009 Oracle EPM/BI Innovation Award One of the fastest growing companies in the world (Inc. Magazine, ‟08 & ‟09 & „10) Two Hyperion Oracle ACE Directors and one Oracle Ace Founding Hyperion Platinum Partner; now Oracle Platinum Partner Focused exclusively on Oracle Hyperion EPM software Consulting Training Infrastructure and Installation Support Software sales 4 7 Hyperion Books Available: Essbase (7): Complete Guide Essbase System 9: Complete Guide Essbase System 9: End User Guide Smart View 11: End User Guide Essbase 11: Admin Guide Planning: End Users Guide Planning: Administrators To order, check out www.LuLu.com •5 •Copy right © 2007, Hy perion. All rights reserv ed. Select interRel Customers 6 Abstract DRM, FDM (or is it FDQM), ODI, ERPI, EPMA…thanks, Oracle, for all of these tools but which tool...
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...PRECIOUS SHEPHARD SEMINAR 4- METADATA MARCUS ELLISON This is what I got from the seminar. What Is Metadata? Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage an information resource. Metadata is often called data about data or information about information. Metadata is key to ensuring that resources will survive and continue to be accessible into the future. There are three main types of metadata: • Descriptive metadata describes resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywords. • Structural metadata indicates how compound objects are put together, for example, how pages are ordered to form chapters. • Administrative metadata provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was created, file type and other technical information, and who can access it. There are several subsets of administrative data; two that Sometimes are listed as separate metadata types are: − Rights management metadata, which deals with intellectual property rights, and − Preservation metadata, which contains information needed to archive and preserve are source. Security protocols Refers to securing communications between points within a computer network and across the Internet. Network Rights and Privileges Network administrators have the most access to the network, it can be designated and restricted...
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...Given on-going needs to aggregate and consolidate data from operational systems and data warehouses, data may be migrated numerous times. How can a health care organization ensure that data quality is maintained and improved using the extract, transform and load (ETL) process? Be sure to support your position with specific examples. In order for a healthcare organization (HCO) to manage its data as an asset one can employee a data warehouse (DW). Data that is used in a DW must be extracted from operational systems. Operational data houses disparate data from multiple source systems that must be integrated prior to loading into DW, e.g. clinical, financial, registration, on-line transaction processing (OLTP), etc. (Anonymous, 2000). Since you shouldn’t directly work with operational data, a working copy of the data will be needed for manipulation without impacting other systems. Extraction, transform, load (ETL) systems will extract from operational systems and create a fixed-in-time snap shot of the data (Miron, 2011). ETL is one of the most challenging and risky steps in quality data management but one that should never be overlooked. The goal of the data extraction process is to bring all source data into a common, consistent format so it can be made ready for loading into the data warehouse. This stage is so crucial to the DW as this is where most of the data is cleaned, as different source systems can have variation in format, different source codes for the same...
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...Data Warehousing Essay, Research Paper Contents 1. Introduction 2. What is a data warehouse 3. Past, Present and Future 4. Data Warehouses and Business Organisations 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography 1.0 Introduction In recent years, data warehousing has emerged as the primary method of analysing sales and marketing data for a competitive advantage. As the number of knowledge workers using the data warehouse/data mart grows and the amount of data increases daily, performance problems have become a major concern of both the Information Systems staff and the users. Many options have been tried in an attempt to solve the performance problems – from bigger hardware to different software or database tuning and redesign using star schemas or snowflake data structures. However, all have limitations – either in functionality or in terms of cost – and their strengths are almost inevitably outstripped by users’ demands. During the past three years, data warehousing has emerged as one of the hottest trends in information technology for corporations seeking to utilise the massive amounts of data they are accumulating. Managers from all business disciplines want enterprise wide information access, as well as the ability to manipulate and analyse information that the company has gathered for a single purpose, to make more intelligent business decisions. Whether to increase customer value, identify new markets or improve the management of the firm’s assets, the data warehouse...
