Premium Essay

Micro Controller


Submitted By hanissyahmie
Words 295
Pages 2
Temasek Polytechnic
School Of Engineering

Subject : ____________________________
Problem Name : _____________________
Class : ______________________________
PBL Team : _________________________
Your Name : ________________________
Date : ______________________________

Facilitator’s comments :
Grade :

This journal, consisting of 2 parts, is to be completed by each and every student.
Part 1: As this is an individual journal, you are required to submit materials and information you have found pertaining to your assigned learning issue(s). These would serve as evidences of your effort in this problem, your research skills as well as your learning. Sources of your research (e.g. titles and authors of books, URLs of web-site, including the specific page of topic reseached, , etc) should be mentioned.
Use the following referencing style for
(a) Website
e.g. [Accessed 14
Oct 2001].
(b) Book

Hoyle, E. (1986), The Politics of School Management. London : Hodder
& Stoughton, pg. 20-22.

My sources of research are:

Version 1.5

Page 1

Part 2:
 After going through your research materials, check with your facilitator on the scope of your topic by showing him/her your findings before you prepare your notes.  Summarise your findings and present them in a way which can help your peers understand your topic better. Be clear, specific and where possible include pictures, diagrams, graphs, demonstrations to help make your explanation easier.
 Understand what you are writing.
 Show your notes to your facilitator. Your facilitator will feedback to you if you have understood your issue well or whether there is any need to supplement your notes.  Once your discovery journal is endorsed, give your peers your notes at least a

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Digital Marketing Campaign - the premier institute ni-msme, the pioneer institute in the field of MSME is playing a major role in providing probusiness environment to foster the progress of MSME towards success and prosperity. The raison detre of this Institute is to assist the Government in formulating policies for micro, small and medium enterprises and to help the practising and potential entrepreneurs through a host of services like training, research, consultancy, information, education and extension. The Institute is a training ground for senior technocrats, bureaucrats and bankers who come here to gain expertise and knowledge in order to equip themselves with the latest practices and streamline their operations. Set up in 1960, ni-msme has made valuable contributions by creating an impressive record of achievements beyond the Indian shores, enabling other developing countries to get the benefit of the Institute’s facilities and expertise. ni-msme’s activities are changing from time to time to meet the needs of enterprises in the context of globalisation. Training Programme on MARKETING STRATEGIES FOR SHG PRODUCTS IN THE MODERN ERA (16-18 March 2016) Located in a sprawling and enthralling campus amidst a rich natural setting, ni-msme is well equipped with both physical and academic infrastructure. In keeping with the changing times and technological changes, the Institute has updated its style of functioning by focusing on the use of IT in every aspect of its activities...

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