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Micro Econ


Submitted By dixcy
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Assignment #2
Background and Questions
For this assignment you should examine a firm you are working for, have worked for in the past, or are prepared to research. Based on your understanding on their compensation and benefits program, your assignment should address the following aspects: a. Background on the company or organization outlining their function, size, type of employees, location, etc. b. How is the rate of pay for new hires determined and aligned with existing staff to ensure internal equity? c. What process(es) does the company use to ensure their compensation is aligned with the marketplace [i.e. external equity]? d. What type of benefits do employees receive for working with that organization? e. Is their compensation program effective over-all? Give them a grade using a basic Likert scale between 1 [completely ineffective] and 5 [absolutely perfect] and fully justify your conclusion. As part of your answer, ensure you identify each program aspect separately and analyze the degree to which it is/was working effectively. f. What recommendations would you provide to the company executive to improve their compensation stem? This is the major element of the assignment.
Writing Instructions
Your report should be properly structured in accordance with APA style:
While there is no minimum or maximum length of your paper, it is expected to take at least three to four pages of content to fully address the issues.
The report should be spaced at 1.5 and written in a standard 12 point font. Ensure all references are properly credited. It is to be submitted electronically to the applicable course Assignment file attachment uploading area on BlackBoard.
Scoring Rubric and Guidelines
The rubric is located in the assignments area.
This assignment is due by 6:00 p.m. on December 3, 2015. Submissions received after that specified day/time will be docked twenty marks for every day or part of a day that it is late. For example, a submission evaluated at 70 marks out of a possible 100 that is submitted on December 4th at 6:05 p.m. will receive a rating of 30 marks out of 100. Any report received more than two days late will not be marked and the student will be evaluated a zero for the exercise.
You have more than sufficient time to complete the assignment. Students choosing to wait until near the due date/time and who then encounter problems will NOT be given any extensions as such action would be unfair to the students who complete the assignment by allowing themselves time to handle any unforeseen circumstances.

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