...On “Monetary Policy of Bangladesh” Course Code: Course Title: Macro Economics Submitted to: Submitted by: Date of submission: 15 August, 2012 Table of Contents |Titles |Page Number | |Table of Contents |02 | |Introduction |03 | |Definition of Monetary policy |03 | |Importance of Monetary Policy |03 | |Type of Monetary Policy |04 | |Tools to implement the monetary policy |04 | |Bodies of Monetary Policy |05 | |Monetary Policy in Bangladesh |05 | |Instruments of Monetary policy in BD...
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...Bangladesh Bank monetary policy in FY 2013 is based on an assumption of global and domestic macro-economic conditions and outlook and it is a combination of productive consultation and web based comments. BB’s monetary policy was less difficult due to global economy crisis in FY 10 and FY 11. In FY 12 inflation and balance of payments was a great issue and it facilitating private sector near about 20%. There are some limitations that are reducing credit, increase productive growth, and increase reserve. In the very beginning of FY 13 the inflation comes down from a peak of 10.96% and over the year the target is to reduce the inflation. BB’s assumption is that inFY13 real GDP growth may exceed if global economic condition is improved. FY13 has some key development in monetary policy that are foreign remittance increase by decreasing import, interbank rate fall from 20% to 12%, and SME sector developed. Government securities that are trading in secondary market are the great mechanism key of Bangladesh Bank. BB also introducing online supervisory reporting requirement and financial transaction and strengthening onside and offside vigilance. It also focuses on quality, timelines and transparency and special diagnostic examination at the four SOCBs in early 2013. It ensures that credit will used for productive purpose and also stabilize capital market. In FY13 there is a sufficient credit for productive purpose and targeted average inflation rate is 7.5%. it reduce repo rate by...
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... On “Monetary Policy of Bangladesh” Course Code: MBA 510 Course Title: Macro Economics Submitted to: Professor Abdul Bayes Department of Business Administration East West University Submitted by: Minhajul Abedin ID: 2013-1-95-019 Section: 01 Date of submission: 24 august, 2013 Monetary Policy of Bangladesh Decisions regarding the monetary policy are very important for any country in today’s world. To control the supply of money by targeting a rate of interest, and to promote the economic growth and stability, a good control over the monetary policy is a must for every country. Bangladesh is a developing country and its monetary policies are generated by the central bank of the country. Though the land size of Bangladesh is not that big but in terms of total people, it is a big country relative to other countries. As a developing country it is undertaking so many developments and business projects both publicly and privately. The monetary policy of Bangladesh is playing a pivotal role to control the money supply of the country which in turn is promoting the overall economic growth of the country. This essay briefly discusses about some of the activities of the central bank related with the monetary policy of Bangladesh along with some other primary things which are related to the basic monetary policy. In this essay the “Monetary Policy of Bangladesh” will be presented by following this sequence, 1. A brief overview of monetary policy 2. Objectives...
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...Monetary Policy Statement (July‐December 2012: H1FY13) Executive Summary This issue of the Bangladesh Bank (BB) half yearly Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) outlines the monetary policy stance that BB will pursue in H1 FY13 (July‐December 2012), based on an assessment of global and domestic macro‐economic conditions and outlook. BB’s monetary policy has two major objectives: (i) maintaining inflation at moderate levels and (ii) supporting inclusive growth objectives of the Government. This MPS was preceded by productive consultations with a range of key stakeholders and web‐based comments were also received. In FY10 and FY11 the global economy continued languishing in the aftermath of the 2009 global financial crisis and BB eased monetary policy in order to limit the impact on the Bangladesh economy. Due to this and other pro‐active measures, the Bangladesh economy emerged largely unscathed from this global crisis, averaging over 6% growth between FY09 and FY11. In FY12 the economy faced a different set of challenges related to rising inflation and balance of payments pressures. In order to address these challenges BB’s monetary stance was more restrained than earlier years and yet able to accommodate a private sector credit growth rate which was more than sufficient to meet the initial GDP growth target. The monetary growth targets set in January 2012 were met and the key outcomes – falling inflation and con...
