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Create an original Code of Ethics for your company or organization; a fictitious company or organization. Codes of conduct for military do not qualify for this assignment.
Include the following:  Guiding principles
 Purpose of the code
 Core values
 Training and education
 Definitions
 What employees it covers
 How it will be implemented/communicated
 How it will be enforced and reported
 Mission statement
 Other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive Code of Ethics

Include a short introduction and background of the company/organization
Include a summary of the Code in your paper.

This assignment must be 6-8 pages in length. The title page and reference pages are not included in the required paper length.
Use the APA format; APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. The paper should contain at least three references in addition to the textbook and may include Internet sources, books, and professional journals or other pertinent resources. Do not copy or plagiarize others materials. Use references less than four years old.

Submit a comprehensive outline by e-mail to the professor for approval prior to initiating writing. Points can be deducted if your assignment is submitted without an approved outline.
"The very exercise of developing a code is in itself worthwhile; it forces a large number of think through in a fresh way their mission and the important obligations they as a group and as individuals have with respect to society as a whole."
(DeGeorge, Richard T. Military Ethics: A Code of Ethics for Officers. Washington: National Defense University Press, 1987.)
Company Introduction


1. Guiding principles
The code of ethics you create communicates the company's philosophy to employees, vendors, customers, clients and the public {}

Solicit input from employees when you create the code of ethics.(consider where to put)

2. Purpose of the code : The purpose of a code of ethics is to implement the necessary values of an organization. To establish reliability, respect, and accountability with each individual employee. A code of ethics reinforces the morals of a company which bounds the organization to a commitment and promise to its employees to uphold those principles.

3. Core values: these values should be the backbone of the company. Values like integrity, honesty, commitment, leadership, respect, community, and fun. Core values give the organization character. It gives its employees a sense of value and belief in their company.

Think about ethical issues: Think about the ethical dilemmas that face not only your company, but also its competitors. These ethical issues vary by industry, and it is important to directly address them in the company's code of ethics. For example, a clothing manufacturer could pledge not cut off ties with vendors who use child labor {}

4. Training and education : Training should be conducted upon adoption of a compliance program and/or immediately upon hiring a new employee. Training should be repeated frequently, and at least annually, thereafter to make sure employees remain mindful of their compliance obligations and to capture changes in applicable law or facility compliance policy. New employees should be scheduled for compliance program training no more than 30 days after beginning employment. For employees with certain responsibilities, such as patient care or patient billing, training should be provided before employees are allowed to assume those rules, as applicable.

Training Employees on the Employee Standards and Code of Conduct {}

5. Definitions:

6. What employees it covers:

7. How it will be implemented/communicated

8. How it will be enforced and reported

9. Mission statement

10. Other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a comprehensive Code of Ethics

Make sure the code of ethics directly addresses hiring practices nd the outlets for perceived grievances. {} * Why code of ethics: to define accepted/acceptable behaviours; * to promote high standards of practice; * to provide a benchmark for members to use for self evaluation; * to establish a framework for professional behaviour and responsibilities; * as a vehicle for occupational identity; * as a mark of occupational maturity;"

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