...Application For Naturalization USCIS Form N-400 Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services For USCIS Use Only Date Stamp Receipt OMB No. 1615-0052 Expires 09/30/2015 Action Block Remarks Type or print all your answers in black ink. Type or print "N/A" if an item is not applicable or the answer is "none" unless otherwise indicated. Failure to answer all of the questions may delay USCIS processing your Form N-400. NOTE: You must complete Parts 1. - 14. Part 1. Information About Your Eligibility (Check only one box or your Form N-400 may be delayed) Enter Your 9 Digit A-Number: ► A- You are at least 18 years old and 1. Have been a Permanent Resident of the United States for at least 5 years. 2. Have been a Permanent Resident of the United States for at least 3 years. In addition, you have been married to and living with the same U.S. citizen spouse for the last 3 years, and your spouse has been a U.S. citizen for the last 3 years at the time of filing your Form N-400. 3. Are a Permanent Resident of the United States, and you are the spouse of a U.S. citizen, and your U.S. citizen spouse is regularly engaged in specified employment abroad. (Section 319(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act) 4. Are applying on the basis of qualifying military service. 5. Other (explain): Part 2. Information About You (Person applying for naturalization) 1. Your Current Legal Name (do...
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...LEADERS BOOK INDEX CHAPTER 1. PERSONNEL DATA 2. BATTLE FOCUS 3. EQUIPMENT DATA 4. TRAINING MANAGEMENT 5. SCHEDULED EVENTS 6. PHONE LISTINGS 7. REFERENCES CHAPTER 1 PERSONNEL DATA 1. DAILY PERSONNEL STATUS 2. PERSONNEL ASSET INVENTORY STATUS 3. PERSONNEL DATA DAILY PERSONNEL STATUS DATE: ___________ AUTHORIZED: OFF: ______ NCO: ______ ENL:______ TOTAL: ______ ASSIGNED: OFF: ______ NCO: ______ ENL:______ TOTAL: ______ PRESENT FOR DUTY: OFF: ______ NCO: ______ ENL:______ TOTAL: ______ TDY:_____ STATE SIDE LEAVE: ______ PASS: ______ IN CITY LV: _______ OFF CQ/SDN CO: ______ ON CQ/SDNCO: _____ IN PROCESSING: ______ OUT PROCESSING: ______ PROFILE: _______ HOSPITAL: ______ APT: ______ CON LEAVE: _______ KIA: ______ WIA: ______ MIA: ______ AWOL: ______ DAILY PERSONNEL STATUS DATE: ______ RANK NAME STATUS ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________ ________ ______ ________________________________...
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...______________________________ Verified against: DIBAR E-Retakers OEVS For Processor ONLY CSC Regional Office ______________________________ Date of Examination (mm/dd/yyyy) ID PHOTO (see Specifications at the back) Last Examination Taken : (for Career Service Examination Applicants only) CSE-SubProfessional CSE-Professional Date of Exam (mm/dd/yyyy) Instructions : READ ADMISSION AND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AT THE BACK PAGE. DO NOT APPLY IF NOT QUALIFIED. Fill in all the required information. DO NOT leave an item blank. If item is not applicable, indicate “N/A”. All applications must be filed PERSONALLY by applicant. NAME (Last Name) (First Name) CSID NO. (if any) (Middle Name) (M.I.) (Ext. Name, i.e. Jr./Sr., if any) A. FACTS OF BIRTH AGE DATE OF BIRTH (mm/dd/yyyy) SEX Male PLACE OF BIRTH Female ( Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) (City / Municipality) (Province) (Country) CITIZENSHIP MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME B. CURRENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA PERMANENT/MAILING ADDRESS (Room / Floor / Unit No. / Bldg. Name) (Barangay) HEIGHT (meters) WEIGHT (kg) (City / Municipality) CIVIL STATUS Single (House / Lot / Block / Phase No.) (Province) (Street Name) (Country) (Subdivision) ZIP CODE . MOBILE NUMBER (Required) C. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Married Widowed Legally Separated Annulled Others ______________ TELEPHONE NUMBER/S (include Area Code) E-MAIL ADDRESS (Required) If Not Graduated Level of Education Course/Degree Title Name of School & Address (City/Municipality...
