...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Search Home Page » Business and Management Mini Case - Mckenzie Corporation's Capital Budgeting In: Business and Management Mini Case - Mckenzie Corporation's Capital Budgeting CFEA3230 Advanced Managerial Finance individual assignment: MINI CASE - McKENZIE CORPORATION'S CAPITAL BUDGETING Prepared by :- RUBBIATUN ARDAWIYAH bt ABDUL HAMID CEA 080147 Prepared for:- Profesor Madya Dr. Rubi Binti Ahmad Date of submission :- 25 april 2012 MINI CASE - McKENZIE CORPORATION'S CAPITAL BUDGETING Sam McKenzie is the founder and CEO of McKenzie Restaurants, Inc., a regional company. Sam is considering opening several new restaurants. Sally Thorton, the company's CFO, has been put in charge of the capital budgeting analysis. She has examined the potential for the company's expansion and determined that the success of the new restaurants will depend critically on the state of the economy next year and over the next few years. McKenzie currently has a bond issue outstanding with a face value of $34 million that is due in one year. Covenants associated with this bond issue prohibit the issuance of any additional debt. This restriction means that the expansion will be entirely financed with equity, at a cost of $8.4 million. Sally has summarized her analysis in the following table, which shows...
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...Wednesdays, 5:00 – 5:45 PM E-mail address: stephen.rapier@pepperdine.edu Cell Phone# (310) 403-8271 Introduction Modern brands are a powerful force transcending the world’s borders, economies, and cultures. This course introduces the student to the global brand dynamic, and focuses on why a global brand is important, how to nurture and protect a global brand, global brand management, and the importance of the brand’s authenticity in the formation of the consumer’s brand trust and commitment. The students will draw on their oral and written presentation skills and will be highly involved in bringing the course material to life. Subject to availability, this course provides the opportunity for the student to apply course content to an assigned case/consulting client. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of branding concepts to global business. Prerequisites: MKTG 658 Marketing Management. Student Learning Outcomes Having successfully completed this course, students should at a minimum be able to: 1. Understand the nature, importance and context of a global brand strategy 2. Recognize that in many situations there is a range of alternatives which should be evaluated 3. Apply appropriate theoretical concepts, models, frameworks, tools and techniques which facilitate the development of global brand strategy 5. Analyze alternative approaches to developing a global brand strategy 6. Analyze the role of global...
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...Information ... mba.danielwatrous.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/tufs.pdf In the case of TUFS, some of the anticipated benefits included ... before starting an IT project, some of which include investment during development and ... In IT projects, there is a risk of going to one of two extremes: analysis paralysis or. Investing In Tufs Discussion Questions Free Essays www.studymode.com/.../investing-in-tufs-discussion-questions-page1.ht... Case Summary Investing in TUFS The case refers to a company called Northern Insurance and their huge investment on TUFS (Technical Underwriting ... Investing In Tufs Mini Case - eBooks Club flipclub.net/investing-in-tufs-mini-case-free-download.html File Name: Investing In Tufs Mini Case File Size: 3.5MB His companies were ... eBooks tags: investing in tufs; investing in tufs case study; investing in tufs mini ... Pearson Education - IT Strategy: Issues and Practices PDF ... www.pearsoned.co.uk/bookshop/detail.asp?item=100000000581206 6. Building Better IT Leaders from the Bottom Up. Mini-cases: Delivering Business Value with IT at Hefty Hardware. Investing in TUFS IT Planning at ModMeters. Investing In Tufs Mini Case Zip - MIG33 BATURETNO COMMUNITY ... baturetnomig33.forumotion.com › ... › SCREEN SHOOT May 4, 2014 - Investing In Tufs Mini Case Zip > tinyurl.com/qjxj5dg. ... exploded_view_front_rotors_on_a_2004_ford_f350_truck.pdf ... practical case study Tufs - SlideShare www.slideshare.net/abhinaysachan/tufs Sep 3, 2011 - Investments...
