...Mood Disorders: Causes, Effects and Treatment Robert Baker Psychology GE1116 Dr. Angela Isom November 30, 2009 Mood Disorders: Causes, Effects and Treatments In today’s society, people seem to have a lot of problems that are classified as mental disorders. These disorders include: depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, and even seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The immediate stigma that is placed on most if not all mood disorders is that they are sicknesses. In the case of depression, this is not to confuse depression, a normal emotion with biological depression, an illness. Further along this line of irrational thought is the belief that they are not treatable and the person affected is in some way, shape or form disconnected from civilization as we know it. In this research paper, we will attempt to destroy these unfair stereotypes on this subject, attempt to rationalize the behaviors, and shed light on treatments for the various disorders. The research gathered will attempt to understand and answer these questions: 1. What are mood disorders and their symptoms? 2. What are the causes? 3. How can the stigma of mood disorders be removed? 4. What forms of treatment are the most successful? What Are Mood Disorders And Their Symptoms? In order to get a good idea of what causes mood disorders, we first must attempt to categorize what various classes of disorders...
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...suggested that marijuana is the root cause of many mental disorders. In spite of government warnings about health risks, many people see it as a harmless substance that helps you to relax and ‘chill’ – a drug that, unlike alcohol and cigarettes, might even be good for your physical and mental health. On the other hand, recent research has suggested that it can be a major cause of psychotic illnesses in those who are genetically vulnerable. This paper looks at the research on mood disorders and the use of cannabis for its treatment. It will brief on the types of mood disorders, their symptoms, and treatment and finally discuss both positive and negative effects of using marijuana as a ‘cure’ for mood disorders. WHAT ARE MOOD DISORDERS? Mood disorders, or affective disorders, are mental health problems such as all types of depression, bipolar disorder, and mania (Klasco, 2011). The disorders in this category include those where the primary symptom is a disturbance in mood; in other words, inappropriate, exaggerated, or limited range of feelings. There are chemicals in the brain, called endorphins, which are responsible for positive moods. Other chemicals in the brain, called neurotransmitters, regulate endorphins. Most likely, depression (and other mood disorders) is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain (The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center). Life events (such as unwanted changes in life) may also contribute to a depressed mood. WHAT IS MARIJUANA? Marijuana...
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...Mood and Addictive Disorders Mood disorders, including depression and bipolar disorders, are the most common among patients. Substance disorder is also very common in our society today. There are many causes and different treatments for each. As well as potential gender and cultural influences on depressive, bipolar, and substance disorders. Depressive disorder is an illness that the whole body is involved, it affects the mood and thoughts. Depressive will interfere with daily life and normal functions. This disorder plays effect of the person dealing with it as well as other surrounding that cares for him or her. Depressive disorder is just not passing a blue mood. People suffering with this disorder cannot physically pull themselves together to get better. The exact cause of depression is still unknown, but there are many factors that can increase the risk of developing this condition. A family history of depressions could possible increase the risk. Major events, positive or negative, can cause stress and lead to depression. For example, getting married, having a new baby, starting a new job are positive things but can be very stressful. Losing a job, retiring, or getting a divorce are negative events that may could cause depression. Serious illness, like cancer, may trigger. Or other personal problems such as social isolation can also contribute to the risk of developing depression. Each person is different and the treatments may vary. The most common is being put...
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...What Is Bipolar Disorder? COMM/156 5/25/2012 Mary Clark “What a creature of strange moods [Winston Churchill] is - always at the top of the wheel of confidence or at the bottom of an intense depression,” once said William Maxwell "Max" Aitken. Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain that has yet to be unraveled; it causes many mood swings that can happen at a moment’s notice without a word. With many mental illnesses in order to diagnose them it takes time and observation with a health care provider. Treatment is also an aspect that takes planning and reflection mostly on how the patient feels in reaction to the medication that they are taking and other forms of treatment. Although bipolar disorder is a complex disease to diagnose, there are several alternative treatments used in conjunction with medication can be effective in managing this serious mental illness. By definition Bipolar Disorder is associated with mood swings that range from the lows of depression to the highs of mania; otherwise known as obsession (The Mayo Clinic Staff, 2012). These two separate feelings could come at the same time of the day or may only take place a few times a year; it all depends on the severity of the patient’s disorder. Currently there is no known exact cause for bipolar disorder; although there are several contributing factors thought to cause the disease. Several of the factors involved with causing bipolar disorder are neurotransmitters, inherited traits, hormones...
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...It has been estimated that about 2 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorders. Symptoms usually appear in adolescence or early adulthood and continue throughout life. The disorder occurs in males and females equally and is found more frequently in close relatives of people already known to have it.. It has been very noticeable among creative individuals, affecting such artists as Hector Berlioz, Gustav Mahler, Ernest Hemingway, and Virginia Woolf. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Bipolar disorder is a long-term psychological condition known to create extreme changes in mood, which range from extreme lows of depression to extreme manic highs. The rate of mood swings varies from many times a day to a handful of episodes in a year. The condition can be controlled with the use of medication and counseling. The disorder is defined in a hierarchy of severity. There are different levels of bipolar disorder which will be discussed. Bipolar I involve intense and potentially dangerous manic episodes, and often negatively impacts work, education, and personal relationships. Bipolar II is not as severe as Bipolar I, but still includes heightened mood and agitation. It is possible to live a more normal everyday life with this level of the disorder. Lastly, Bipolar III, a fairly recently discovered form, comes about as the result...