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...As federal regulators step up enforcement of privacy and security requirements under the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, healthcare organizations face key compliance challenges, including dealing with their business associates and ensuring that patient information is adequately protected to avoid breaches. The healthcare sector, as well as government sector systems handling health-related data, are increasingly targets of cybercriminals because of the information those systems contain, which ranges from Social Security numbers to health insurance identification numbers. What are healthcare entities' key struggles? What are they doing to step up compliance while also improving overall protection of patient data? We conducted our third annual Healthcare Information Security Today survey to find out. The 2014 survey sheds light on seven hot topics: * HIPAA Omnibus: Compliance is Challenging * Breach Prevention: Trend Analysis * Risk Assessments: Getting Better or Cutting Corners? * Encryption and Authentication: Room for Improvement * Mobile Tech: Inadequate Protection * Web Portals: Work in Progress * Priorities, Investments and Staffing Keeping records secure is a challenge that doctors, public health officials and federal regulators are just beginning to grasp. And, as two recent incidents at Howard University Hospital show, inadequate data security can affect huge numbers of people. On May 14, federal prosecutors one of the hospital’s medical technicians...
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...Businesses today continue to strive and grow in the industry to keep up with the never ending changes in the business they need the tools to obtain information that can be used to make decisions for the business. The decisions to make in a business can consist of knowing what geographic region to focus on, which product lines to expand, and what markets to strengthen in the industry. To obtain the type of information that has the proper content and format that can assist with strategic decisions they turned to data warehousing. It became the new paradigm intended specifically for vital strategic information. Businesses are always looking for ways to increase customer sales or the customer base, and in most cases they set a percentage along with a period of time to meet the goal. Making these types of decisions in regard to the objectives may executives, and managers need information for the purpose of getting knowledge of the company’s operations, review and monitor key performance indicators and their affect on one another. Keeps track of how business factors change over time, compare the company’s performance relative to competition and to industry benchmarks. The executives and managers main focus is on the customer’s needs and preferences, emerging technology, sales and marketing results, quality of products, and services. The information to make these types of decisions is broad based and encompasses the entire organization. The strategic information is not intended for...
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...Data Warehouses and Data Mining Your Name DBM 384 May 13, 2013 Jim Cervi Data Warehouses and Data Mining Data warehouses serve an integral function within many different industries. In the government and law enforcement agencies this is especially prevalent. Vast amount of data and information from multiple sources is often collected by these agencies. This data and information must be put into a format that allows for workable details by the analysts (HowStuffWorks.com, 2012). Data mining and data warehouses provide these agencies with the ability to select specific data out of the large volumes of data available to the analyst Data Warehouse A data warehouse is a database of information collected from several resources, saved under a specific schema, at only one site according to (Siberschatz, Korth, & Sudarshan, 2011). This type of system is effective for government intelligence agencies in storing and categorizing the data sources. By effectively categorizing and storing the data, the data warehouse provides the analyst with a location where an effective query can produce tailored and specific results from vast stores of records. The data warehouse does this by linking the data sources through common threads. These threads are what allow the analyst to access the correct related information through the query. The data warehouse provides the structure of the data sources that the information will be categorized in. To be truly effective, a well-designed data...
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...DATA You May Not Need Big Data After All by Jeanne W. Ross, Cynthia M. Beath, and Anne Quaadgras FROM THE DECEMBER 2013 ISSUE C ompanies are investing like crazy in data scientists, data warehouses, and data analytics software. But many of them don’t have much to show for their efforts. It’s possible they never will. What’s the problem? To begin with, big data ARTWORK: CHAD HAGEN, GRAPHIC COMPOSITION NO. 2, 2009, DIGITAL has been hyped so heavily that companies are expecting it to deliver more value than it actually can. In addition, analytics-generated insights can be easy to replicate: A financial services company we studied built a model based on an analysis of big data that identified the best place to locate an ATM, only to learn that consultants had already built similar models for several other banks. Moreover, turning insights from data analytics into competitive advantage requires changes that businesses may be incapable of making. One retailer, for example, learned that it could increase profits substantially by extending the time items were on the floor before and after discounting. But implementing that change would have required a complete redesign of the supply chain, which the retailer was reluctant to undertake. The biggest reason that investments in big data fail to pay off, though, is that most companies don’t do a good job with the information they already have. They don’t know how to manage it, analyze it in ways that...