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... THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Australian School of Business School of Marketing MARK1012: Marketing Fundamentals Final Examination Session 2, 2012 Instructions: (Please read these instructions carefully) This examination paper consists of THREE sections: Section A (Fill in the gaps); Section B (Short essay questions) and Section C (Multiple choice questions). It has SEVENTEEN (17) printed pages excluding this page. Printing is double sided, check each page carefully. You have two [2] hours to complete this examination plus 10 minutes reading time. Read all the questions carefully and answer all questions as instructed. Questions must be answered in ink. Write all your MULTIPLE CHOICE answers (SECTION C) in the Generalised Answer Sheet provided. Note that there are 50 (FIFTY) Multiple Choice Questions. Print your full name and Student number {z… } on the first page of each book and sign Use of UNSW approved calculators is permitted. No other material is to be taken into the examination room. This paper accounts for 40% of your course grade (However, it is marked out of 100). You may NOT retain this paper. SECTION A: FILL IN THE GAPS (9x2= 18 marks) (Please write your answer in the gaps provided in each statement) Each of the nine (9) statements below focuses on a specific marketing concept/tool/idea. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate word/phrase ...
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...repositioning of the “BMW Mini” brand C. Simms and P Trott . Business School, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK Downloaded by Myongji University At 05:37 14 May 2015 (PT) Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to adopt a consumer behaviour perspective and investigate the extent to which BMW has repositioned the new “Mini”. It builds on a previous paper that explored perceptions of the “Mini” brand. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a two-stage approach to data collection, consisting of 66 in-depth interviews with a cross section of important stakeholders with high brand awareness and knowledge. The paper develops a conceptual framework and offers a novel way for firms to consider the effects of their repositioning strategies on consumers perceptions of a brand. Findings – The findings reveal a substantial repositioning of the brand’s functional appeal, moving away from the car’s price as an appeal towards product build quality. Furthermore, the Mini’s symbolic appeal, which is based on its fun and sporty image, has largely remained in place. Practical implications – Firms need to recognise the importance of repositioning at both the symbolic and functional level. Originality/value – The paper presents a novel conceptual framework for viewing repositioning strategies and presents evidence of repositioning at both the functional and symbolic level. Keywords Brands, Consumer behaviour, Cars, Brand image Paper type Research paper years) and the Volkswagen...
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...Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation Paper Jason Alexander Augustus LAW 531 March 11, 2013 Teb Bowman Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation Paper The litigation and alternatives video was is an instructive and compelling case for demonstrating various legal precedents. The scenario dealt with a contractual disagreement between a business and a company named Non-Linear Pro, the dispute is between the implied verbal agreement for a trial of a video editing system and a contract signed by Janet for a three-month lease. One of the primary issues in the video had to do with agency theory and tort. The options for resolution of the dispute are arbitration, mediation, mini trial, or trial. The principle in this case Quick Takes Video had a verbal agreement with Non-Linear Pro to have a three week trial of a video editing system, but when the equipment was delivered a delivery person presumably handed Janet a contract for a three month lease. As an employee of Quick Takes Video Janet signed the contract, which could legally bind Quick Takes Video into the lease contract and subsequently be held liable for breach of contract. A major question to be answered is whether the verbal agreement that was initially made between the two firms was binding as a contract, or if the lease agreement was made in good faith. The resolution strategies available to the two firms include mediation, arbitration, mini-trial, and court hearing. The arbitration option is optimal for both...
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...OC College of Business Administration MGMT 5603.93: Ethics, Decision Making, and Communications Fall 2015, Term 2 Online _______________________________________________________________________________________ Professor: Dr. Phil Lewis, Professor of Management Phone (Work): (405) 425-5561 or 425-5560; (Home): (405) 475-7070 Email: phil.lewis@oc.edu Virtual Office Hours: Email responses normally within 24 hours. Mission of Oklahoma Christian University Oklahoma Christian University is a higher learning community that transforms lives for Christian faith, scholarship, and service. MISSION OF THE OC SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Within a framework of excellence in contemporary business education, the School of Business Administration will build a community of lifelong relationships upon a foundation of enduring Christian values. CONTRIBUTION OF COURSE TO CHRISTIAN SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP For I have walked in my integrity … I will walk in my integrity … Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Psalm 26:1, 26:11, 119:1 (NKJV). THE OC COVENANT The Covenant for Oklahoma Christian University is posted under Course Information. REQUIRED TEXT Phillip V. Lewis, Ethics in the World of Business, Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co., 2014 (ISBN: 978-1-4652-3979-2). COURSE DESCRIPTION This course examines the basic ethical issues involved in the conduct of business from a biblical perspective. Critical thinking of organizations as...
