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Submitted By davidodalis
Words 420
Pages 2
* Human Resources

The Human Resources Department has a wide range of functions and tasks involving the recruitment, training, motivation and retention of employees. In addition, the HR department ensures compliance with labor laws and administers the conflicts within the organization. The human resources department is responsible for attracting the right people to grow the company. People who are part of the organization may require additional training to better perform its functions and there's where the human resources department. Over time, it is also necessary to offer space to keep them motivated and updated

* Human Capital

Human capital is a term used in some economic concepts of growth to designate a suppositional production factor dependent not only on the quantity but also the quality and degree of training and productivity of the people involved in a production process.
From that initial technical use has spread to designate the pool of human resources having a company or financial institution. Also spoken informally of enhanced human capital with increasing degree of skill, experience or training of persons of such economic institution.

* Motivation (leadership)

Motivation is internal and specific to each individual process, which involves the implementation of behaviors in staff to a purpose that the company deems it necessary and desirable. It is a process caused by the result of an evaluation of the individual performs a given situation. Leadership is the set of managerial skills or policies that an individual has to influence the lifestyle of people or a certain group of people, making this team work enthusiastically in achieving goals and objectives. Both go hand in hand.


The return on investment is a financial ratio that compares the profit or the profit obtained in relation to an investment, is a tool for analyzing the performance of the company has from the financial point of view. The ROI allows us to quantify economically if our investment had the predicted monetary success or if it was unsuccessful.

* Human Resources Management Challenges

Challenge 1: Responding Strategically to Changes in the Marketplace To be updated to market share changes to plan strategic actions that fit their changes. Challenge 2: Competing, Recruiting, and Staffing Globally Being always first to know market changes, recruit the right people that will help company growth and have a diverse staff. Challenge 3: Setting and Achieving Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Goals To have professional ethics with other companies and society, being a transparent company and that cares for social issues that are involved with the determined company.

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