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Submitted By perthachy
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Pages 13
This template has been developed to complement the Queensland Government Information Standards. The information contained in this document may be used as additional reference material by Queensland Government agencies when managing software. Agencies should consider the information provided as reference material and interpret it in the context of their own agency methodologies.

ISO/IEC 19770-1 Audit Checklist
This checklist has been developed to be used in conjunction with ISO/IEC19770-1 Information technology – Software asset management – Part1: Processes (the ISO Standard), and should not be used in isolation from this Standard. The checklist has been developed to assist agencies to perform self-audits to monitor their progress towards best practice in software license management.
The checklist outlines elements that should be met in order to be fully compliant with the ISO Standard. It may be used by Agencies to guide where improvements can be made in managing software licensing. Each element may be audited separately to check on progress towards maturity in specifically targeted areas, however, compliance with all element will ensure that the agency is aligned with industry best practice in software license management.
The ‘Evidence’ section of the checklist outlines possible evidence that auditors may consider when evaluating level of compliance. This list can be modified to reflect individual agency requirements and is not intended as an exhaustive list.
This checklist includes elements that may not be relevant to every agency, and fall outside the requirements of IS45 – for example, Software Development Process. However, as they form part of ISO/IEC19770-1 they have been included in the checklist.
The timeframes and documentation requirements detailed in the checklist are those specified by ISO/IEC 19770-1. Agencies may choose to modify the audit schedule, and/or to limit their documentation, but should be aware that in doing so will not be considered to be operating at industry best practice levels.
The checklist mirrors the layout of the ISO Standard, and includes the section numbering of the ISO Standard in brackets.
|Date of Audit: |Auditor/s: |
|Description |Evidence |Comment |
|Corporate Governance for SAM (4.2.2) |
|Clear corporate statement including: |existing software contracts based | |
|legal entity or parts of legal entity included in scope |on specific organizational scope; | |
|specific single body or individual that has overall corporate |existence of ICT boards | |
|management responsibility for that entity or parts of that | | |
|entity | | |
|Responsibility for corporate governance of software and related |Hard copies of ICT Board | |
|assets formally recognized by corporate board or equivalent body|statements, meeting minutes | |
|Regulations and guidelines for software use identified and |procedures; audit reports | |
|documented and reviewed at least annually | | |
|Assessment of risks and management specified mitigation | | |
|approaches, documented, updated annually and approved by the | | |
|Board or equivalent, covering at least: | | |
|risk of regulatory non-compliance | | |
|risk of licensing non-compliance | | |
|risk of interruption of operations that may result from | | |
|inadequate SAM | | |
|risk of excessive spending on licensing and other IT support | | |
|risk of centralized v non-centralized management approaches for | | |
|software and related assets | | |
|risk associated with different countries of operation | | |
|Management objectives of SAM are approved by corporate board or |SAM manual, position paper or | |
|equivalent body, and reviewed at least annually. |similar | |
|Roles and Responsibilities for SAM (4.2.3) |
|The role of the SAM owner is clearly defined, and include |SAM manual, PD’s, Roles and | |
|responsibilities for: |Responsibilities statement, SAM | |
|proposing management objectives for SAM |project plan | |
|Overseeing the development of the SAM plan | | |
|Obtaining resources for implementing the approved SAM plan | | |
|Delivering results against the SAM plan | | |
|Local roles and responsibilities for corporate governance of | | |
|software and related assets are documented and assigned to | | |
|specified individuals. | | |
|Responsibilities assigned include: | | |
|obtaining resources for implementing the SAM plan | | |
|delivering results against the SAM plan | | |
|adopting and implementing necessary policies, procedures and | | |
|processes | | |
|maintaining accurate records of software and related assets | | |
|ensuring management and technical approvals are required for | | |
|procurement, deployment and control of software assets | | |
|managing contracts, supplier relationships and internal customer| | |
|relationships | | |
|identifying and implementing improvements | | |
|Responsibilities are communicated to all parts of the | | |
|organization | | |
|Policies, processes and procedures for SAM (4.2.4) |
|Demonstrated structured approach to creating, reviewing, |Usually part of agency wide | |
|approving, issuing and controlling policies, processes and |document control system, not | |
|procedures |unique to SAM | |
|Policies and procedures organized by, or cross reference, | | |
|process classification in 19770 | | |
|Documented policies covering at minimum: |Review documents to ensure all | |
|Individual and corporate responsibilities for corporate |aspects are included. May be | |
|governance of software and related assets |embedded in other documents and | |
|restrictions on personal use of corporate assets and related |policies | |
