...NRS-429V-0506 February 13, 2015 HERITAGE ASSESSMENT America having been a very welcoming nation with welcoming people continues to experience immigrants from other parts of the world in search of better living standards and employment opportunities, hence has a high growing population with diverse cultures .This writer is a new immigrant from Africa .For that reason it is important for nurses to learn the health practices from different group of people to familiarize themselves with differing cultures. This writer did a health heritage assessment on two other different families .This heritage assessment tool was very helpful to this writer in getting the important information from them that relates to their customs and beliefs. Amongst Americans, health maintenance entails a set of programs aimed at preventing diseases , maintain function and promote health .Health maintenance is the center of nursing care.(THE FREE DICTIONARY, 2003-2015).Health maintenance programs can be grouped as per ages .Where ,from birth-17years there is a scheduled program of immunizations. There are also screens for chlamydia, yearly for sexually active women starting from 15,HIV screening for ages 15-85 which is voluntary .Health education to avoid alcohol misuse and prevent use of tobacco .For 18-49,they are screened for diabetes ,risk for ,chlamydia in women, pap smear, a set of immunizations . From 50-74 years ,screens are done for hepatitis c, diabetes, colorectal cancer ,assessment for risk...
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...While the reason for their movement differed, the Europeans and Americans both relocated as an effect of the Columbian Exchange. Especially in South America and modern day Mexico, there was the development of the plantations or haciendas. The movement of people was the result of the encomienda in South America and modern day Mexico. And in North America the movement, of Native Americans, was a result for the search for beavers. The encomienda system granted Spain elites over the natives, and would use their labor in exchange for protection and Christianity. In South America and modern day Mexico. In both regions it pushed the Native Americans into the heartland of the Americans, in fear that they would be capture and worked to death on the haciendas, because of the encomienda system. The Europeans that to travelled to South America went there in search of a profit, or for a better life, which costed several years as an indentured servant. This shows a similarity between the Europeans and the Native Americans because they were both trying to find something, and modified their location because of it. In the case of some Europeans they came search for money. Yet in a similar way some Europeans came to America for a better life, just as the Native Americans moved farther inland to search for a better life. The motives for the movement of Native Americans and Europeans is similar in North America as it...
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...the Native American Community Diabetes has been rapidly growing in the Native American community for the past several years now. Traditions and economics are factors in the rise of diabetic cases in Native Americans. Other factors include traditional food consumption, traditional patterns of physical activity, and environmental changes. A contributory factor that is often times not mentioned has to do with tribal perception and beliefs about diabetes in the Native communities across America. Traditional food consumption has changed and become one of the major reasons that American Indians are diabetic. During the pre-reservation era, the type of food that was consumed was wild game like buffalo, elk, rabbit, snake, and fish. Traditional foods the Natives eat are far different from modern food today. Many Native Americans consumed a diet that is highly processed today after moving to the reservations. According to McLaughlin “The food they get from the government are higher is saturated fat, higher in sodium, added sugars and cholesterol”. These foods have little or no nutrients or vitamins in them therefore causing the Natives to become diabetic. McLaughlin also states that “Due to limited finances, lack of transportation, and other factors cause tribal members have limited access to healthier foods.” “The reservations have convenient stores with limited amounts of fresh foods that are usually expensive.” This modern type diet has made 62% of Native Americans to become diabetic...
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... 2013 How can diets work in order to obtain ultimate health? While researching books and articles about nutrition and diets, I found something very interesting that almost all the authors had in common. 95 percent of the authors of the books and articles I researched were obese at certain point of their lives and had tried many types of modern diets such as Atkins, South Beach, Ornish, Zone, the blood type diet, detoxing, the cookie diet-I and etc… without any long term good results. “Every year we are offered new diets, new books on dieting, and new weight-loss programs” (Katharine 1). So, I started researching about vary types of diets, how they function, how they are designed, and if it really fits all people. I researched about genetics, because I wanted to know if it has anything to deal with our health and if it has any influence in our gain of weight. I’ve noticed that when a mother and a father are obese usually the kids also tend to become obese. “Many Americans, including health care professionals and citizens alike, continue to gaze in the wrong direction” (Katherine 2). My goal with this paper is to find what would be the ideal diet and how we could live in a healthy lifestyle and never gain all the weight back! To reach this goal I have organized this paper in three main sections. In the first section, I provide an account of information about our genetics and how we can use that information in order to understand better human body and diets. In the second section...
