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Moon Woman Research Paper

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Luna, The Wonderful Moon Woman
Every night you see the moon, right? How much do you really know about the moon? