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Mgm V Grokster Case Summary

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MGM Inc .v. Grokster Ltd case on Copyright infringement
The digital content and the internet have presented a significant challenge to the mechanisms used by the traditional copyrighters in addressing the infringement that happens during the sharing of files online. The migration from the analog system of information to digital content has eased access to information and false possession of information hence copyright issues. In the current age, it is easy to copy information created by a different party and claiming full ownership. Digital piracy has been on the rise. There have been proposals of litigations on new copyright enhancement paradigm in many countries and the traditional industries that intend to achieve efficiency in the protection …show more content…
The server model can be utilized by a corporation that has files that need to be distributed. A computer server has the capacity of storing copies of files, and they can be sent to clients’ computers when requested. Servers have been seen as inefficient in the transmission of information due to data being available on only one server or a limited group of the servers. The operations of the server also tend to be expensive due to the large volumes of data being transmitted to each user computer requesting the data. As a result of the stated burden, there have been developments of new systems that are cost effective and also fast as far as technology is …show more content…
The MGM studios against Grokster case was brought before the United Supreme Court. In the Betamax case, a decision was rendered which protected the manufacturers of VCR from liability on contribution infringement. It was that decision that motivated the MGM to file a petition which demanded orders that the file sharing technology makers be compelled by the court to bear responsibility for the copyright infringement of their users. During the Sony case, the Court held that technology could not be restrained if its use does not lead to fringing uses. Grokster had won the first case in the United States District Court of California which had discharged the petition in 2003 on account of the Betamax decision. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which was a higher court, upheld the ruling of the lower court because peer to peer software has both legal and legitimate uses. Many Internet technology corporations such as Intel and companies like Microsoft and Yahoo appeared in the Court as friends of the court stamping their support for the file sharing organizations (Hancock

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