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...Bipolar Disorder Introduction Also known as manic-depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is defined as a psychological state in which a person experiences a mood disorder causing radical alterations in their moods which can vary from manic highs to depressive lows. Elevated levels of either manic and depression are some of the common experiences that are encountered by a person suffering from this order. During the course of this discussion we will look at some of the key aspects that influence the occurrence, causes, signs and symptoms and treatment of this disease. The term "bipolar disorders" already shows that it is not this is a common disease. The disease may be individually very different and take different courses. Always, however, the disease is usually in stages or episodes in which a certain mood prevails. There are two different episodes of illness, the manic episode or depressive episode and the high point or low phase. What is Bipolar Disorder? In the United States over two million people are diagnosed with the psychological problem of bipolar disorder. One of the major reasons behind the unprecedented rise of people suffering from the disorder is contributed by the complications that hinder correct and accurate diagnosis of the disease. It is mainly because of the delay in the diagnostic process that the number of people suffering from the disorder has increased extraordinarily...
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...Bipolar Disorder Research Paper Evaluating Bipolar Disorder History of the Disorder Bipolar Disorder, formally known as “manic-depressive disorder,” is one of the oldest disorders that dates back to the second century. Aretaeus, who lived in the ancient city Cappadocia in Turkey, was the first to find and connect symptoms of mania and depression. Jules Farlet connected depression to suicide in 1854 and led to the term “Bipolar Disorder.” He found that moments of depression were linked to heightened moods and saw that there was a difference between this and simple depression. In 1875, these findings led to the term of “Manic-Depressive Psychosis.” He also later found a genetic link with this disorder. Francois Baillarger found and explained the depressive phase of the disorder and then received its own classification as a mental illness because of this finding. Emil Krapelin created the term manic-depressive after a study focusing on the how manic states effect depression. After fifteen years, the disorder was accepted and became a big theory of the 1930’s. An article, published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorder in 1952, showed that there was a genetic link in the disorder and that there is a chance that manic depression can run in the family. The 1960’s saw many cases of people with the disorder that were being institutionalize and were barely helped because Congress refused to treat manic depression as an actual illness. The 1970’s saw laws and standards...
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...About Bipolar Disorder Jessica Menefee PSY 115 February 20, 2011 Janet Barber Abstract Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that disrupts an individual’s emotional state. Suffers have states of mania characterized by euphoria and states of depression. There are 4 types of bipolar disorder diagnosed by their states of mania versus hypomania. There is no single cause for bipolar disorder. It can begin as soon as early adolescents, although it often gets misdiagnosed. With treatments such as mood stabilizers and antidepressants, episodes of mania and depression can be significantly reduced. Without treatment, the risk for suicide and accidental death are increased. About Bipolar Disorder Mood disorders are disorders that change a persons’ emotional state to greater extremes and for longer periods of time than most people. Mood disorders can be either uni-polar or bipolar. Uni-polar mood disorders, such as depression change individuals’ emotions in only one manner. Depression causes feelings of extreme sadness or hopelessness. Bipolar disorder gets its name from the fact that it can affect a persons’ mood in two directions, extreme happiness or extreme sadness. In terms of the earth, the poles are the northernmost and southernmost points on Earth; they are the furthest point you can go before changing directions. Varied states of extreme happiness, mania, and extreme sadness, depression, is why many refer to this disorder as manic depression. In the context of bipolar...
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...Bipolar Disorder Introduction Also known as manic-depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is defined as a psychological state in which a person experiences a mood disorder causing radical alterations in their moods which can vary from manic highs to depressive lows. Elevated levels of either manic and depression are some of the common experiences that are encountered by a person suffering from this order. During the course of this discussion we will look at some of the key aspects that influence the occurrence, causes, signs and symptoms and treatment of this disease. The term "bipolar disorders" already shows that it is not this is a common disease. The disease may be individually very different and take different courses. Always, however, the disease is usually in stages or episodes in which a certain mood prevails. There are two different episodes of illness, the manic episode or depressive episode and the high point or low phase. What is Bipolar Disorder? In the United States over two million people are diagnosed with the psychological problem of bipolar disorder. One of the major reasons behind the unprecedented rise of people suffering from the disorder is contributed by the complications that hinder correct and accurate diagnosis of the disease. It is mainly because of the delay in the diagnostic process that the number of people suffering from the disorder has increased extraordinarily...
