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I Like Remi Analysis

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I liked Remi from France the most because his views on the world are strong and he thinks about how to improve it. He also thinks about how to help children who are being treated poorly. I like him because he wants to help the world at such a young age. I liked Remi because he was very honest about his responses and he added care and love to his answers which made me like him because he is a compassionate person.
I can relate to Remi because we think alike and we both think our countries should be doing more to help other countries less fortunate than us and we both want to change the world for the better.
I found Remi interesting because of the views he had on things for example Remi said, “there’s love you have for your family, there’s the …show more content…
My response is different to Kim’s because she wanted to change the weekend so that it’s longer whilst I would rather do something to help the world and make it a better place. I am grateful for my house, family, friends, fresh food and water. My response to this question is different to the Indian children as they are grateful for a place to live and friends that feel like family. Hearing the children say they were grateful for having a small place to live makes me even more grateful for the home I have because I now realise that I am lucky compared to other children and that I can be selfish for sometimes being ungrateful for my home. I get sad when I hear about war and bullying. This makes me sad because everyone should be equal and we shouldn’t have to fight and start a war just to feel equal. Bullying also makes me sad because I don’t think that anyone should be tormented and made upset because they are being themselves. My response to this is like both Billy and Sahrif’s responses because they both got affected by bullying and have previously been affected by it. The boys both said they hate bullying because they both wish that nobody would get bullied and tormented for being themselves which is almost identical to my

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