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Modern Art Research Paper

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The birth of modernism and modern art is assumed to be traced back to the
Industrial Revolution, the time period which lasted from the 18th to the 19th century, in which fast changes in manufacturing, and technology greatly affected the social, economic, and cultural conditions of life in Western
Europe, North America, and finally the world. New forms of transportation, including the railroad, the steam engine, and the subway gave the people a way to expand their worldview and access to new ideas. As urban centers prospered, workers flocked to cities for industrial jobs, and urban populations boomed. Before the nineteenth century, artists were most usually commissioned to make art work via rich shoppers, or establishments like the church. Tons of this …show more content…
"proper" which means comes from form. This notion additionally entails the idea that if a specific form fails to carry the supposed meaning to all audiences, the problem is either that the artist is not in music with the flawless standard language, or that the target market isn't always in touch with their authentic selves. An underlying theme for
Modernism is that there is a few best versions of everything (truth, language, ourselves) that we have lost, and must find once more. There has been a fascination with "primitivism." (Which changed into essentially a glorified and glamourous spin on racism. Watch 'Pocahontas' for an example of how this idea maintains to permeate our notion of other cultures.) a few very popular
Modernist thinkers believed that "primitives" had now not contaminated their true selves yet and consequently had better get right of entry to some form of ideal religious order. some human beings nevertheless consider this. Many topics in Modernist concept clearly have roots in each religion, which claims to incorporate absolute truth, and in Platonic Idealism, which speculates that there may be an excellent international, of which this global is just a

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