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...from Bangladesh Omar H.M.N. Bashar The Journal of Developing Areas, Volume 44, Number 2, Spring 2011, pp. 243-264 (Article) Published by Tennessee State University College of Business DOI: 10.1353/jda.0.0095 For additional information about this article http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/jda/summary/v044/44.2.bashar.html Access Provided by Bangladesh University of Professionals at 05/29/11 5:42AM GMT THE ROLE OF AGGREGATE DEMAND AND SUPPLY SHOCKS IN A LOW-INCOME COUNTRY: EVIDENCE FROM BANGLADESH Omar H.M.N. Bashar Deakin University, Australia ABSTRACT This paper explores the relative role of aggregate demand and supply shocks in affecting the output level and inflation rate in a low-income country vulnerable to various economic shocks. The study uses Bangladesh data, and following Cover et al (2006), employs a modification of the BlanchardQuah (BQ) approach, in which the two shocks are allowed to be correlated. Strong evidence is found for the hypothesis that aggregate demand and supply shocks are interrelated in Bangladesh. For the case in which causality is assumed to be running from demand to supply shocks, it was found that an independent supply shock plays significant role for fluctuations in inflation, which was absent in the standard BQ model. The results suggest that a tightening of monetary policy may lead to an adverse effect on the long-run growth potential and some supply-side policies may be required to supplement contractionary monetary policy in combating...
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...MONETARY POLICY OF BANGLADESH AND ITS IMPACT ON ECONOMY Monetary policy is concerned with the measures taken to control the supply of money, the cost and availability of credit. Further, it also deals with the distribution of credit between the uses and the users, the lending and borrowing rates of the banks. In a developing country like ours the monetary policy has been effectively used as a tool for overcoming depression and inflation. As Prof R. Prebisch writes “The time has come to formulate a monetary policy which meets the requirement of economic developments which fit in to its framework perfectly.” Along with the economic growth the monetary policy has also to ensure price stability, as excessive inflation has an adverse distribution effect and hinders the economic development. To understand the monetary policy of Bangladesh it is important to understand the objectives or goals, targets and instruments of monetary policy. The goals refer to the objective which may be price stability or economic growth. Whereas the targets refer to the variables such as supply of money, bank credits and interest rates. The instrument ate the changes in supply of currency, bank rates and other interest rates, open market operation, changes in reserve requirement, selective credit contras. PRESENT MONETARY POLICY OF BANGLADESH: The central bank of Bangladesh has actually followed a policy of restring growth rate of the economy. It is almost two years mow, that the central bank of Bangladesh...
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...Monetary Policy and Capital Market Development in Bangladesh Policy Note: PN 0708 Shubhasish Barua* and Md. Habibour Rahman* Abstract Bangladesh Bank (BB) adjusted its monetary policy stance during 2005 in order to contain inflationary pressures and facilitate stability in the foreign exchange market. At the end of 2005, interest rates on NSD certificates were also adjusted upward. The latter development, however, raised some concern among different economic agents regarding its possible impact on the country's capital market. In this paper we attempt to closely inspect the evolvement of monetary policy and capital market indicators in recent years and their possible interrelationship to shed some light on the issue. Since prices of stocks are mainly determined by company fundamentals, monetary policy can have only short term effect on stock prices. Even in the short run, effect of interest rates on stock prices is less clear-cut, and in a less developed capital market like Bangladesh, stock prices do tend to respond, for short term, to new reform measures and government incentives. 1. Introduction Bangladesh Bank (BB) adjusted its monetary policy stance during 2005 in order to contain inflationary pressures and facilitate stability in the foreign exchange market. At the end of 2005, interest rates on NSD certificates (government borrowing instruments from the non-bank public) were also adjusted upward. The latter development, however, raised some concern among different...
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...------------------------------------------------- The Monetary Policy of Bangladesh Introduction The policy adopted by the central bank for control of the supply of money as an instrument for achieving the objectives of general economic policy. With the shifts of the policy stance of the government in various phases, necessary adjustments were made in the country's monetary policy. The principal function of the Department is to help the bank in the formulation of monetary and credit policies and also to assist it in discharging its duty as adviser to the Government on economic and financial matters. To this end, the department keeps the top executives of the bank fully informed of latest economic development both at home and abroad, in a regular and systematic manner. For this purpose the Department keeps a close watch on trends in the domestic economy as well as on international economic developments with particular reference to monetary, fiscal and trade problems and policies. Domestic and international economic developments are brought within the compass of comprehensive reports and reviews which are submitted for perusal of the Governor, Deputy Governor, and Senior Executives of the bank, as also the bank’s Board of Directors. Monetary Policy Monetary policy is the term used by economists to describe ways of managing the supply of money in an economy. Monetary Policy is the management of money supply and interest rates by central bank to influence...