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...Develop naming and definitions for NAVSEA (FSE), Navy (FNN), NAVSUP (FSU), Planning (PLN), Personnel (PER), and Acquisition (ACQ), Strategic Systems Planning (FSP or SSP) • Create metadata for NAVSEA (FSE), NAVSUP (FSU), Planning (PLN), Personnel (PER), and Acquisition (ACQ), Financial Navy (FNN), Financial SSP (FSP). • Review documentation for proper accuracy and standard before entering information into Star Team. • Swapp Source Analysis Worksheets (SAWs) in Star Team on both Change Request (CR) section and Document Analysis sections, and swapp metadata in the Change Request (CR) section, as for it is no longer being stored in the Document Analysis section. • Link worksheets from Change Request section to Document Analysis sections in Star Team. • Review and analyze materials for data dictionaries. • Change Metadata, Worksheets, for Data Element name changes, Source name changes and updated definitions. • Correct metadata for various tables. • Approve new/modified data element names prior to physical implementation. • Update Data Element Metadata Collection • Verify definitions in Business Objects PROD (Production) to match any corrections made in dictionaries. • Maintain Metadata for operational and data warehouse • Verify correct changes were made to all worksheets and metadata. Assistant Facility Security Officer/Finanical Management Analyst; March 2009 to February 2014 • Implementing of security regulations, policies and procedures in coordination with...
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...My Interviewees My Father My Grandmother Questions Since 9/11 the western world has been on alert for terrorism. Approximately 9 months ago a U.S. government contractor, Edward Snowden, revealed that the U.S. has been collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers. It also revealed that Canada is doing the same. Last week the head of Canada’s communication and surveillance agency (CSEC&CSIS0) testified in front of the Canadian senate that it has been collecting data in public places like airports and hotels. This data called Meta data. Metadata shows information like the location and telephone numbers of all calls a person makes and receives. It also tracks the Wi-Fi data. It does not include what is being said in the call. 1. Is the collection of metadata by Canada’s spy agency against our social justice? Is this an invasion of our privacy? 2.The head of the spy’s agency says that they don’t collect data of Canadians, just foreigners going through our public places because terrorists hide in public places, though many times foreigners call or email Canadians and that information is collected. If this is all for the security of Canadians and foreigners are the targets, shouldn’t this be okay? 3.Can u suggest any other legal way to spy on Canadians to secure the country and its people? Answers- My Father 1. I believe this is an invasion to our privacy. However, it is necessary in order to catch the terrorists before they...
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...History of the metadata laws Metadata laws are laws about collection of telecommunication activities of individuals or organisations. A law were initially passed to preserve the integrity of telecommunication systems and peoples implied rights. In 1960, the government introduced the Telephonic Communications (Interception) Act 1960 (Cth) to protect individual’s privacy by illegalising the interception of telecommunication systems. The purpose of this laws have shifted as it now aims to protect society as a whole and disregarding the implied rights of individuals. This Act and other legislations governing the interception of telecommunications were replaced in 1979, with the Telecommunications (interception and access) Act 1979 (Cth) to incorporate...
