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Midterm Note


Submitted By sychoi91
Words 3136
Pages 13
Ch11: Leaders are necessary for effective team work. They need to be there to shape goals, coordinate effort, and motivate members. Carver should be a better leader. Effects to change the leader may often result in negative supervisor reactions, including resistance to change, role conflict, unwillingness to relinquish power, fear of appearing incompetent and fear of job termination. These responses may cause the leaders to engage in actions that thwart, rather than facilitate team effectiveness. Carver is an autocratic leader, since he is an appointed leader. HE should go for coaching; coaching is about building team work, not about doing the team’s work. Leadership is not the same as management, people want to be led. Leadership is the ability to influence people to achieve the goals of a team. Transformational leadership and Transactional leadership depend on the leader’s power to reinforce subordinate for their successful completion of the task. POWER is the capacity to influence people. Using power feels good, people are attracted to power, people who have power often have egocentrically biased view of themselves, believing themselves to be more fair, generous and trustworthy. Not every decision requires the input of their entire team. It is simply not practical to consult the team on every organizational issue, but where to draw the line is unclear. Legitimate power (based on person’s holding of a formal position, other person complies because of belief in legitimacy of power holder). Reward power, coercive power (ability to punish other person). Expert power (personal expertise in a certain area). Referent power (person’s attractiveness to others). Concern the quality of the decision to be made. The acceptance needed for the decisions. The length of time required to make the decision and the amount of growth or development of the team. DECISION STYLE –

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