|software | | |
|requirement for compliance with legal and regulatory | | |
|requirements, including copyright and data protection | | |
|procurement requirements | | |
|approvals for software installation or use of software whether | | |
|purchased or not | | |
|disciplinary implications of violation of these policies | | |
|Policies communicated to all personnel in a way which: |Documentation can be in any form | |
|Reaches all new personnel when they start |of medium, and may be in | |
|Continuing personnel at least annually |consolidated documents, such as | |
|Requires positive acknowledgement |Code of Conduct | |
|Readily accessible at all times | | |
|Competence in SAM (4.2.5) |
|A review is documented and updated at least annually which |Review and audit records, training| |
|covers the availability and uptake of training and certification|schedules and registers, audit | |
|by personnel with SAM responsibilities for: |records, software licence | |
|SAM in general |registers | |
|Licensing for software manufacturers whose software is being | | |
|used | | |
|Annual review of “proof of licence” |Review records | |
|Personnel with SAM responsibilities receive training in SAM and |Training records and registers, | |
|in relevant licensing including both initial training and formal|roles and responsibilities | |
|continuing education annually |registers | |
|Annual review to ascertain what guidance is available from |Review records | |
|software manufacturers to enable compliance with their licences.| | |
|Planning for SAM (4.3.2) |
|Management objectives for SAM are developed and documented and |An appropriate level of automation| |
|updated at least annually, and include: |should be implemented to ensure | |
|clear scope statement |that processes do not become | |
|clear specification of policies, processes and procedures are |inefficient, error prone, or not | |
|required for assets in scope |followed. | |
|clear explanation of the approach to managing, auditing and |Audit schedules, monthly reports, | |
|improving SAM |scope and specification documents,| |
|explanation of the approach to be used in identifying, assessing|implementation plans | |
|and managing issues and risks related to defined objectives | | |
|schedules and responsibilities for periodic activities, | | |
|including management reports and performance of verification and| | |
|compliance activities | | |
|identification of resources including budget | | |
|performance measures for tracking accomplishment against SAM | | |
|plan, including target measures | | |
|Plan approved by corporate body |Implementation plan | |
|Implementation of SAM (4.3.3) |
|Mechanisms in place to collect information about changes, issues|Issues and risk registers | |
|and risks | | |
|Regular status reports (at least quarterly) detailing overall |Check reports go to Board or | |
|progress against SAM plan |equivalent | |
|Follow-up on variances is prompt and documented |Issues and risks reports, | |
| |corrective action registers, or | |
| |similar | |
|Monitoring and review of SAM (4.3.4) |
|Formal review conducted at least annually: |Annual audit reports, verification| |
|Are management objectives for SAM and the SAM plan being |conformance reports, SLA’s | |
|achieved? | | |
|Summarize performance against all performance measures specified| | |
|in SAM plan and SLA’s related to SAM | | |
|summary of findings of Conformance verification | | |
|check policies effectively disseminated and implemented | | |
|throughout agency | | |
|summarize exceptions and actions | | |
|identify opportunities for improvement | | |
|Continual Improvement of SAM (4.3.5) | | |
|Mechanism in place to collect and record suggested improvements | | |
|in SAM arising from all sources throughout the year. | | |
|Suggestions for improvement are periodically assessed, | | |
|prioritized and approved for incorporation in SAM implementation| | |
|and improvement plans | | |
|Software Asset Identification (4.4.2) |
|Types of assets to be controlled and the information associated | | |
|with them are formally defined. | | |
|A register of stores and inventories exists, clarifying which | | |
|stores and types of information are held | | |
|Software Asset Inventory Management (4.2.3) |
|Policies and procedures for management and maintenance of |Policy & procedure documents; | |
|inventories and physical/electronic stores: |access logs, secure sites | |
|protection from unauthorized access, change or corruption | | |
|disaster recovery | | |
|Inventories exist of: |Inventories, including package | |
|All platforms on which software assets can be installed and run |versions, update/patch status of | |
|All authorized software |software, platforms | |
|Underlying licences and effective full licences held | | |
|Inventories and physical stores for: |DSL should include master versions| |
|Software (DSL) |and distribution copies, hard-copy| |
|Software builds and releases |and electronic contracts | |
|Contracts relating to software assets | | |
|Methods exist to determine licence usage based on criteria other|Inventories, metering results and | |
|than software installation |reports, pc counts, number of | |
| |users etc | |
|Documented arrangements to ensure continued availability of | | |
|sources listed above | | |
|Inventory reports produced has clear description including |Hard copies of reports | |
|identity, purpose, details of data source | | |
|Software Asset Control (4.2.4) |
|Audit trail is maintained of changes made to software and |Audit trail should include change | |
|related assets |in status, location, custodianship| |
| |and version | |
|Policies and procedures for development, maintenance and |Check Policy and procedures exist | |
