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Modernism: A Christian Worldview

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Worldview Final

In John, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (14:6 NIV). He is telling Thomas that because he knows him (Jesus) that he knows the way to his Father. In Christianity, Jesus is the source of all truth. I believe that everyone has their own version of the truth. Just as Christian’s have their belief, modernists have their own version as do postmodernists have their own. I however don’t have a strong biblical background or knowledge, so my truth varies from all three. If you ask a modernist what they think truth means they would tell you that everything needs be rationally explained. If you were to ask a postmodernist what they believe truth is they would tell you …show more content…
It is less a distinct period than an attitude.” Descartes concluded that the resources of the human mind were more adequate than intuitions and traditions were at establishing the truth. Modernists thought that human reason and careful study of the world would provide an explanation for everything in the physical world. Modernists need things to have rational or empirical explanations - they don’t believe that things just happen. Modernists believe that our world is continually changing. Modernists put great confidence in each individual and believe that each person is capable of discovering the truth and understanding the world. Since modernists didn’t believe in the supernatural, all the miracles of Jesus now have to be explained …show more content…
To gain knowledge about God you have to first understand that knowing about God is a personal relationship. Just as you would anyone you have to get to know them on a basic level before you can fully trust them. The first step in knowing about God try reading your Bible or attend Church service and listen to sermons. Talking to friends or family members that have a relationship with God would be another way to learn about Him Going a few times will teach you more than you knew before but you have to continue to study your Bible and continue to attend church to really know God. Secondly, Knowing God is a matter of personal involvement. Just like when you meet a possible new friend you have to commit to spending time with that person in order to get to know them. You can quickly get a first impression of someone but first impressions aren’t always an accurate portrayal. You have to open yourself up to someone and be willing to let them open themselves up to you. Just as you must be willing to commit yourself to knowing about God. Once you do He will show Himself to you. Third, knowing God is a matter of grace. “It is a relationship in which the initiative throughout is with God-as it must be, since God is so completely above us and we have so completely forfeited all claim on his favor by or sins” (Packer pgs. 40-41) By showing us His love God brings us to

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