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...| 2014 | | SUBMITTED TO: SIR MAQBOOL-UR-REHMAN SUBMITTED BY : AMAN CHHATANI (10462) | [ Financial Market Association of Pakistan] | The financial market association of Pakistan was formed in 1997, is a noncommercial nonprofit and self-financed organization of dealers of financial instruments. | Financial Market Association of Pakistan ABOUT The financial market association of Pakistan was formed in 1997, is a noncommercial nonprofit and self-financed organization of dealers of financial instruments. The members of the association are drawn from dealing room staff engaged within the financial trading or sales environment representing the Foreign Exchange, Interest Rate Products, Securities, and Derivatives working with Scheduled Commercial Banks, DFIs, NBFCs and accredited Interbank Brokerage Houses. FMAP has about more than 285 members who elect the governing body annually. FMAP is affiliated with “Association Comb site International – Paris”, like other similar national associations across the world. The Primary objective of FMAP is to promote the financial markets (Money & Foreign Exchange) related activities and issues vis-à-vis the market, its participants and relationship with the State Bank of Pakistan... The Association works to cultivate, promote and enhance the education of foreign exchange, money markets management and dealing in other financial instruments, to hold seminars, symposia, workshops etc. on national and international levels...
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...USAIC Pamphlet 350-6 Training the Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB) Test 31 MARCH 2009 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Headquarters, United States Army Infantry Center Fort Benning, Georgia 31905-5593 USAIC Pamphlet 350-6 TRAINING The Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB) Test TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ............................................................................................................................. iii CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 1-4. 1-5. 1-6. 1-7. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 1-1 AUTHORITY............................................................................................................................... 1-1 FREQUENCY ............................................................................................................................. 1-1 EXCEPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 1-2 PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................................... 1-2 SCORECARDS .......................................................................................................................... 1-3 RISK ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................. 1-3 CHAPTER 2 – ADMINISTRATION AND...
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... | |1. |Engineering Degree / Provisional Certificate along with the original, for verification and | | | |return | | |2. |Transcripts along with the original, for verification and return | | |3. |NIC Card | | |4. |Original PEC Registration Card as Registered Engineer (RE) | | |5. |Photographs (2 Nos passport Size + 1 No 25 mm x 25 mm) | | |6. |Attested copy of qualifying Engineering Practice Examination (EPE) issued by PEC | | |7. |Attested copies of CDP acquired | | |8. |Employment certificates | | |9. |Original fee payment receipt | | Form PEC-1B__ Pakistan Engineering Council Ataturk Avenue (East) G-5/2, Islamabad PABX: 2829296, 2829311, 2829348...
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...most interesting thing I observed in today’s microscope lab was that I was able to view algae from a sample of pond water. The total magnification which I made the observation was 450. Been able to see algae just with the sample of pond water is amazing because whenever I see pond water I never think about what it beholds I just thought of it as water and nothing spectacular. 2. In the plant cell I observed the chloroplast organelle. My observations for the chloroplast organelle was that the shape was a circle and very tiny. I also I learned that the function of the chloroplast organelle is to conduct photosynthesis. In the animal cell I observed the nucleus. My observations for the nucleus was that the shape was a oval. When you look through the microscope it looks like a nucleus inside of the nucleus. I also I learned that the animal cell of the nucleus is to hold genetic code (DNA). 3. If I looked at bacterial cells with the microscope, I would expect to see neither one. Due to bacteria is a prokaryotic cell. Though, bacteria cells is a living...
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...a) b) c) d) 3 Annual Rechecks Annual Rollover Lapse or Revocation of Star Grading Failed Initial Grading or Annual Recheck IV. Allegations of Non-Compliance 5 V. Appeals 5 VI. Star Grading Criteria 6 a) Mandatory Minimum Requirements b) Criteria for Star Grading Classifications Two star 7 Three star 9 Four star 12 Four plus star 15 Five star 18 c) Criteria for Cars and Limousines 21 VII. Appendix a) ADS Code of Conduct – requirements for buses and coaches b) Terms and Conditions of Star Graded Vehicles 22 22 23 https://busandcoach.sharepoint.com/Shared Documents/BCA STAR GRADING/Star Grading Docs/Star Grading System Guide - 2014.docx 1 Star Grading System Guide I. Star Grading Introduction Star Grading is open to all BCA members and is a great way to showcase the quality of vehicles. Star Grading makes it easier for customers to compare the standards of service offered by individual bus and coach operators, and allows tour operators and travelers to select products in advance with confidence. The Approved Destination Status (ADS) Code of Conduct requires that all buses and coaches used for ADS tours must be BCA Star Graded three stars or higher. The ADS system is based on a bilateral tourism arrangement between the governments of New Zealand and the People’s Republic of China that allows groups of Chinese nationals to travel as tourists to New Zealand. Compliance with the ADS system is monitored by the government agency, Tourism New Zealand. Bus and coach operators...