Words: 3068 - Pages: 13
...Assignment on Monetary Policy in Bangladesh INTRODUCTION: Monetary Policy the policy adopted by the central bank for control of the supply of money as an instrument for achieving the objectives of general economic policy .With the shifts of the policy stance of the government in various phases, necessary adjustments were made in the country's monetary policy. The Department of Research in the Bangladesh Bank plays an important role in the formulation of economic policies of the country. The principal function of the Department is to help the bank in the formulation of monetary and credit policies and also to assist it in discharging its duty as adviser to the Government on economic and financial matters. To this end, the department keeps the top executives of the bank fully informed of latest economic development both at home and abroad, in a regular and systematic manner. For this purpose the Department keeps a close watch on trends in the domestic economy as well as on international economic developments with particular reference to monetary, fiscal land trade problems and policies. Domestic and international economic developments are brought within the compass of comprehensive reports and reviews which are submitted for perusal of theGovernor, Deputy Governor, and Senior Executives of the bank, as also the bank’s Board of Directors. Definition of Monetary Policy: Monetary policy is the term used by economists to describe ways of managing the supply of money in an...
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...Bangladesh began implementing structural policy reforms to increase the market orientation of its economy in the late 1970s. The authorities adopted significant reforms in agriculture, industry, and trade, and also pursued reforms in the financial and infrastructure sectors. These reforms helped accelerate growth from an annual average of 3 percent in the 1970s to 4 percent in the 1980s and to 5 percent in the 1990s. Sound and sustained macroeconomic management ensured macroeconomic stability, contributing to Bangladesh’s ability to maintain one of the lowest growth volatilities in the world. Major Policy Reforms Contributed to Growth Acceleration: * Agricultural policy * Industrial policy * Trade policy * Infrastructure policy * Financial policy * Macroeconomic policies * Human Development policies Macroeconomic policies Following the initial debacle of the 1972–75 periods, Bangladesh was able to maintain a broad degree of stability of macroeconomic policies, as reflected in relatively low inflation and a stable real exchange rate. Fiscal, monetary and exchange rate management was broadly on track for most of the period until around the end of the 1990s. This long-term good macroeconomic management served Bangladesh well, contributing to incentives for private investment and exports. Inflation has now been reduced to 3–4 percent annually (Chart 7). The correction of the macroeconomic imbalances started in the late 1970s and continued...
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...Objectives of the paper: With giving an overview of what the monetary policy really is and narrating how the central bank formulates the monetary policies and takes the necessary steps for its implementation in Bangladesh, this paper targets to analyze the impact of monetary policy on the inflationary situation. Methodology: The study depends on I. Extensive literature review of external sources on central banks on formulation and implementation ofmonetary policy for the country II. Publications of Bangladesh Bank Scope of the paper: 1. First of all, monetary policy is a deep sea to swim through. Though Bangladesh practices and implements a limited number of instruments, the mix is always complex to grab the main idea behind it. Extensive analysis of the mix is beyond the scope of the paper. 2. Framing of indices of central bank policies is beyond the limit of this paper. 3. Structured data is hard to collect from the departments of Bangladesh Bank, so complex calculations and data analysis is deliberately avoided. Bangladesh Bank (BB): The central bank of the country, was established as a corporate body by the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 (P.O. No. 127 of 1972) with effect from 16 December, 1971 by acquiring the liabilities and assets of erstwhile State bank of Pakistan in East Pakistan. Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of the country | | There is a cross departmental committee on monetary policy (MPD) headed by a deputy governor, which includes the...