|management of software versions, images/builds and releases |and are current | |
|Policies and procedures for baseline of appropriate assets is |These policies and procedures must| |
|taken before release of software to live environment |ensure that baseline is taken in a| |
| |manner that can be used for | |
| |subsequent checking against actual| |
| |deployment | |
|Software Asset Record Verification (4.5.2) |
|Procedures for software asset verification process include: |Check procedures are current; | |
|At least quarterly reconciliation |check inventory logs; corrective | |
|Hardware inventory including locations at least 6 monthly |action registers; check licence | |
|Inventory of software programs verified at least 6 monthly |pools, physical contractual | |
|Inventory of software builds verified at least 6 monthly |documentation for accuracy | |
|Physical store of pool of proof of licence documentation | | |
|verified at least annually | | |
|Effective licences verified at least annually | | |
|Physical store of contractual documentation verified at least | | |
|annually | | |
|Contracts inventory verified at least annually | | |
|Follow up corrective actions on discrepancies or issues | | |
|documented | | |
|Software Licensing Compliance (4.5.3) |
|Procedures for software licensing compliance that include: |Ensure this included particular | |
|reconciliation at least quarterly between effective licences and|licence requirements based on | |
|licences owned |other than installed copies, such | |
|discrepancies identified promptly recorded, analysed and root |as server access rights inventory | |
|caused determined |logs | |
|Follow up actions prioritized and executed |check corrective action registers | |
| |or similar | |
|Software Asset Security Compliance (4.5.4) |
|Actual practice against policy is reviewed at least annually |Should include access controls on | |
| |software definitive master | |
| |versions and distribution copies | |
| |of software; installation/user | |
| |rights specified by user or user | |
| |group | |
|Follow up actions prioritized and executed |check corrective action registers | |
| |or similar | |
|Conformance Verification for SAM (4.5.5) |
|Policies and procedures which ensure verification at least on |Internal Audit procedures should | |
|sample basis annually against ALL requirements specified. |include SAM; audit schedules; | |
| |audit reports | |
|Documentary evidence exists that demonstrates verification |Corrective action registers and | |
|procedures are being performed and corrective follow up action |reports; internal audit reports | |
|being taken | | |
|Relationship and Contract Management for SAM (4.6.2) |
|Policies and procedures include: |Check policies and procedures – | |
|Definitions of responsibilities for supplier management |may be embedded in other | |
|Ensure invitations to tender include considerations for SAM |processes. | |
|Formal documented review at least 6 monthly of supplier |Check invitation to tender | |
|performance, achievements and issues |documents | |
| |Check for documented conclusions | |
| |and follow up of reviews to | |
| |include actions taken | |
|Policies and procedures include: |Check policies and procedures – | |
|Responsibilities for managing customer-side business |may be embedded in other | |
|relationships with respect to software and related assets and |processes. | |
|services |Check for documented conclusions | |
|Formal review at least annually of current and future software |and follow up of reviews to | |
|requirements of customers and business |include actions taken | |
|Formal documented reviews at least annually of service provider | | |
|performance, customer satisfaction, achievements and issues | | |
|Policies and procedures include: |Check policies and procedures – | |
|Ensuring contractual details are recorded in an on-going |may be embedded in other | |
|contract management system |processes. | |
|Hard copies of signed contractual documentation to be held |Check for documented conclusions | |
|securely in document management system |and follow up of reviews to | |
|Documented reviews at least 6 monthly and also prior to contract|include actions taken. | |
|expiry. |May be either a manual or | |
| |electronic system | |
|Financial Management for SAM (4.6.3) |
|Definitions of financial information relevant to the management |Asset types used in financial | |
|of software and related assets are agreed and documented |management should be aligned with | |
| |or mapped to the asset types used | |
| |in SAM if they are different | |
|Formal budgets are developed for acquisition of software |ICT planning and budget documents | |
|Actual expenditure on software assets is accounted against |This should include related | |
|budget |infrastructure and support costs | |
|Software asset values financial information documented and | | |
|readily available | | |
|Formal documented reviews at least quarterly of actual | | |
|expenditure against budget | | |
|Service Level Management for SAM (4.6.4) |
|SLAs and supporting agreements to include: |Check SLA’s, either in hardcopy or| |
|Services relating to software acquisition, installation, moves, |electronic | |
|and changes – with SL targets and workload characteristics |These SLA’s may cover more than | |
|Customer and user obligations and responsibilities defined or |just the SAM elements | |
|referenced from SLA | | |
|Actual workloads and service levels against targets for SAM are |Check reports, registers | |
|reported at least quarterly and reasons for non-conformance | | |
|documented | | |
|Reviews at least quarterly of performance against service levels|Check reports, registers | |