Words: 3500 - Pages: 14
...of Americans go shopping at the grocery store for the food they’ll need for the week ahead. Any casual glance down the aisles and you’ll be bound to see thousands of products that advertise “Now with 40% Less Fat!”, “Low in Saturated Fat!”, or something of the like in blinding bright colors across the packages. According to a 2011 census done by the CDC, at least 35.7% of all American adults are classified as obese (CDC 2011); so it’s no wonder that products advertising low-fat are so popular. However, while many people who buy these food-products are seeking to remedy their weight problem, they are simply making it worse. In order to fully understand why this “low fat craze” is causing so many problems for Americans today, we have to travel back in time about one hundred thousand years, or so, into the past. For quite some time, anthropologists falsely believed that our ancestors primarily obtained their energy from plant sources. However, in more recent and “later studies, [they] demonstrated that animal foods, rather than plant foods, comprised the majority of energy in the typical hunter-gatherer diet” (Miller 31). This means that the food humans evolved to eat was mostly comprised of animal tissue and meat. “Carnivorous diets reduce the evolutionary, selective pressures that act to maintain anatomical and physiological features needed to process and metabolize large amounts of plant matter”(Miller 35). Evidence supporting the homo-sapiens’ carnivorous diet is evident...
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...Dani Park Kines 1 M 2:00pm – 4:50pm Critical Thinking Paper Obesity In America Obesity is one of the most commonly discussed issues in America today. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 68.8 percent of adults are overweight and 35.7 percent are obese. Also, 31.8 percent of American children and adolescents are overweight and 16.9 percent are obese. Moreover, the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn if Americans do not change their diet and living habits, 42 percent of Americans will be obese by the year 2030. The two main causes of obesity in America are due to diet and lifestyle. For example, fast food contains extremely high levels of fat, calories and carbohydrates that one's body doesn't need, and the lack of exercise only serves to compliment these reasons for becoming obese. However, the side effects of obesity go beyond just being overweight or having an increased risk for developing serious health conditions. Obesity in America is a crucial issue that has many causes and effects. The most significant reason that is primarily responsible for obesity is an unhealthy diet, because it fails to provide the correct amounts and types of nutrients for a healthy body's maintenance. Instead, it provides unhealthy fats and toxins that only serve to slow the body down. For example, fast food contains calories that may exceed the daily needs in just one meal, along with sodium, cholesterol, trans fats, sugars and other unhealthful...
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...As identified by the USDA, current nutritional guidelines were created to help Americans balance physical activity along with amount of calorie intake in order to maintain a healthy weight, consume more of specific types of foods high in nutritional value and consume less of the foods high in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, refined grains, cholesterol and added sugars. The most current version of the USDA guidelines produced in 2010 was generated during a time of high concern for the American population’s overall health. The epidemic of overweight and obese people that this generation is seeing is due to two factors alone; poor diet and inactivity. Even when looking past the obvious high number of obese people in our country poor diet and...
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...Organic Virgin Coconut Oil - A Healthy Oil The Coconut Oil Story Virgin Coconut Oil: An introduction For about 3960 years of the of the past 4000 years of the documented historical use of the fruits of the coconut palm as a food and a pharmaceutical, the news has all been good. It was seen as a sustainable resource from which the harvested materials influenced every aspect of the lives of tropical communities, but most importantly its fruit, the coconut flesh, water, milk and oil. The use of coconut oil around the world in tropical regions is prolific: South and Central America, Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Micro-, Mele- and Poly-nesia and most of Asia. The uses are so respected that they were documented by Ayurvedic medicine in Sanskrit from 1500BC in all areas relating to the mind, body and spirit. Early European explorers including Captain Cook wrote affectionately about the beauty of communities across the Pacific using coconut oil as an integral part of their daily lives. During WWII the water of the young green coconut was successfully used as a substitute for a saline drip saving the lives of many allied soldiers. After the war, in England coconut oil was sold as "margarine" and in the USA as "coconut butter". However, this all changed in 1954. In the social environment of the USA in which coronary heart disease (CHD) was becoming the primary cause of mortality in the adult population, the young researcher David Kritchevsky published two academic papers. The initial...
Words: 3568 - Pages: 15
...Japan is the culture that I chose to explore. The Japanese diet is known to be one of the more healthy diets. Lifestyle and diet help the people of japan live longer and healthier on average. With a life expectancy of 86 for women and 79 for men. They also live longer with fewer disabilities. A few reasons for this include portion control and lower calorie foods. They eat an average 25% less calories per day then the average American. They replace high calorie snack with energy dense foods. Portion control and smaller plates are also typical in Japanese culture. Rice is also a foundation of their diet and is served with every meal. Veggies are the main theme of a traditional meal with fish and soy based products coming in next. Japan also introduced the world to sushi. Traditional sushi restaurants in japan are different then in other countries. They mostly focus on one type of fish in each restaurant. For centuries the Japanese did not eat meat. Buddhism law forbid the consumption of meat from mammals and birds. Fish was excluded but whales were mammals and could not be eaten. It was in the mid 20th century that meat was reintroduced from China and Korea. Meat is typically a new ingredient that requiring new recipes. Modern Japan incorporates a lot of foreign cuisines in to their diets. Although rice is still a main ingredient, its consumption is half of what it was 40 years ago. Japanese culture now brings in many sides dishes to their meals. Naomichi, I. (2006...