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...Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status Form I-539 Prepared for noufah alsubaie Last Printed On 07/08/2015 Next Steps 1. Read and Follow Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status Filing Instructions. 2. Sign and Date Your Printed Application. 3. Prepare Photographs and Supporting Documents, as instructed.* 4. Prepare Filing Fee, if necessary.* 5. Attach Photographs, Supporting Documents, and Payment 6. Photocopy Your Signed Application, Photographs, Supporting Documents, Payment and keep the copies for your records. 7. Send Your Original Signed Application, Original Photographs, Copies of Supporting Documents, and Payment to the USCIS to the address listed in the Filing Instructions. 8. Do Not Send This Cover Page or Your Filing Instructions. * You may or may not have to send photographs, supporting documents, or a filing fee. Your Form's Filing Instructions will specify everything that is required. If you need Further Assistance, Please Contact Our Customer Care Team Monday - Friday, 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM PST E-mail: cs@immigrationdirect.com (or) Phone: 1-855-544-5095 www.immigrationdirect.com 1 of 9 DO NOT SEND THIS COVER PAGE TO USCIS Congratulations, noufah, you have reached the final stage of the application process! Following are step-by-step instructions for completing your application and submitting it to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). These instructions have been customized for you based...
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...GAPS Guidelines GAP.17.5.0 A Publication of Global Asset Protection Services LLC PULP AND PAPER MANUFACTURING INTRODUCTION The modern pulp and paper mill is a complex, high-valued facility. To operate profitably under today’s environmental constraints, a mill must efficiently integrate steam and power demands and chemical recovery systems with the pulp and paper processes. Computer control of all mill processes is the norm. Each step in papermaking — from raw material storage, through stock preparation and papermaking, to finished roll storage — presents special loss prevention challenges. Storage areas pose severe fire loss potentials. Fires, explosions and machinery breakdowns can seriously damage critical process equipment. Pollution control equipment can also cause large losses. Associated with these high property damage potentials are even higher business interruption potentials. In a full process Kraft mill, loss of the black liquor recovery boiler (BLRB) can result in extensive downtime. Continuous digesters and Yankee dryers can also present very large business interruption potentials. This GAPS Guideline describes “full process” pulp and paper mills. Full process mills include pulp, paper and finishing mills, and sometimes converting mills. Figure 1 shows a simplified process flow diagram for a full process mill. Many of the processes described in this section also apply to mills that are not full process. PROCESSES AND HAZARDS Woodyard Operations...
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...Guiding You Through Citizenship, Green Card and Visas Applications Application for Travel Document I-131 Prepared for Ragnagnewende Jean De Dieu SALAMBERE Last Printed On 03/17/2015 24/7 Customer Care Hotline: 1-800-814-1555 or email us at cs@us-immigration.com and we'll respond within 24 hours Next Steps 1. Read and Follow the Application Filing Instructions. 2. Sign and Date Your Printed Application. 3. Prepare Supporting Documents, as Instructed.* 4. Prepare Filing Fee, if Necessary.* 5. Attach Supporting Documents and Payment. 6. Photocopy Your Signed Application, Supporting Documents and Payment, and Keep the Copies for Your Records. 7. Send Your Original Signed Application, Supporting Documents, and Payment to USCIS (Formerly the INS) at the Address Listed in the Filing Instructions. 8. Do Not Send This Cover Page or Your Filing Instructions. *You may or may not have to send photographs, supporting documents, or a filing fee. Your Forms Filing Instructions will specify everything that is required. www.us-immigration.com 1 of 11 DO NOT SEND THIS COVER PAGE TO USCIS Guiding You Through Citizenship, Green Card and Visas Applications Congratulations, Ragnagnewende! you have reached the final stage of the application process! Following are step-by-step instructions for completing your application and submitting it to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). These instructions have been customized for you based on the answers you gave on your questionnaire...
