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Modern Day Heroes Research Paper

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Everyone has their own depiction of a hero, but are they really that different? There’s songs, movies, stories, and images describing what a hero is. Sometimes the true meaning behind that man in a cape, or that man protecting our country, or even one’s mother, is hidden. The truth is, they all possess the same qualities. A modern day hero holds the same responsibilities and traits as those of an Anglo- Saxon hero. Everyone still wants the same things. A few of these merits are sacrifice, honor, and dedication.
Sacrifice is a touching, strong, and meaningful worth. The Norse looked down upon the Greeks because they did not understand how one could be considered a hero if they were not sacrificing something. They were immortal and could not be harmed. A great leader, or hero must possess a willingness to sacrifice anything for its people or for the greater good. Today, we still value this, as well as the Anglo-Saxons did. The men and women in the armed forces are risking their lives every day for the freedom of our people. They give up their freedom for the freedom of others. Same goes for an Anglo-Saxon warrior. …show more content…
Honor in doing what is right, and being as fair as can be, having respect, and having an overall moral strength. One gains respect from others by having respect toward others. In Beowulf, he respected Hrothgar while offering to do what his people could not, and he fought Grendel hand in hand. Hrothgar kept his personal honor by assuring himself that Beowulf owed him a favor so that he, himself, did not feel entirely defeated. Beowulf put himself at the same level of Grendel (fairness) during their struggle. He used no weapon only what he was born with. People today admire that sense of fairness and respect. This leads into

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