|Security Management for SAM (4.6.5) |
|Formal policy developed regarding security/access restrictions | | |
|to all SAM resources, including physical/electronic stores of | | |
|software | | |
|Access controls are specified, both physical and logical, to | | |
|enforce the approval requirements of SAM policies | | |
|Documentary evidence that controls are implemented in practice |Access logs, registers | |
|Change Management Process (4.7.2) |
|Formal process for change management that includes: | | |
|Change requests identified and recorded | | |
|Change requests are assessed for possible impacts, prioritized | | |
|and approved by the responsible management | | |
|The change is made only in accordance with the approval | | |
|All changes affecting software or related assets or services or | | |
|SAM processes are recorded | | |
|The success or failure of changes is documented and reviewed | | |
|Acquisition Process (4.7.3) |
|Standard architectures are defined for the provision of software| | |
|services | | |
|Standard software configurations are defined, as are the | | |
|criteria for deviating from those standards | | |
|Policies and procedures for requisitioning and ordering software| | |
|and related assets, include: | | |
|How requirements are specified | | |
|Management and technical approvals required | | |
|Use/redeployment of existing licenses if available | | |
|Recording future purchase requirements in those cases where | | |
|software can be deployed before reporting and payment | | |
|Policies and procedures for receipt processing functions related|This may include checking | |
|to software and related assets, include: |authenticity of proof of licence | |
|Processing invoices, reconciliations and retention of copies for|Include safe keeping of both | |
|licence management purposes |physical and electronic copies | |
|Ensuring receipt and safe keeping of valid proof of licence | | |
|Processing incoming media – verification, record-keeping and | | |
|safe keeping | | |
|Software Development Process (4.7.4) |
|Formal process for software development that includes | | |
|consideration of: | | |
|Standard architectures and standard configurations | | |
|Licence constraints and dependencies | | |
|Formal process for software development ensuring software | | |
|products are placed under software asset control | | |
|Software Release Management Process (4.7.5) |
|Formal process for release management enduring: | | |
|Controlled acceptance environment is used to build and test all | | |
|proposed releases, including patches, prior to release | | |
|Frequency and type of releases are planned and agreed with | | |
|business and customers, including frequency of security patch | | |
|release | | |
|Planned release dates and deliverables are recorded with | | |
|references to related change requests | | |
|Release of software and related assets is approved by the | | |
|responsible management | | |
|Success or failure of releases is recorded and periodically | | |
|reviewed | | |
|Software Deployment Process (4.7.6) |
|Policies and procedures for installing and distributing software|Check procedure documents | |
|include: |Check deployment plans and back | |
|Distribution of software and related assets is approved by |out plans | |
|responsible management |Check security logs and registers | |
|Back out procedures or method of remediation in place for each |DSL’s and registers | |
|deployment |Deployment sign offs | |
|Security requirements are complied with |Deployment logs (either manual or | |
|Changes to status of the relevant software and related assets |electronic) | |
|are recorded accurately and on a timely basis |Audit logs | |
|Documented control to verify that what was deployed is the same | | |
|as what was authorised. | | |
|Success or failure of deployments is recorded and periodically | | |
|reviewed. | | |
|Incident Management Process (4.7.7) |
|Formal process of incident management which includes: |This may be included as part of a | |
|All incidents that affect software or related assets or SAM |larger incident management process| |
|processes are recorded and classified as to their priority | | |
|resolution | | |
|All such incidents are resolved in accordance with their | | |
|priority for resolution, and resolution documented | | |
|Problem Management Process (4.7.8) |
|Formal process of problem management which includes: | | |
|All incidents that affect software or related assets or services| | |
|or SAM processed are recorded and classified as to their impact | | |
|High priority and repeat incidents are analyzed for the | | |
|underlying causes and prioritized for resolution | | |
|Underlying causes are documented and communicated to incident | | |
|management | | |
|Problems are resolved in accordance with their priority, and | | |
|resolution recorded and communicated to incident management | | |
|Problem Management Process (4.7.9) |
|Policies and procedures for securely retiring software or | | |
|hardware on which software is installed include: | | |
|Deployed copies of software are removed from retired hardware | | |
|Licenses and other assets which can be redeployed are identified| | |
|for redeployment | | |
|Any assets transferred to other parties take into account | | |
|confidentiality, licensing or other contractual requirements | | |
|Licensed and other assets which cannot be redeployed are | | |
|properly disposed of | | |
|Records are updated to reflect the changes and audit trails | | |
|maintained | | |
| |
|Corrective Action/Improvement Suggestions Raised: |
|No. |Details |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|Auditor: |Signature: |
|Responsible Manager: |Signature: |

