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Micheal Vick


Submitted By dharvey0911
Words 842
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Video Games

Video games can be classified into several distinct categories. Though some video games are all basically the same thing, there are things that entertain people but have other many enjoyments like education for some kids. In today's world video games range from various console gaming systems like Nintendo 64 which is one of the oldest, and Microsoft's Xbox that are hooked up to televisions to handheld wireless gaming systems that can be carried in your pocket like Nintendo's Game boy or the PSP. Video games are most often classified into groups more based on what is most popular and what system it is played on. Kids enjoy games that have to do with story lines and keep them occupied because if it was boring they would not play it. Most of the kids today enjoy three types of video games, role-playing, shooting, and sports because they are the most fun and competitive. Role-playing video games’ gameplay is like the well know game Dungeons & Dragons and Skyrim. Most of these games get the gamer in the role of one or more "missions" with a certain player who specialize in specific skill sets such as hand to hand combat or casting magic spells. While progressing through the predetermined storyline that the game already has set up all players will end up with same ending result. Many missions involve maneuvering these character or characters through another world, usually populated with crazy giant monsters, that allows access to more important game locations, such as towns, dungeons, and castles or sometimes the future setting. RPG games widely focus on getting that one character extra points by doing these missions to level up and make that person or creature stronger and faster. These type of games are more fun with no competitive nature because everyone is playing by alone with the same goal. Unlike role-playing games, shooting games are completely different. A shooter game focuses on combat in war that involves many different types of weapons, such as guns and missiles. They can be divided into 2D, first-person and third-person shooters, depending on the camera perspective and the likeness of the game and player. Gamers who play shooting games love the moment of needing quick reactions to shooting another play on the move while also be hunted down by their friends. Shooting games are like role-playing they have been around forever. Many popular shooting games have been around for years. One of the most popular shooting games today is call of duty. It is one of the most famous shooting gaming series plus it rising to be one of the most exciting of all types of games. Shooting games can bring your friends together to complete objectives against other players online which playing with friends can always become fun and competitive at the same time. Sports game are completely different from role-playing games and shooting games. Sports games are fun but sports video games tend to be competitive because these are people who love to win. Most kids and adults that love sports will be playing that sport game on their console to live out what they do in real life. One of the best-selling series in this genre is the FIFA video game series also known as soccer. Over 10 million kids alone play this game all over the world competing to be the best online. All the most common sports you hear like baseball, basketball, football and soccer all have their own video game brand. Football is known as madden in the video game world, soccer like mentioned earlier is called FIFA, basketball is own by the 2K brand and baseball is known as MLB (major league baseball). Nothing is better than playing your friend in a sport game and beating him to have bragging rights. People love playing sports games and many professional athletes also favor sports games so they can play as themselves or their teammates. Sports video games are the most competitive naturally. Video games have been around for years. Many of the earlier games that were made are not here today but is made over in the modern day version. Everybody will always have a personal preference when it comes to choosing a game. RPG, shooting and sports games are still at the top of the list of most preferred games. These well always be favored because of the types of games that have been generated over the past years. Since 2012 videos are have said to have been one of best gameplays like RPG, sports and shooting seem that they will be around for a while. Kids well always enjoy the Call of Duties, sports games and many role-playing games because not only does a competitive game brings excitement to a gamer but a game being fun to play is a game that was stick around for a long time. That is why role-playing games, shooting games, and sports games are the most exciting, fun and competitive.

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