Words: 314 - Pages: 2
...throttle views and sell tabloids? Well simply put, it is a combination of the two; celiac diseases has been getting a lot of media coverage due to its association with the gluten-free diet and the proposed benefits of implementing it in one's lifestyle. In essence, celiac disease is an immune-mediated systemic disorder; people who suffer from the ailment are unable to digest gluten, a protein found in common food substances. Celiac disease causes different symptoms such as Diarrhea, Iron and Vitamin D deficiency, weight loss, anemia, and osteoporosis. Celiac disease may be indulged to some as vogue; however, it is a major disorder, which alters the lives of...
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...Why isn't the paleo diet the healthiest choice? Health is the most important asset of our life, it directly affects our daily activities and choices .many people believe that our health is linked to our eating habits; they exert a lot of effort in finding and eating organic foods and living in a healthier lifestyle. Thus, emerged the concept of healthy diets that claimed they are full nutrients and prevent diseases. one of the recent most popular ones is the paleo diet .the paleo concept is to mimic our ancestor in their eating habits as said by katz and miller (2014) because they did not suffer from many illnesses as much as we do .so they rule out all processed food and those that didn't exist at the paleolithic age like dairy, grains, sugar,...
Words: 1962 - Pages: 8
...Food Killing Us? is an investigation into the processed food products that make up the modern American diet and the affects these products are having on our health and well-being. Also, in many cases we are well aware of the health risks of diets rich in certain foods. Fast foods, heavily processed food-like products and convenience foods have been proven to cause obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancers. Even food products that claim to be “fat free” or “diet” contain artificial ingredients that can cause health problems such as migraine headaches. Our food may very well be killing us and yet we, as a nation, are not changing our eating habits. The intention was to find out why we choose to continue on the unhealthy paths that we are on. Information found in many articles and documentaries, including doctors’ and scientists’ statements, as well as nutritional information found on nearly every food label in the grocery store, explained what was in the foods we are eating, what it does to our bodies and what were our reasons for not making healthier choices. Factors such as food addiction, convenience, commercialism, false claims and income are some examples of why we may continue to eat poorly. This paper will examine all of these topics and some others. Maybe the information that will be revealed here will be just what you need to modify your own diets and begin a road to a healthier body! Table of Contents Abstract Table of Contents ...
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...Jennifer Archuleta Professor Musgrave English 205 December 13, 2011 The Effects of Media on Body Image Imagine growing up in a modern day society. Everywhere you look there are images of beauty, representations of how beautiful people are supposed to look; flawless and thin. You grow up believing that this unattainable image is the only image of beauty. As you look in the mirror and see only flaws in your reflection, you rack your brain of ways to make yourself more beautiful. This becomes your obsession. Your dream is to become a model, but in the very start of your career, a fashion agent tells you that you will have to lose ten pounds in order to find work. This was the beginning of the end for former model and actress Isabelle Caro, just one of the many women affected by the media industry and the negative effects it has on body image. With Isabelle’s obsession to be thin, she battled with anorexia until it ended her life at the young age of twenty seven. In modern culture, a great deal of importance is placed on our looks and body image. This is portrayed by the media through magazine pictures, television advertisements, billboards, and the influence of models and actresses. Although the media affects both men and women, I will be showing how it specifically affects the behaviors, viewpoints, and attitudes of women. The media portrays a beautiful woman as being someone who is thin and flawless. Photographs of models that are posted in magazines are brushed-up, touched-up...
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...Thesis: James Diamond believes that the shift from hunter-gather societies farming societies was the worst mistake in the history of the human race. Support: Diamond gives many examples to provide support for his claim. He compares modern day farmers and hunger-gathers and states that the hunter-gathers have more free time, better food, and less hours of work when compared to their counterparts. He also points out that in societies that switched from hunter-gathering to farming, that paleopathologists have shown that the former had better quality of life. Role: The author Jared Diamond points out that modern hunger-gatherers, when compared to farmers, work less, have more leisure time, sleep more than enough, and have better diets. One of...
Words: 389 - Pages: 2
...people are obese in the United States. The rate is twice as much as that of 20 years ago. Unfortunately, the obesity rate is still increased annually. Obesity kills thousands of people in the USA every year; however, most of American don't realize the great harm of it. Obesity is correlated with many physical and mental diseases. In order to solve this problem, an individual should form a habit of exercising every day; in addition, the government should improve people's cognition about a healthy diet. Obesity can cause lots of physical and emotional problems. It has a negative effect on health and can cause serious illness such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer. A research points out that obese people are three time more likely to get heart disease than normal people. Not only physical problems but also emotional problems can be caused by obesity. Because of appearance, an obese person is often discriminated by others. That makes a great pressure to him and makes him feel himself inferior. Today, more and more obese people get depression because of losing confidence. One of the effective measures is persisting exercising. Lacking of exercises is one of the main causes of obesity. People who live in modern city always don't do any exercise in a whole day. They drive cars to their workplace and sit on chairs while they are working. In their leisure time, they sit on the couch and watch television at home. Shortly afterward, they...
Words: 550 - Pages: 3