Document Control

Document Details
|Document Name |ISO/IEC 19770-1 Audit Checklist |
|Version Number |V0.1 |
|Author |SLM Program, QGCIO |
|Contact Details |Iris Taylor (07) 3238 3597 |
|Document Status | |Draft |x |DPW Release | |Final Version |

Version Control
|Version Number |Date |Reason/Comments |
|V0.1 |14th March 2007 |First Draft |
| | | |
| | | |

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...Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների հոգեբանություն 1. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների զգայական ոլորտի զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 2. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների ուշադրության զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 3. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների պատկերավոր հիշողության զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 4. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների բառային հիշողության զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 5. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների երևակայության զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 6. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների ինքնագնահատականի ուսումնասիրությունը: 7. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների մտածողության հասկացական ձևերի զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 8. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների բառային խոսքի զարգացման առանձնահատկությունների գնահատումը: 9. Ժեստերի լեզվի և մատնախոսության հոգեբանական վերլուծությունը 10. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների հույզերի զարգացման գնահատումը: 11. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների սոցիալական հույզերի և զգացմունքների զարգացման գնահատումը: 12. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների միջանձնային հարաբերությունների գնահատումը: 13. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների մտածողության ակնառու ձևերի զարգացման յուրահատկությունների գնահատումը: 14. Չլսող դեռահասների անձի զարդացման առանձնահատկությունների հետազոտման մեթոդիկաներ: 15. Լսողության խանգարում ունեցող երեխաների առարկայական գործունեության...