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...Cup once (Garcia, 2012). However, the world cup final of 2006 between Italy and France that was Zidane’s last game in his career portrayed Zidane in different perspectives. He “head butted” Materazzi, a player in the Italian national soccer team, in course of the final. This paper will address the head butt and its impact in relation to FIFA’s Disciplinary Code and its roles. Because of this, Zidane was immediately red-carded and the event drew a lot of attention in the world of soccer. The head butt seemingly resulted from discriminatory gestures and abusive communication between the two players. Earlier on, there has been an increased use of discriminatory language and gestures. On 16 and 17 March 2006, FIFA Executive Committee decided to curb this tread by imposing harsher sanctions. FIFA’s Disciplinary Code (FDC) excerpted in the case was in chapter 55 and the sanctions further explained in chapter 57 and 58. According to the FDC, a player can receive a red card and attached penalties, which vary with the offence. Any player receiving a direct red card receives a suspension of at least one match for unsporting conduct towards an opponent or another person other than a match official. The red-carded player also receives a suspension of at least two matches for elbowing, punching, or kicking an opponent or a person other than a match official (FIFA, 2011). Additionally, any player who in any way offends an individual’s or a...
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...dysfunction and can effect multiple maternal organs, it is characterized by new onset hypertension (systolic blood pressure >140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg) and proteinuria (excretion of >300 mg daily) usually after 20 weeks of gestation with no history of hypertension (Wagner 2004, 3 Centre collaboration, & Stevenson & Billington 2007). Symptoms can include hypertension, proteinuria, headache, visual disturbance, epigastric pain, hyperemesis, oedema of hands and feet (Briley 2003, NICE 2008). Pre-eclampsia can affect the pregnant woman through pregnancy birth and postpartum. However the focus of this essay will discuss the possible impact on maternal and fetal health and wellbeing as well as the management of the woman and her condition during the intrapartum phase. The role of the midwife in provision of care in this case will also be explored. The woman in this case was a primigravida at 37+6 weeks gestation. On assessment at antenatal clinic it was found that her blood pressure [BP] had acutely risen to 190/110 and she had significant proteinuria, she was admitted to the labour ward for management. During labour her blood pressure fluctuated from 145/90 to 190/110, she had a severe headache, visual disturbance and was very anxious. This is classed as severe pre-eclampsia which is defined by blood pressure readings higher than 160/110 mm Hg and more than 5 g of protein in a 24-hour urine collection. Features of severe preeclampsia include hypertensive crisis,...
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...Professional Learning Experience Proposal Proposed Criteria to Conduct a Research Study on Backfill Assisted Voiding Professional Socialization December 2, 2008 Title and Description a. Research Study for Backfill Assisted Voiding b. Backfill assisted voiding is a procedure that is performed in the post anesthesia care unit. An indwelling catheter is placed preoperatively in selected patients in order for the procedure to take place. The “bladder was filled retrograde with room temperature sterile normal saline”. (Foster, RT Sr., Borawski, KM, pg. 627). Retrograde filling was stopped when the woman had a strong urge to void. The catheter was removed and the patient voided. c. A cause for concern was initiated by the surgical outpatient unit because a MD is currently ordering the procedure on post-operative vaginal surgery patients with no standard practice. There is concern from members of the Nurse Practice Committee and Infection Control due to lack of evidence to support it and data to show the patient does not have negative consequences as a result of this procedure. Professional Outcome and Related Competency a. The outcome of this proposal is to articulate the contributions of professional nursing to health care via research by defining the boundaries of nursing while gathering, organizing, planning, problem solving and reviewing in order to format an acceptable policy and procedure for standards...
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...|Course Code: JUST 20025 |[pic] | | |Course Outlines | |Course Name (Long): | | | | | |Diversity, Values and Ethics in Public Safety | | Section I: Administrative Information |Course Name (Short): Diversity, Values and Ethics |Credit Value: 3.0 | |Program(s): Police Foundations |Credit Value Notes: | |Program Coordinator(s): Michael Lloyd |Effective Term: Jan 2011 | |Course Leader or Contact: Stephanie Dimech |Prerequisites: None | | |Corequisites: None | | ...
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