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Microsoft Outline


Submitted By Starrae05
Words 436
Pages 2
icrosoft Word Outline • Introduction
How guaranteed is it that a college student will receive a good grade if they study ? tudy guides, note-taking, and flashcards have also been helpful to me when it comes to studying. When preparing for a test, I take notes, when completing a study guide, I refer back to my notes that I took to complete the study guide. While completing the study guide, I create flashcards to prepare for memorization and to further understand the test. Rhymes and songs have always been successful to me because it helps me with remembering the material. tudying reassures that when it’s time to take a test you’re going to be successful in completing the material.
While reading the material, you’re able to take the time to stop and jot down notes; something like a little summary of the text you just read. In the past, when reading the material, if I didn’t write down notes, I would totally forget what I read.
It’s a great way to go back and review the text instead of going back to read the textbook. When preparing for a test, I usually re-read the textbook and read over the notes that I took ,but sometimes if you have good note-taking skills, reviewing your notes would sound like a little summary of the text.
You’re able to create definitions of the important text that might be on the test.
When it’s not the exact words that I’m getting tested on, I usually create important information on a flashcard with a context clue for a hint.
A good use of memorization, with a flashcard, you’re able to create the flashcard to where you are able to remember it at the best of your knowledge. In the past, when I had a upcoming test, I would create flashcards and use useful hints that would help me remember what is on the test and then ask my friend to test me on the material until test day. tudy Guides ometimes, given by the teacher. A great way to analyze the information that you’re being tested on is to break it down, do critical thinking, and analyze it further. It can help you understand information you wasn’t so sure about. The way a study guide is usually set up is in Cornell formatting so that this guide can help you breakdown the text to get a further understanding.
A great organization tool, you’re able to take the text and the presentations that you read and be able to comprehend and create a memorization of the text.

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