Words: 263 - Pages: 2

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...CS782 Assignment No. 2 The SuperTraining Corporation recognizes that, despite high unemployment, there are a significant number of jobs for people who can operate sophisticated machinery such as numerically controlled machines. SuperTraining’s business is training people to operate contemporary factory machinery. Courses vary but they all last at least six months, full time, and they frequently involve mathematics. SuperTraining’s business includes advertising, tuition finance counseling, hands-on training sites, distance education, internships, and placement. Suppose that you are responsible for IT at SuperTraining, and that you are also expected to participate in business decisions at the highest levels of the company. You are free to add assumptions and details concerning SuperTraining provided that they are consistent with the description above and provided that you specify what these are. Describe the relevance and application of six of the topics in the online notes this week as they apply to SuperTraining. A “topic” here corresponds to a section or subsection of the notes. “Application” above refers to the manner in which the topic is applied in this company. In responding to these questions, seek material additional to the online notes (the text, the Web, books) that supports each topic. Number the sections in your homework 1 through 8, make the section headings as follows. The sections of your response should be as follows. Section 1 Why I...

Words: 822 - Pages: 4

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...|Individual |Resource: Evaluating the Research Process Grading Criteria. |1-23-14 |135 | |Evaluating the Research |Select one of the articles collected in the Week One Annotated Bibliography assignment. | | | |Process |Write a 1,400- to -1,750-word paper that evaluates the research process within your chosen | | | | |article. | | | | |Explain the research process and what you can assume from the study from the following | | | | |perspectives: | | | | | | | | | |How is the literature review used in this research? | | | | |What are ethical considerations for data collection? | | | | |What is the data telling us in...

Words: 902 - Pages: 4

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...Complication: Crescordia is at a crossroads, trying to decide whether or not to adopt the disposable fixation device. This question has come about due to their market share erosion, as the company currently does not offer a resorbable product line. Innostat offers a resorbable product (albeit, in the early stages of development) and gaining market share in both product lines. The decision of whether or not to enter the resorbables market now is a crucial question we should address. This decision will not only impact the current line of business but also the well being of the company as a whole in the future. Resolution: Crescordia needs to enter the resorbables market in order to stay afloat due to the fact that the current fixation device industry is shifting towards this new technology. The segment of the resorbables market that we should dive into should be the pediatrics sector. Typically, the pediatrics market has been viewed as a taboo market to experiment in, however the benefits of successfully operating with resorbables is valued very highly by the child patients, the doctors, and the industry as a whole. This market, if entered correctly, has a potential to have an extremely high return. To begin with, the customers of the resorbables are already demanding the products from the manufacturers. The doctors literally are asking the CEO when this product will be available to use in surgeries. The demand thus far has been unmet, and this creates a huge opportunity for...

Words: 330 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay


...Journal three: The Cold War was a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union that began after World War II, in 1947. Although the nations never physically fought each other, they continued to exchange deadly threats for decades. This war marked a clear difference between American and Soviet traditions and their needs and interests after the war. America saw Stalin as untrustworthy as a result of refusing to hold free elections in countries occupied by the Soviet army after the war, even though the agreement had stated otherwise. This ultimately was a red flag for the west, they believed that Stalin would try to take over the world using force, because Communist ideology explicitly stated that Communism would ultimately consume all other forms of government and take over the entire world. Many Americans were against communism and thought it restricted rights and freedoms of the people, and free elections was a custom of the nation. In contrast, Soviets did not trust American, especially after they were consciously not informed of the Manhattan Project, or the building of an atomic bomb. Then after tragically succeeding in the bombing of Japan, America refused to share this new technology with USSR. As a result Soviets were afraid the United States might start a new war and use this technology against them. Overall, the clash of interests between these two nations existed primarily as a result of the west favoring democratically elected governments and independent...