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...SCIENCES (AUTONOMOUS) LANGFORD ROAD, BANGALORE-560027 TERM PAPER STATUS OF WOMEN- THE "SECOND GENDER" IN INDIA SUBMITTED BY- NITHYA SURI NARAYAN 11 CEZ 3208 Mrs. Mini Mark Bonjour Department of English St. Josephs College (Autonomous) Bangalore-560027 Karanataka, India CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms.Nithya Suri Narayan (11 CEZ 3208) OF B.Sc. 3rd CEZ has completed the term paper, titled 'The Status of women- the "second gender" in India' under the guidance of Mrs. Mini Mark Bonjour (Department of English) for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of B.Sc. Course (Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Zoology) during the academic year from 2013-2014 as prescribed by St.Joseph's College (Autonomous) Place: St.Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bangalore Date: Mrs.Mini Mark Bonjour Department of English St.Joseph's College of Arts and Sciences DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project entitled “Women- The 'Second Gender' of India ” submitted by me to the St. Joseph’s college Bangalore 560027 is based on the review of literature analysis , data analysis and interpretation carried out by me under the supervision of Mrs.Mini Mark Bonjour (English Dept.) The work embodied in the project either in part or full has not been previously submitted for any other degree course MENTOR'S SIGNATURE STUDENTS SIGNATURE (Mrs. Mini Mark Bonjour) ...
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...students should be able to: 2.2.1 understand the concept of self; 2.2.2 know themselves throughout the life span and personality types; 2.2.3 identify emotion and feelings and develop appropriate skills to express them; 2.2.4 clarify values and understand moral development; 2.2.5 develop better listening skills and master basic skills of giving and receiving responses; 2.2.6 understand features of healthy relationship and identify skills for managing conflicts; 2.2.7 strengthen family relationship; 2.2.8 develop ways to enhance intimate relationships. General approach 2. Mini lectures, role-plays, case discussions, psychological tests and other creative methods will be used as necessary. 3. Each meeting is 3 hours per session, 12 meetings per term. References 5 Compulsory text...
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...Please allow me 24 hours to answer your emails excluding weekends and holidays. If I do not answer in 24 hours, please email me again. Class Schedule: The traditional class meets on Monday/Wednesday 5:15 pm to 7:45 pm Course Prerequisites: NONE Course Description: This course examines the nature, location, and impact of crime in the United States by exploring a broad range of issues related to criminology. Topics focused on within the course include the historical foundations of crime, the theoretical underpinnings of criminality, how we measure criminal acts, the development of criminal careers, the various typologies of offenders and victims, and a critical analysis of public policies concerning crime control in society. Required Course Materials: Schmalleger, F. (2015). Criminology Today. (7th Edition). Prentice Hall Publisher. ISBN: 0137074859 Mission Statement Campbell University The mission of Campbell University is to graduate students with exemplary academic and professional skills who are prepared for purposeful lives and meaningful service. The University is informed and inspired by its Baptist heritage and three basic theological and biblical presuppositions: learning is appointed and conserved by God as essential to the fulfillment of human destiny; in Christ all things consist and find ultimate unity; and the Kingdom of God in this world is rooted and grounded in Christian community. The University embraces the conviction that there is...
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...MINI was born in 1959 in United Kingdom and became an independent brand of BMW group in 1994 by SIR Alec Issigonis (BMW Group, 2009) At the beginning it was an affordable iconic British car, now it has become a cool luxury car dominantly for a young segment. Its international marketing strategy is differentiated in a way that a brand is built up on the historical iconic image of Mini for the UK and associated market, but it is not associated with any values in the past for the US customers. Overall, Mini’s marketing strategy is considered to be innovative, creative, and sometimes “silly”, which is of great value for its young energetic target audience. Mini focused on group of young generation – up to thirty five years old, well-educated and wealthy background. Those people that want to be different and willing to pay a big amount of money to show their status and images. Mini has used “un-traditional” way to advertise its products. Only $20 million was spent on traditional media in 2012 such as television, compared to $80 million spent by its competitors Fiat. Under direction of BMW group, beside TV and Magazine advertising, an extensive amount around @20.7 million euro was spent on E-marketing to bring people awareness about the product. As it is a technology world today, the Yo ungers would prefer accessing the internet to search for wanted information, rather than sitting at home and watch television. In addition, customers can access and see the cars in a fancy...
