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The Importance Of Homelessness In San Diego

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San Diego Cityscape The city of San Diego has a thriving economy, vast tourist attractions, a plethora of beaches, boutique hotels, world renowned restaurants and all the best that Southern California and the West Coast has to offer, all in one place. For many residents and tourist, the sporadic presence of the more than 8,600 homeless strewn about the sidewalks, store fronts, parks, free-way on-ramps, and underpasses provide a visual atmosphere of discomfort and the perception that San Diego does not have adequate housing for all of its residents. (Regional Task Force on the Homeless [RTFHSD], 2016). In and around San Diego there are an excessive amount of single-level paved parking lots which detract from the appearance of a purposefully …show more content…
These factors must be considered on an individual basis to accurately ascertain those factors; to allow for the most efficient allocation of city funding, and efficient identification of city homeless demographic specific housing assistance and services that are needed. The factors that are specific to the San Diego area include: densely populated urban areas, year-round sunny weather, the lack of affordable/ low-income housing, the high cost of living, proximity to the U.S. border with Mexico, extensive access to beaches, and the overall appeal of San Diego as a place to live. These factors can vary depending on proximity to the city center of San Diego, and as you travel further from the city center some of these factors compound and become more prevalent, having even greater attribution to homelessness. Situated just 4.2 miles from the city center is a community called North Park where many of its residents have seen their community parks and playgrounds taken over by an ever-growing homeless population. Resident have even gone as far as contacting the local news stations and city council members about this growing concern. These concerns are being echoed by residents in communities in and around the San Diego area to include: The Gaslamp District, Hillcrest, Balboa Park, and City Heights where they too are seeing an influx in …show more content…
To truly understand homelessness, the specific circumstances that have brought them to this state of homelessness must be recognized, understood, and validated. With clear recognition, understanding and validation of the individual circumstances, then an only then can a positive impact be made to change that particular person’s state of homelessness. The National Alliance to End Homeless published an article titled “Opening the Bach Door: The Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness” which provides a sub-divided categorization of the different states of homelessness. These states of homelessness include: the situational or transitional homeless, the episodic or cyclical homeless and the chronically homeless. The situational or transitional homeless being those, who by circumstances related to the death of the primary financial provider in a home or the loss of a job, has left them with inadequate financial means to maintain a permanent residence. The episodic or cyclical homeless, being those persons who because of drug use, addiction, and/or mental issues fail to maintain or do not have the means or ability to attain adequate financially stable employment to maintain a permanent residence. Then there are the chronically homeless, being those who have spent extended time, usually three to five years living without adequate shelter or services to support or

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