Words: 360 - Pages: 2

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...Strayer University Ajax Minerals and Perrier HRM 560 Managing Organizational Change By Susan Rivera Richards Submitted to Dr. Paul Jaikaran Spring 2015 1. Identify two (2) sources of resistance to change in the Ajax Minerals exercise and describe how the organization dealt with each type of resistance. Reaction to the Experience of Previous Change. It is based on previous experience of organizational change. In the Ajax Mineral scenario, the Company had issues with management when it came to changes within the company. The company had history with poor management (labor relations). When management asked employees to do things, the workers became very suspicious. They thought management was up to dishonesty. Expressions of Resistance and Management Responses. The Ajax management understood the situation so they responded by planning an interactive sessions which consists of General Manager, Managers and Employees. In the session, management used different stories of various companies. They faced similar cases suffered badly due to the inability to respond to competitive forces. 2. Identify two (2) sources of resistance to change in the Perrier case study and describe how the organization dealt with each type of resistance. Disagreement with the way the change is being managed and Discomfort with uncertainty. The company was close to bankruptcy until a company called Nestles took over Perrier. The company started to struggle with profits....

Words: 863 - Pages: 4

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...30017 - FINANZA AZIENDALE/CORPORATE FINANCE CLEF (8 cfu - I sem. - OB | SECS-P/09) Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento/Course Director: MAURIZIO DALLOCCHIO Obiettivi formativi del corso Il corso affronta ed approfondisce i temi fondamentali della finanza d'azienda: dall'analisi alla pianificazione finanziaria, dalla valutazione degli investimenti e dei finanziamenti alle scelte di struttura finanziaria e infine si pone cenno alle operazioni di finanza straordinaria. L'obiettivo del corso è di introdurre gli studenti nel mondo della finanza d'azienda, fornendo loro la comprensione sia dei principali modelli teorici che delle loro principali applicazioni nelle realtà aziendali. A tal fine, a lezioni in cui vengono esposti e commentati - con continui riferimenti alle notizie economicofinanziarie più recenti - i modelli della moderna teoria della finanza si alternano sessioni dedicate allo studio di casi e a testimonianze aziendali. Programma sintetico del corso Parte prima: Logiche e strumenti di analisi e pianificazione finanziaria    Gli obiettivi della finanza d'azienda e i fondamenti di teoria del valore. L'analisi finanziaria come strumento di gestione manageriale e di comunicazione al mercato. La pianificazione finanziaria nel breve e nel lungo periodo: dal budget di cassa al piano finanziario. Parte seconda: Introduzione alla finanza operativa   Il capitale circolante: dimensioni, rilevanza e modalità di gestione. La gestione del credito commerciale...

Words: 590 - Pages: 3

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Mmm and Mmmm

...Actions “Just Lather, That’s All” and “The Fifty-First Dragon” 1Actions can often portray a person’s needs, wants, and hopes. 2“Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Tellez and “The Fifty-First Dragon” by Christopher Morley are two stories that convey that the two protagonist’s actions display how they feel. 3Both stories prove how their actions reveal what is on their minds, even though their situations are completely divergent. 4Allthough each of these short stories speak about the actions of the protagonists; this paragraph will analyze the difference between the two. 5Each character in both story are given a problem, and they act very differently. 6Gawaine plays a young dragon slayer in “The Fifty-First Dragon”, and from the fact that he can slaughter a living creature in a single, mocking swing of his sword, we can tell that he doesn’t care for the well-being of the dragon, and only focuses on his fame and glory that exceeds from his sinful act. 7In the story “Just Lather, That’s All” the Barber thinks long and hard before deciding whether to, or not to murder the cruel general that sits comfortably in the barber chair, within the barber’s reach. 8Nervousness proves whether the person has the ability to commit a hasty decision, or to back away slowly. 9Gawaine swings his sword and slices through each dragon without any fear at all. 10Gawaine is evidently different than the Barber whose hands evidently tremble from his anxiety. 11Although the Barber would seem timid...

Words: 452 - Pages: 2

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...llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. Level 1 Heading AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. Level 2 Heading AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn oooo pppp qqqq rrrr sssss tttt uuuu vvvv wwww xxxx yyyy zzzz. AAA bbb cccc dddd eeee ffff gggg hhhh iiii jjjj kkkk llll mmmm nnnn...

Words: 1267 - Pages: 6

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Idk Why Its Making Medo This

...Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm m Mmmmmmm mm mmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mmm mm m m m mmmm mmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm...

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