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Miranda V. Arizona Case Analysis

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Law enforcement officials elicit false confessions from people more often than I am sure many of them would care to admit. This outcome can often be attributed to the defendant’s incompetency about their rights upon arrest prior to interrogation. Following the ruling in Miranda v. Arizona (1966) at the time of arrest, law enforcement officials are required to inform the defendant of their Miranda rights before the officers can interrogate the defendants, these rights are as followed;
You have the right to remain silent, if you give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. You may to invoke these rights at any time.
These rights may seem simple and easily understood; however, research suggests that even educated undergraduate students have misconceptions regarding the Miranda rights. If well-educated individuals have misconceptions about their rights, how can we expect criminals with the average education level of less than a high …show more content…
Texas (2013) states that prosecutors can use a defendant’s silence against them if it comes prior to the defendant being read his or her Miranda rights. The Fifth Amendment does not protect these defendants from self-incrimination unless the defendant expressly invokes the privilege against such incrimination in response to the officer’s questions. This ruling I feel like is unfair, because for someone that may know they have the right to remain silent, they may not know that unless expressly stating that they are invoking that right their silence can back fire against them in a court of law. However, I also see how the ruling can help get a conviction by using a person’s silence to incriminating questions as an indication that the defendant chose to stay silent to not incriminate himself or

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