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Module 8 Review Questions


Submitted By camell11
Words 1094
Pages 5
* Provide a summary of the five functional performance measures of an operational assessment.

1. Functional perspectives - Examines operational quality through 5 different perspectives Cost, Customer service,Quality,Productivity,and Asset management.Of these 5 cost is considered the best indicator of logistics performance.

2. Measuring customer accommodation - This is measured using three different metrics , Perfect order which measures overall effectiveness of logistics performance with a ratio of perfect orders compared to total number of orders in the same time period.Absolute performance looks at how a firm’s performance impacts individual customers. Finally customer satisfaction require customer monitoring and feedback to measure.

3. Determining appropriate metrics- Appropriate metrics are chosen by analysing,the market focus ,competitive basis and finally the measurement frequency

4. Supply chain comprehensive metrics- These metrics include Cash-to-cash conversion time, Inventory days of supply,Dwell time,On-shelf in-stock percentage,Total supply chain cost, and Supply chain response time

5. Benchmarking- Educates managers on what are the newest best business practices. Main goal is to find what company to benchmark against be it internal which is easier or external where practices are benchmarked against those of a firm in what could be an unrelated business.

* Provide a summary of the four dimension of sustainability as they relate to supply chain risk.

1. Economics- By using substitutes and keeping cost low supply chain risk is lowered as less money is being lost if something does go wrong because less material is moving through the supply chain

2. Ethics- By being socially aware and and accepting social responsibility by doing things such as giving generous pay with benefits to employees risk is slightly

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