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Max Ernst Research Paper

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Max Ernst (b 2 April 1891, d 1 April 1976) was a German painter, poet, and sculptor who played a major role in both the Dada movement and as a surrealist. Born in Bruhl in the Rhine valley, Ernst was early on affected by the brutal death of his older sister Maria. Even though he got a regular education, his way of thinking was different and special for his age since he was reading Karl May’s novels or French naturalist novels. His father found the first book Ernst wrote Manuel du Plongeur and his father decided to burn it. After graduating from high school, Ernst attended the University of Bonn to study philosophy, but he kept painting. In 1911, Ernst stopped going to university and started learning about modern art with his friend, August …show more content…
Once the war over, he married Louise Strauss and moved to Cologne where he decided to start the Dada movement with his friend Johan Theodor Baargeld and Arp and composed la Centrale W/3. The group collaborated with the Dada group in Paris and organized the Dada-Max Ernst exhibition in Paris in 1921. Illegally moving to Paris in 1922, Ernst stayed with Paul Eluard. He contributed to the art project Littérature where he made several vignettes for the catalog. In 1925, Ernst participated in the Surrealist Revolution. He also moved to Montmartre and had for neighbors Arp and Miro. A year later, he designed the stage of Romeo and Juliet for the Russian Ballet company in Paris. Ernst divorced his first wife and maries Marie-Berthe Aurenche. The Georges Bernheim gallery exposed fifty of Ernst artworks in 1928 on several of Ernst’s major themes such as birds, flowers, and forests. Two years later, Ernst plays a role in Dali’s movie L’Age d’or. He has his first exhibition in the United States in 1931 at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York. He held several exhibitions between 31 and 38 where he was declared a special advisor at the international Surrealist exhibition in

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