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...*Changes may be made later with time. Brief Introduction Course Name Organizational Excellence through Quality Management Course Code: MMgt 5006 Instructor Dr. Muhammad Daniel Saeed Pirzada Semester Fall 2014 Credit Hours 3-0-3 Class Timings 6:00 – 9:00 P.M. (Every Wednesday) Instructors Telephone No(s). 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM (051) 9248839 Afternoons (051) 8432273Ext. 329 Email thepirzada@yahoo.com Teaching Assistant To be decided TA’s Email - Program Manager Mr. Engr Shahid Iqbal Email: shahid.iqbal@case.edu.pk CASE Telephone No. (051) 8432273, 8432250, 2278301 Visiting Hours: 5:00 – 6:00 P.M. (Every Wednesday or by appointment) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Brief Introduction 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 2. Brief Description of the Course 3 3. Pre-Requisite Knowledge 3 4. Objectives of This Course 3 5. Course Contents Detailed Distribution 3 6. Grade Distribution (Subject to change) 4 7. Misc. Instructions: 4 8. Websites/Links 4 9. Text Book(s) 4 10. Computer Tools 4 11. Teaching Methodology Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Instructor’s Profile 4 13. TA’s Introduction: 4 14. Final Comments: Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Yahoo Group: 4 Brief Description of the Course The course aims at introducing the revolutionary methods...
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...Soldiers Field Road Boston, MA 02163 Voice: (617) 495-8407 mtripsas@hbs.edu Preliminary Draft September, 2005 All authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order. The paper has benefited from comments made by seminar participants at the Harvard Business School. All remaining errors are ours. * Abandoning Innovation in Emerging Industries Abstract Existing models of industry evolution describe a smooth pattern of emergence over time in which the number of firms in an industry increases, hits a peak, decreases as a result of a shakeout, and then stabilizes as the industry reaches maturity. Although this model has been well-accepted and the basic empirical finding holds true across a range of industries, we propose that the finding is not as robust as is generally assumed. We introduce an alternative pattern of evolution in which, during the emergent stage, an industry experiences a sharp decrease in the number of firms – a “mini shakeout” – before increasing again, reaching a final peak and undergoing a major shakeout as described in the extant literature. Using panel data across multiple product innovations introduced in the 20th century, we first show the pervasiveness of the mini shakeout phenomena. We then examine why some industries are more likely to experience a mini shakeout. Finally, using detailed quantitative and qualitative data on the emergence of handheld computers and digital cameras, we investigate why some firms abandon...
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...MINI COOPER: MARKETING STRATEGY, DIGITAL MARKETING, BRAND & ETHICS 10.2478/cris-2013-0005 MINI COOPER: MARKETING STRATEGY, DIGITAL MARKETING, BRAND & ETHICS MARIIA MOISEIEVA The report is designed to examine, analyse, and evaluate where appropriately the current Mini Cooper’s marketing strategy, its digital marketing initiative, branding, and the importance of ethical values in Mini Cooper as well as other organisations. That is important for understanding of the practical applications of marketing is achieved by applying theory to them. It is determined that Mini’s marketing strategy has shifted in terms of targeting and brand positioning. As previously it was an affordable iconic British car, now it has become a cool luxury car dominantly for a young segment. Its international marketing strategy is differentiated in a way that a brand is built up on the historical iconic image of Mini for the UK and associated market, but it is not associated with any values in the past for the US customers. Overall, Mini’s marketing strategy is considered to be innovative, creative, and sometimes ‘silly’, which is of great value for its young energetic target audience. Digital marketing initiative also corresponds to the latest IT and social trends worldwide by ‘digitalising’ marketing initiatives and active social networking with the consumers. Brand is a core competence and ‘everything’ for Mini. Marketing is centered on its brand, not vice versa. An analysis of the Mini’s strategy...
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...D Disrupting Wall Street High Frequency Trading Case I, Group A6 13.10.2015 Case I: High Frequency Trading Group A6 1 1. Describe the current market structure and trends of US equities trading. The current US equity trading market structure can be evaluated from different perspectives. In light of the actual case study the focus of this brief analysis lies on the way how trades were respectively are actually pursued. Originally - until the late 1970s / early 1980s – trading took place on a physical trading floor. Brokers among floor traders and runners once populated the physical exchanges (Siddaiah, 2009). Nowadays the physical trading floors are not relevant anymore and solely exist as part of an historical brand identity (Ivey, 2014). However, even those traders still present at a physical trading floor, e.g. at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), rely on electronic support: quote filled computer screens provide information while electronic handhelds are used to eventually execute trades. Since the 1980s electronic trading constantly gained importance. Today virtually 100% of all trades are done electronically or at least with a remarkable amount of computer support. Special servers not only match ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ orders within fractions of a second but are also capable of confirming thousands of individual orders per second. Based on execution speed and power one can rank different electronic trading systems as follows1: (1) Direct Market...
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