...Direction: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the letter of the correct answer and write it on a 1 whole sheet yellow paper. Avoid erasures as much as possible. Submit the yellow paper during the midterm exam (Monday, 11am-12:00noon, Rm STC601) Note: 1. This quiz is good for 2 major quizzes for midterms since it comprises the entire topics for midterms. Numbers 1-30 is the first part and #31-60 is the second part. So answer the questions carefully. 2. Reproduction of this paper (printing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited. Sanctions shall be given to anybody that will be caught under the discretion of the teacher. 1. The purpose of the Rizal Law is to: a. teach the duties of citizenship b. develop moral character, personal discipline, and civic consciousness c. use the unexpurgated version of the novel (English, Filipino and other dialects) d. All of the above 2. What R.A. no. was enacted by the Congress of the Philippines that required all schools, colleges, and universities to study the Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal particula Direction: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the letter of the correct answer and write it on a 1 whole sheet yellow paper. Avoid erasures as much as possible. Submit the yellow paper during the midterm exam (Monday, 11am-12:00noon, Rm STC601) Note: 1. This quiz is good for 2 major quizzes for midterms since it comprises the entire topics for midterms. Numbers 1-30 is the first part and #31-60 is the second part. So answer the questions carefully...
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...ACC 556 WEEK 5 MIDTERM EXAM LATEST STRAYER To purchase this visit following link: https://coursehomework.com/product/acc-556-week-5-midterm-exam-latest-strayer/ Contact us at: HELP@COURSEHOMEWORK.COM ACC 556 WEEK 5 MIDTERM EXAM LATEST STRAYER ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Summer 2015 ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Fall 2015 Set-1 ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Fall 2015 Set-2 Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Latest Strayer in order to ace their studies. ACC 556 WEEK 5 MIDTERM EXAM LATEST STRAYER To purchase this visit following link: https://coursehomework.com/product/acc-556-week-5-midterm-exam-latest-strayer/ Contact us at: HELP@COURSEHOMEWORK.COM ACC 556 WEEK 5 MIDTERM EXAM LATEST STRAYER ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Summer 2015 ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Fall 2015 Set-1 ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Fall 2015 Set-2 Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Latest Strayer in order to ace their studies. ACC 556 WEEK 5 MIDTERM EXAM LATEST STRAYER To purchase this visit following link: https://coursehomework.com/product/acc-556-week-5-midterm-exam-latest-strayer/ Contact us at: HELP@COURSEHOMEWORK.COM ACC 556 WEEK 5 MIDTERM EXAM LATEST STRAYER ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Summer 2015 ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Fall 2015 Set-1 ACC 556 Week 5 Midterm Exam Fall 2015 Set-2 Course Home Work aims to provide quality...
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...Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE Week 1-9 Homework Assignments Week 4 and Week 8 Case Studies Midterm Exam Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MAT 510 Entire Course Strayer in order to ace their studies. MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mat-510-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE Week 1-9 Homework Assignments Week 4 and Week 8 Case Studies Midterm Exam Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MAT 510 Entire Course Strayer in order to ace their studies. MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mat-510-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE Week 1-9 Homework Assignments Week 4 and Week 8 Case Studies Midterm Exam Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MAT 510 Entire Course Strayer in order to ace their studies. MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mat-510-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MAT 510 ENTIRE COURSE Week 1-9 Homework Assignments Week 4 and Week 8 Case Studies Midterm Exam Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MAT 510 Entire Course Strayer in order...
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...OZLER@ECON.UCLA.EDU OFFICE HOURS: TUE & THR 1:00-1:45 AND BY APPOINTMENT ONLY FALL 2011 ECONOMICS 121- INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORY Course Description In this course we will study alternative models of international trade. We will examine gains from trade, income distribution impact of international trade. We will also examine issues of protectionism and commercial policy in developing as well as industrialized countries. This is a theory course; it does not cover case studies beyond the many examples provided in the book. Required textbook International Economics by Krugman, Obstfeld, AND Melistz, 9th edition. Lecture notes Lecture notes will be posted on the web. Study questions Each chapter provides plenty of study questions. Their answers cannot be posted on the web due to lack of permission from the publisher. However, I will discuss the pertinent ones during the lectures. I will also be posting the previous exams (with their answers) from the two previous quarters. Otherwise, I don’t have an exam bank. Exams There will be two exams. The weights and the times of the exams are as follows: Midterm Exam (%45): November 1, during the lecture hour, in the rooms to be announced later. Final Exam (%55): December 6, 9-11 am (note that it is a two hour exam), in a room to be announced later. I will be providing you with a letter grade distribution after the midterm. The course grades will be assigned based on your course score using your midterm and final scores with the percentages...
