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Submitted By lgmi86
Words 2545
Pages 11
Developing a document that formally authorizes a project or phase. Documenting initial requirements that satisfy stakeholder's needs and expectations. Finalizing all activities across all Process Groups to formally complete the project or phase Project Management Plan Accepted Deliverables Organizational Process Assets Expert Judgment Tool & Techniques Outputs Inputs Inputs Project Statement of Work Business Case Contract (when applicable) Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Tool & Techniques Outputs Expert Judgment

4.6 Close Project or Phase Closing Process Group

4.1 Develop Project Charter Initiating Process Group

Final Product, Service, or Result Transition Organizational Process Assets Updates

Project Charter

Reviewing all change requests, approving, and managing changes to deliverables, org process assets, documents, and the PM Plan Project Management Plan Work Performance Information Change Requests Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Expert Judgment Change Control Meetings Tool & Techniques Inputs

Documenting actions necessary to define, prepare, integrate, and coordinate all other plans Project Charter Inputs Outputs from Planning Processes Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Tool & Techniques Outputs Expert Judgment

4.5 Perform Integrated Change Control Monitoring & Controlling Process Group

4.2 Develop Project Management Plan

Change Request Status Updates Project Management Plan Updates Project Document Updates Outputs

4. Project Integration Management

Planning Process Group

Project Management Plan

Tracking, reviewing, and regulating progress to meet performance objectives defined in the PM Plan Project Management Plan Performance Reports Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Expert Judgment Tool & Techniques

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Creative Thinking

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