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...are the implications for treatment? Shvawn Christensen Psych 435 Athabasca University What does research indicate about clinical depression and what are the implications for treatment? The purpose of this paper is to logically provide a review about the biological and situational aspects of depression and the various forms of treatment. I will define what depression is, evaluate who depression affects and why, then proceed with the description of the most widely used methods of treatment, behavioral therapy and prescribed medication. I What is Depression? When it is referred to as your mood no one is exempt from some imbalance from time to time. This would be considered as normal day to day stress and living. However a diagnosis of depression is arrived at after a person has had or displayed a long struggle with feelings of sadness and hopelessness. As well if these feelings continue to affect and interfere with the person’s daily life. Unipolar and Bipolar are two types of mood disorders that can affect anyone of us. [People only troubled by depression would be diagnosed with “unipolar disorder” as this emotional disorder only affects one end of the mood continuum. However “bipolar disorder” affects both emotional ends of the mood continuum. People with this disorder will experience periods of both depression and mania] (Weiten & McCainn, 2007, p. 591) Depression has a negative effect on people’s emotions and affects...
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...Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that makes people unconsciously have mood swings periodically. “This disorder is also known as manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder is most commonly found in young adults, and in some cases, children as well.” Statistics show that the bipolar disorder affects about four million people in the United States, and is becoming one of the most common disabilities in the United States today. People with the bipolar disorder undergo two specific mood swings: depression and mania. The bipolar disorder was discovered during the time of the ancient Greeks. “During the time of the ancient Greeks, it was believed that bipolar disorder was caused by inspirations, environment, spiritual factors, as well as emotions,...
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...Treatment plans for mood disorders are much alike the treatment plans for anxiety disorders. There are two main paths that can be taken, either with prescription medication or the therapeutic paths. There are three types of prescription medicines when it comes to mood disorders: mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants. The first step is for the doctor to determine the severity of the disorder. That will determine which medicine and the dosage. While this is done with all prescriptions, it is essential and different with mood disorders due to the fact that it is easy for one factor to upset the whole person. Also, this helps with determining which of the three types of medication to use. Thankfully research has expanded and “The...
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...of severity, from minor feelings of discomfort and sadness to major and severe depression. Dysthymia, also called persistent depressive disorder, is a “depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated by either subjective account or observation by others, for at least 2 years¨ (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013, p. 168). This chronic state of depression is not severe as the ones experienced in Major Depression, but they are significant enough to cause problems and obstacles on everyday lives. According to Psychiatric Times about 2.5% of the American population fulfill the criteria to be diagnosed with Dysthymia (Uher, 2014). Dysthymia is a mood disorder that is characterized by many symptoms. According to the DSM-V by the American Psychiatric Association, people suffering from Dysthymia will have a poor appetite or they will overeat, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration or difficulty making decisions, and finally feelings of hopelessness (2013, p. 168). Dysthymia in more severe cases can also cause people to lose interest in daily activities and sometimes even withdraw completely from engaging in them. In children, “dysthymia sometimes occurs along with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioral or learning disorders, anxiety disorders, or developmental disabilities.” (Mayo Clinic, 2012). Some symptoms that may appear in children with Dysthymia are irritability, poor school...
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... Circadian Rhythms as a basis of mood disorder, in particular bipolar disorder. Introduction: The complex structure and the functions of the human body has been a subject of study by a lot of individuals since a very long time. The curiosity of the human being supporting it, further aids in discovering the secrets hidden behind the way a human being is. Biological rhythms or circadian rhythms also make up one of the hidden secrets for the functions of the human beings and scheduling of various tasks. The terms Circadian is derived from Latin word Circa, “around” or “about” and diem or dies “day” meaning literally “about a day” or “around a day”. This circadian rhythm is already built in the complex human body but is regulated by external factors known as “zeitgebers”. The primary or the most important zeitgebers is ‘light’ which helps human automatically start a particular process in one’s life and controls various cycles at regular intervals. This may include sleep/wake cycle, eating habits, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or bipolar disorder. Scientists have long been researching the effects of disturbance of circadian rhythms and its consequences on the life of a human being. This paper also considers the facts that have been established in this area to identify and discuss the process undergoing in a human being and its complexities with a particular reference to circadian rhythms and bipolar disorder, its causes and how shall it be handled to ease a...
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...Depression Paper Jennifer Ridgeway Herrick PSY/270 August 18, 2013 Tanya Harrell Depression Paper Most people’s moods will come and go without incident. Their feelings of elation or sadness are understandable reactions to daily events and do not affect their lives greatly or the lives of people around them. The moods of people with mood disorders, in contrast, tend to last a long time. Their mood colors all of their interactions with the world and interferes with normal functioning of their daily lives. (Comer, 2011) According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, Patients with bipolar disorder differ from patients with unipolar depression by having family histories of mania with an earlier onset and by having more episodes over a lifetime. Their study was designed to determine whether additional aspects of course of illness, the presence of medical diseases, childhood traits, and other familial illnesses separate the two groups. The group of bipolar patients had an earlier onset, a more acute onset, more total episodes, andmore familial mania and were more likely to be male. These differences were relatively independent of each other. The bipolar patients were also more likely to be hyperactive as children. The unipolar patients had a significantly greater number of lifetime medical/surgical interventions than the bipolar patients, even when age was controlled. Alcoholism was more prevelant in the families of the bipolar patiens, even when alcoholism in the probands...
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