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...of Educational Metadata Demetrios Sampson Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CE.R.T.H.) 42, Arkadias Street, Athens, GR-15234 Greece Tel: +30-10-6839916/17 Fax: +30-10-6839917 sampson@iti.gr http://www.iti.gr Vicky Papaioannou Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CE.R.T.H.) 42, Arkadias Street, Athens, GR-15234 Greece Tel: +30-10-6839916/17 Fax: +30-10-6839917 vickyp@iti.gr http://www.iti.gr Panayiota Karadimitriou Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (CE.R.T.H.) 42, Arkadias Street, Athens, GR-15234 Greece Tel: +30-10-6839916/17 Fax: +30-10-6839917 karadim@iti.gr http://www.iti.gr ABSTRACT Educational metadata are attracting increasing attention, since they can facilitate the description, indexing, searching and retrieving on-line learning objects and educational resources. This paper describes the difficulties raised in retrieving educational resources from the Web, and discusses the current state-of-the-art in educational metadata technologies and the advantages of their use. The most popular software tools for editing and/or managing XML metadata files are presented, and their limitations in the e-learning context are discussed. The paper outlines the design considerations of educational meta-data management toolkits, and proposes EM2, an educational metadata management tool...
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...Implementation of Quality Information Systems for E-Learning Applications Abstract: Quality information systems (QIS) are providing all the quality-relevant information during the whole life cycle of a product to all the people involved. With regard to e-learning applications this means that a QIS should provide quality-relevant information to the authors of e-learning materials as well as to the instructors and the learners using them. In this work it is described how such a QIS can be implemented in the context of e-learning applications. In this connection a prototypic system design and strategies for the integration of a QIS into the information system infrastructure of e-learning providers are presented. 1 Introduction Many concepts of quality management are not only applicable during the production and usage of material products, but also in the context of immaterial ones - like for example e-learning applications. Nevertheless quality management concepts are hardly used in this regard today. As a basis for quality management so-called quality information systems (QIS) can be used. They are providing all the quality-relevant information during the whole life cycle of a product to all the people involved. In the context of e-learning this means that a quality information system should provide all the quality-relevant information to the authors of e-learning materials, to the instructors and tutors, and also to the learners. In this work after a look on the State of...
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...Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ISO 19005-1:2005 PDF/A-1 Date: July 10, 2006 Statement: This FAQ is prepared in support of ISO 19005-1:2005, Document management — Electronic document file format for long-term preservation — Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A-1) This document is published by the PDF/A Joint Working Group working under the auspices of TC-171 Document Management Applications Subcommittee 2 Application Issues, with representatives from ISO Technical Committees 42, 46, 130, and 171. It may be obtained directly from ISO (www.iso.org) or from national body standards organizations (e.g., ANSI, BSI, DIN, AFNOR, etc.). The following statement must accompany any distribution of this FAQ: “This FAQ may be freely distributed and/or translated in its entirety. The current authoritative version of this FAQ is maintained at both NPES (www.npes.org) and AIIM (www.aiim.org).” Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ISO 19005-1:2005 (PDF/A-1) What is PDF/A? ISO 19005-1, Document management — Electronic document file format for long-term preservation — Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A-1) is the first in a new family of ISO Standards to address the growing need to maintain information in electronic documents over archival time spans. Because this initial version of PDF/A is based on PDF 1.4, the standard is being published in parts so that new parts can be added without obsolescing previous parts. For example: PDF/A-1 refers to the format defined by Part 1 (ISO...
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...Data Categories Data categories are groupings of data with common characteristics or features. Master Data | Master data describe the people, places, and things that are involved in an organiza- tion’s business.Examples include people (e.g., customers, employees, vendors, suppliers), places (e.g., locations, sales territories, offices), and things (e.g., accounts, products, assets, docu- ment sets).Because these data tend to be used by multiple business processes and IT systems, standardizing master data formats and synchronizing values are critical for successful system integration.Master data tend to be grouped into master records, which may include associated reference data. An example of associated reference data is a state field within an address in a customer master record. | Transactional Data | Transactional data describe an internal or external event or transaction that takes place as an organization conducts its business.Examples include sales orders, invoices, purchase orders, shipping documents, pass- port applications, credit card payments, and insurance claims.These data are typically grouped into transactional records, which include associated master and reference data. | Reference Data | Reference data are sets of values or classification schemas that are referred to by systems, applications, data stores, processes, and reports, as well as by transactional and master records.Examples include lists of valid values, code lists, status codes, state abbreviations...
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