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...UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE I. COURSE AND FACULTY IDENTIFICATION AF614 FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL AUDITING Fall 2015 INSTRUCTOR: PROF. T. HOGAN CONSULTING HOURS: Th 4:30-5:30 OFFICE M 5-412 or by appointment OFFICE PHONE (617) 287-7689 e-mail Thomas.hogan@umb.edu II. COURSE MATERIALS Messier Jr., William F., Steven M. Glover and Douglas F. Prawitt. Auditing and Assurance Services, ninth edition , 2014, ISBN 978-0-07-786233-6. McGraw-Hill \ Irwin publishers. Note: The ACL software will be used in an extra-credit assignment. Whittington, O. Ray. Wiley CPA excel Exam Review 2015, Auditing and Attestation ISBN: 978 111 891 7664 (paperback). III. COURSE BACKGROUND The course involves study of the theory and practice of professional auditing. The successful completion of the course provides a basic understanding of the nature of auditing, the responsibilities of auditors, and generally accepted auditing standards. It will provide a basic foundation to facilitate further study for those who wish to take professional examinations such as the Certified Public Accounting Exam, and the Certified Internal Auditing Exam. IV. LEARNING OBJECTIVES This course is concerned with the technical and conceptual skills involved in an audit or examination of financial statements. You will learn about Auditing Standards and...
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...UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN Department of Mathematics and Statistics COURSE OUTLINE MATH 121.3 (Sections 01 and 03) Course Name: Mathematical Analysis for Business and Economics 2012-2013 Regular Session, Term 1 Instructors & Lectures: First Math 121 lecture: Fri, 7 Sept 2012. Last lecture: Wed, 5 Dec 2012. Section 01: Prof. Murray R. Bremner, 206 McLean Hall. E-mail: bremner@math.usask.ca Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8.30am to 9.20am. Room: ARTS 143 Section 03: Prof. Artur Sowa, 225 McLean Hall. E-mail: sowa@math.usask.ca Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1.30pm to 2.20pm. Room: ARTS 143 Coordinator: Dr. Lawrence Chang, 236 McLean Hall. E-mail: chang@math.usask.ca Office hours: Please e-mail your instructor or the coordinator to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time. You should e-mail him a day or two in advance and not at the last minute. Lab Schedules: Every student is required to register in either one of the following 4 labs. 1. L01: Thursday, 2.30pm to 3.50pm. Room: ARTS 133 2. L03: Thursday, 4.00pm to 5.20pm. Room: ARTS 133 3. L05: Thursday, 2.30pm to 3.50pm. Room: THORV 271 4. L07: Thursday, 4.00pm to 5.20pm. Room: ARTS 134 First lab: Thursday 13 Sept 2012. Last lab: Thursday 29 November 2012. The lab periods will be devoted to midterm tests and to discussing homework problems. The lab is an essential part of this course. Previous terms have shown that students who skip labs tend not to do well and have a high chance of failing this course...
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...theories to predict how consumers will respond to different marketing activities. Learning Objectives * To acquire a framework for analyzing consumer behavior problems * To learn how consumer behavior can be affected by different marketing strategies * To show how behavioral evidence can be used to evaluate alternative marketing strategies * To develop a deeper understanding of consumer behavior by learning about relevant psychological and sociological theories * To acquire experience in applying these theories to real-world consumer behavior problems Learning Goals: In this class, emphasis will be placed on the USC Marshall School of Business learning goals as follows: | Goal | Description | Course Emphasis | 1 | Our...
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... Economics 201 – Principles of Macroeconomics TR 2:00 – 3:18, 100 Independence Hall Please do not make travel plans that conflict with final exam date and time. Alternative arrangements are extremely difficult FINAL EXAM: Thursday, December 9, 1:30, Same Place as Lecture MIDTERM 1: Thursday, October 7, 2:00, Same Place as Lecture MIDTERM 2: Tuesday, October 26, 2:00, Same Place as Lecture MIDTERM 3: Tuesday, November 16, 2:00, Same Place as Lecture Textbook: Required: Principles of Microeconomics, 18e, McConnell, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0077354230 (or loose leaf - cheaper: 00773441678). Study Guide: Highly recommend student study guide: 0077341678. Instructor: Alan Osman, 411 Arps Hall, Phone: 247-0092, E-mail: osman.1@osu.edu Instructor Resume: Brief resume on Carmen Instructor SEI: Student Evaluation of Instruction for various courses taught by the instructor, 2007-2010, available on Carmen Office Hours: TR: 4:00-5:00 (no appointment needed), other times by appointment. Communicating With the Instructor: In this day of instant communication, the urge to communicate with the instructor at any time of day or night and expect an immediate response is very tempting. Please note that if the information you seek by emailing this instructor is available on this syllabus, on Carmen, or was provided in class, or available from the course TA, the inquiry may not receive priority, if at all. However, if communication with the instructor is unavoidable...