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...Monetary Policy of Bangladesh Lecture Synopsis: 2 NSU, MBA Program Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed(Sld) BUS 530 (Section – 1 & 2); SPRING, 2013 Introduction Both in developed and developing economies, monetary policy seeks to maintain price stability accompanied by sustained stable output growth in the face of internal and external shocks that are faced from time to time. For developing economies like Bangladesh with significant underemployment/under exploitation of production factors, stimulating higher growth is imperative for rapid reduction and eventual elimination of endemic poverty, and is therefore an overriding priority. The stimulus provided by monetary policy in accommodating the growth aspirations must not however jeopardize macroeconomic stability and future growth; and the pursuit of monetary policy comprises of various supportive measures to attain the highest sustainable output growth while adjusting smoothly to internal and external shocks that the economy encounter from time to time. History and Objectives of Bangladesh Monetary Policy Objectives of the monetary policy of the Bangladesh Bank as outlined in the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 comprise of attaining and maintaining of price stability, high levels of production, employment and economic growth. In the decades of seventies and eighties, monetary policy in Bangladesh was conducted with full direct control on interest rates and exchange rates, as also on the volumes and directions of credit flows...
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...of the term paper Monetary Policy Reason of publishing 04 Types of Monetary Policy 05 Monetary Policy in Bangladesh 06 Tools & Strategy of Monetary Policy 06 Major tools used by Bangladesh Bank 07 Policy Target 12 Limitations of Monetary Policy 13 Findings of the study Chapter-03 03 Scope & Objective of Monetary Policy Chapter- 02 03 14 Conclusion 14 Bibliography 14 Chapter- 01 Introduction “Monetary policy is the process by which the monetary authority of a country controls the supply of money, often targeting a rate of interest for the purpose of promoting economic growth and stability. The official goals usually include relatively stable prices and low unemployment. Monetary theory provides insight into how to craft optimal monetary policy. It is referred to as either being expansionary or contractionary, where an expansionary policy increases the total supply of money in the economy more rapidly than usual, and contractionary policy expands the money supply more slowly than usual or even shrinks it. Expansionary policy is traditionally used to try to combat unemployment in a recession by loIring interest rates in the hope that easy credit will entice businesses into expanding. Contractionary policy is intended to slow inflation in hopes of avoiding the resulting distortions and deterioration of asset values. In this report I tried to show that how monetary policy is related to the economy...
Words: 3927 - Pages: 16
...Assignment On The Role of Monetary Policy: Bangladesh Perspective * Introduction 3 * Impotance of Monetary Rule 3 * Objectives of Monetary Policy 5 * Functions of Monetary Policy 5 * Economic Growth 6 * Bangladesh Monetary Policy 7 * Note Issuing Processes 7 * The Broad Discussion of Monetary Policy Objective 9 * Strategy of Monetary Policy 11 * Conclusion 13 INTRODUCTION: Monetary Policythe policy adopted by the central bank for control of the supply of money as an instrument for achieving the objectives of general economic policy. With the shifts of the policy stance of the government in various phases, necessary adjustments were made in the country's monetary policy. The Department of Research in the Bangladesh Bank plays an important role in the formulation of economic policies of the country. The principal function of the Department is to help the bank in the formulation of monetary and credit policies and also to assist it in discharging its duty as adviser to the Government on economic and financial matters. To this end, the department keeps the top executives of the bank fully informed of latest economic development both at home and abroad, in a regular and systematic manner. For this purpose the Department keeps a close watch on trends in the domestic economy as well as on international economic developments with particular reference to monetary, fiscal and trade problems...
Words: 3050 - Pages: 13
...Multinational Environment- Bangladesh Submitted by: Niraj Kharel MBA 4th trimester Business Strategy Introduction Bangladesh is emerging as a country capable of producing advanced products like pharmaceuticals, ships and electronics. The world’s eighth largest country in terms of population with approximately 160 million inhabitants will most likely remain heavily dependent on labor-intensive and export-oriented industries for the foreseeable future. However, this is only part of the picture, as an increasing number of companies today look on Bangladesh as a market with growing potential. There are of course still a number of challenges experienced by companies doing business in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has immense potential; people have a positive frame of mind; while the main bottlenecks are to be found in the volatility in the macro & political environment and there are several multinational environmental factors which are discussed below: 1. Government laws, regulation and policies of Bangladesh The government of Bangladesh (GOB) gradually developed seed laws, policies, and regulations for the seed sector that eventually, through various amendments, expanded regulatory oversight over both the private and public sector, and all seed varieties and the governments’ laws, regulation and policies are: * Monetary and Fiscal Policy: The regulation of the money supply and interest rates by a central bank, such as the Central Bank of Bangladesh in order to control inflation...
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