Premium Essay

Mis, It System


Submitted By Monnz211
Words 331
Pages 2
Question 1:
What systems are described here? What valuable information do they provide?
IT/IS System
1. Digital form: The Company had to establish several infrastructural components such as the computer network, backup system and security policy this enabled the implementation of various systems including time and attendance systems this has saved a lot of lost working hours and has been linked to the ERP.
2. Website – Having an attractive and informative website has become a major need .the website helps many functional departments including marketing HR, sales, and customers services.
3. ERP (Enterprise Resource planning) system: the company has picked Oracle E-business Suite after meeting planning what would really fit their needs. The modules chosen to help automate the business processes were: Oracle financials, inventory management, manufacturing sales and marketing, order management and procurement. CEO and it consultant involvement in the project steering committee and adequate training and change management .
Question 2:
What are the risks facing El-Alamein in implementing the ERP system? How do you evaluate the actions taken from their side to mitigate those risk factors?
A. The company has identified key persons from all the functional areas who will act as change agents and take responsibility of persuading other employees of the importance of the system
B. Train users to use the new system and understand how the business process will be affected.
They have fostered end-user project participation by involving more employees than just senior management in the decision, analysis and implementation. Question3:
What value did the IT/IS /investments add to El-Alamein?
After two years of implementing various technologies ,El-Alamein has reduced investment risks, strengthened process integrations improved productivity and enhanced

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