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...______________ NOTE: use Font 12, Times New Roman, SHOULD BE LEARNER-CENTERED Course Title | | Course Code | | Credits | | Course Prerequisite | | Course Description: (2-3 sentences indicating the number of units, can be based from CHED prototype) It is a three-unit course covering ... | Course Outcomes | At the end of this course, the learner will be able to:(Note: minimum of 3 - cognitive, affective, psychomotor, use only HOTS, start with behavioral verb in small letter) 1. Cognitive; 2. Affective common to all syllabi as TATAK TAMARAW –“Exemplify fortitude, excellence and uprightness through ……(cite particular activity in the course that demonstrate FEU core values)” ; and 3. Psychomotor. (use proper punctuations) | Time FrameWeek/Day | Learning Outcomes | Topics | Methodology | Resources | Assessment | 1 | At the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to: * Note: combination of HOTS AND LOTS. All topics should have cognitive. But not all should have affective and psychomotor. For science subjects wherein the lecture and laboratory are integrated, all topics should have psychomotor. Preamble should be stated in all lesson. | Note: Use bullet for subtopics | Note: activity to be done by the learners to achieve the learning outcomes. DOES NOT INCLUDE TEACHING STRATEGY. Not all methodology has corresponding assessment BUT all assessment has corresponding methodology and align with the learning outcomes. | Note: materials...
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...Adomait (Section 1 MWF 10:30 to 11:20 RozH 104) (Section 3 TTh 1 :00 to 2 :20 RozH 101) Email: eadomait@uoguelph.ca Fall 2010 MacKinnon 728 Ext. 56343 It is your responsibility as a student to be aware of and to abide by the University’s policies regarding academic misconduct, e-mail communication, maintaining copies of out-of class assignments, what to do when you cannot meet a course requirement and the drop date for this semester. To better understand these policies, visit: http://www.economics.uoguelph.ca/courses.asp COURSE OUTLINE Synopsis Market economies primarily rely upon the price system as a means of allocating resources. The objective of Introductory Microeconomics is to develop in students an understanding and appreciation of this price system. The course will survey the strengths and weaknesses of the market economy, as well as the successes and failures of government intervention in the market. Much of the course content is theoretical in nature. Once students have acquired facility in handling these analytical tools, attention will turn towards issues of public policy such as marketing boards, competition policy, environmental policy, and trade policy. Required Textbook: Michael Parkin and Robin Bade, Microeconomics, Canada in the Global Environment, 7th Ed. Purchased new, the textbook is bundled with an access code for MyEconLab. If you purchase a used textbook, you will have to purchase a stand-alone access code for MyEconLab. Note that an access...
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...com/product/ba365-introduction-to-operations-management/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM BA365 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Module Assignments 1 Discussion Forum: Disney World Case Study: Natural Designs Inc. 2 Discussion Forum: Baldridge Case Study: Boutique Hotels 3 Discussion Forum: Vaccine Distribution Assignment Questions Chapter 6 4 Discussion Forum: Weddings Midterm exam 5 Discussion Forum: Black Friday Assignment Questions Chapter 10 6 Discussion Forum: Lean Enterprise Case Study: South Town Medical Center 7 Discussion Forum: Hotels Case Study: Online Purchasing at McDonalds 8 Discussion Forum: Course Review Final Exam Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of BA365 Introduction to Operations Management in order to ace their studies. BA365 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/ba365-introduction-to-operations-management/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM BA365 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Module Assignments 1 Discussion Forum: Disney World Case Study: Natural Designs Inc. 2 Discussion Forum: Baldridge Case Study: Boutique Hotels 3 Discussion Forum: Vaccine Distribution Assignment Questions Chapter 6 4 Discussion Forum: Weddings Midterm exam 5 Discussion Forum: Black Friday Assignment Questions Chapter 10 6 Discussion Forum: Lean Enterprise Case Study: South Town Medical Center 7 Discussion...
