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Minimum Wage In The United States

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When examining the topic of minimum wage, it is imperative that one has a basic understanding of the United States economy, as well as an understanding of basic monetary principles. The United States has a Capitalist economy, which means that the economy is owned by private investors rather than the government, and prices and production are determined by supply and demand. Inflation, another key term when discussing money, is, principally, the devaluing of currency. This inflation can happen several ways: first, the currency becomes less rare, making it worth less and less; second, an increase in the price of goods or services without an increase in the value. One example of the latter process would be increasing the cost of labor without increasing …show more content…
By raising the cost of hiring, the government would be forcing the economy to act as though demand has gone up and supply has gone down, when, in reality, nothing has changed. This causes the economy to crash, as the economy is built on supply and demand. Here is how supply and demand works for an economy as far as the job market: the price of low-skill jobs is low - as low as the minimum wage will allow - because there is a high supply and limited openings. There is a high supply because almost anyone could do these jobs, as they require little or no training. The demand, however, is limited because there are only so many of these jobs to be offered. With so few positions available, people who wish to be competitive in the job market will work for the highest rate the employer will offer, which, in this case, is minimum wage. On the other side, high-skill jobs, such as being a doctor, are in low supply, but high demand. There is a low supply because it is a long and difficult process to earn a license to practice medicine. However, everyone will need medical attention throughout their lives, so doctors are needed everywhere, creating a high demand. In an effort to gather the best doctors in a certain area, a doctor’s office will offer the doctors more money, because if they don’t, the doctors will go to a different establishment that does offer them more money (FEE, 2012). The process of supply and demand is how prices are decided in a Capitalist economy, including the prices of

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