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Monroe Doctrine Research Paper

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demanded a strong navy. More than any other single person, he was responsible for the United States Navy coming of age. In his first annual message to Congress he had defined his position the Monroe Doctrine.
“The Monroe Doctrine is a declaration that there must be no territorial aggrandizement by any non-American power at the expense of any American power on American soil. It is in nowise intended as a hostile act to any nation of the Old World… It is simply a step, and a long step, toward assuring the universal peace of the world by securing the possibility of permanent peace on this hemisphere.”
He looked upon the Monroe Doctrine as a specific application of the principles directing the world movement, the general frame of reference for …show more content…
It had not yet been named the Great White Fleet. Contemporary news accounts referred to the Atlantic Fleet or the Battle Fleet, and book published by participants used the same terminology. Only long after the voyage ended would someone come up with the catchy name which caught the public’s eye and stuck. In contrast to the usual secrecy that surrounds movements of warships, this fleet’s voyage was designed to attract maximum notice in the news media. The fleet provided the reporters with some statistical information which included the total count of officers and men: 12,793. The ships’ batteries totaled 360 guns ranging in size from six-inch to thirteen-inch bore. The cost of firing a single salvo from all the guns would have cost fifty thousand dollars, equivalent to the president’s salary for one …show more content…
Four were eventually considered unequal to the expedition, and he forced to settle for sixteen. They were not then called the Great White Fleet, but the Atlantic Fleet instead or Battle Fleet. A convoy of six torpedo boats would screen the fleet and act as escorts, and these would be dispatched in advance to Trinidad. Four auxiliaries would accompany the battleships, plus the waspish Yankton, a converted yacht to be used for ceremonial occasions. The Times said, “In their immaculate white paint, they barely looked like the engines of destruction that they were.” Even Admiral Evans, “is determined that the sides of the vessels shall be kept their original white color, and the orders are that each evening after coal loading has ceased the Jackies must get busy with the scrubbing

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