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Middle Adulthood


Submitted By bewithyou1
Words 454
Pages 2
The changes in sexuality for men and women, sexuality are an important function in middle adulthood. Men tend to function sexually in a satisfying marriage and intimacy when they are overall pleased with their partner. Marital satisfaction probably increases the pleasure derived from sexual intercourse, and a satisfying sexual relationship probably increases the satisfaction derived from a marriage (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Women are much more likely to be orgasmic in very happy marriages than in less happy marriages (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, p.426). Men and women reach their sexual desire at two different ages, a man’s sex drive reaches its peak at a relatively young age, whereas a woman’s tends to peak in her late 30s or early 40s (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Other changes involved with couples experiencing difficulty with their sex drive, is having children, many adjustments, pressures, and problems can be associated with parenthood (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Men engagement is in extramarital affairs decreases as men age, on the other hand, women extramarital relationships increases, of the thought men reaches their sexual peaks at an earlier age. Other changes that will cause an extramarital affair: reasons due to unsatisfying sex drive within the marriage or illnesses of the partner, or dysfunction in the relationship. Following a divorce, a man can have several partners, and women are more likely to an active sex life with more partners then men.
The construct of the female menopause and the male climacteric, female menopause starts around age 51, but there have been cases of women starting as early as 36. There are hormonal changes in both men and women as we go through physical development in middle adulthood. Women’s hormonal change known as menopause, this is because by decreasing in the production of estrogen, the ovaries

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