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...ACC 557 Midterm Exam Part 1 Question 1 Equipment is classified in the balance sheet as • a current asset. • property, plant, and equipment. • an intangible asset. • a long-term investment. Question 2 Correcting entries are made • at the beginning of an accounting period. • at the end of an accounting period. • whenever an error is discovered. • after closing entries. Question 3 The first required step in the accounting cycle is • reversing entries. • journalizing transactions in the book of original entry. • analyzing transactions. • posting transactions. Question 4 The net income (or loss) for the period • is found by computing the difference between the income statement credit column and the balance sheet credit column on the worksheet. • cannot be found on the worksheet. • is found by computing the difference between the income statement columns of the worksheet. • is found by computing the difference between the trial balance totals and the adjusted trial balance totals. Want to see the ACC 557click here ACC 557 Question 5 The purpose of the post-closing trial balance is to • prove that no mistakes were made. • prove the equality of the balance sheet account balances that are carried forward into the next accounting period. • prove the equality of the income statement account balances that are carried forward into the next accounting period. • list all the balance sheet accounts in alphabetical order for easy reference. Question...
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...Stat 141 R1 - Lecture #35 Announcements: 1) Assignment #11 Question 5: The answer is wrong … should be “fail to reject” but MyStatLab wants “reject”... so give the wrong answer for full marks in this question 2) Exam: STAT 141 R1 3 hrs 1400 Wed Apr 17 MAIN GYM, ~45 Multiple Choice Questions Chapters 7, 8, 18-28 …. some pre MT skills will be required. Simple Linear Regression …. continued Last time: Ex) Predicting final exam marks (%) from midterm exam marks (%) in a class of 88 students: Student | #1 | #2 | … | #88 | Midterm mark | 67% | 72% | … | 88% | Final mark | 62% | 50% | … | 91% | Stat 141 R1 - Lecture #35 page 2 Given x = midterm percentage, y = final percentage, n=88, x = 67.812, y = 52.643, sx = 17.922, sy = 25.430, r = 0.718 ∑(yi–ŷi)2 = 27278.82 We had calculated: The slope and intercept of the sample line of best fit: * sample line of best fit: y= -16.443 + 1.019 x An estimate for σ (standard deviation about the population line): se Given SSE = ∑(yi–ŷi)2 = 27278.82 : se2=SSEn-2=27278.8288-2=317.196 →σ≈se=317.196=17.810 Stat 141 R1 - Lecture #35 page 3 Inference for the population slope β1 When the 4 basic assumptions of the SLR model are satisfied: o The relationship between x and y is sufficiently linear. Presuming linearity, this means, at any x, με = 0. o The std. dev. of ε is the same for any particular x (constant). o The...
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...techniques and policies used by organisations and individuals for managing risks within the Canadian marketplace. In addition to addressing how to identify, evaluate and manage these risks, the course will also focus attention upon the analysis of insurance markets and the incentives conveyed by these markets for managing risk. Particular attention is paid to homeowner’s and private passenger automobile insurance. Course Objectives Increase students’ knowledge of insurance and the insurance industry, develop educated consumers and prepare students for careers within the Canadian insurance industry. Textbook and Course Materials: Selected chapters from "Risk Management and Insurance" 3rd Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill. **PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A RELATIVELY NEW TEXT. Only purchase a used text from BU353 Winter or later students as the material has changed significantly. PowerPoint slides and additional resource materials are available in mylearningspace. Grading Scheme |Assignments 2 each worth 10%...
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...COMM 225: Production and Operations Management Course Outline (Fall 2015) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION * Instructor: Peter Rosenthal, eng., M.B.A. * Lectures: Wednesday 17:45-20:15 Room MB 3.270 * Course Website: Moodle * Email: peter.rosenthal@sympatico.ca * Phone: 514-848-2424 x 5492 * Office: MB 12-104 * Office Hours: Wednesday 16:45-17:30 and by appointment ------------------------------------------------- COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to contemporary operational issues and techniques in the manufacturing and service sectors. Among the topics covered are: operations strategy, forecasting, materials management, total quality management, time-based competition, and queuing theory. Mathematical modeling in resource allocation is also introduced. Cases and computer-aided quantitative tools for decision-making are used throughout the course with an emphasis on the interactions between production/operations management and other business disciplines. Prerequisites: COMM 210, COMM 212, and COMM 215 ------------------------------------------------- LEARNING OBJECTIVES Operations are the core of every business. Successful implementation of any business strategy cannot be achieved without the proper execution of operations. Global and local companies that are experiencing a surge in market share owe this success...
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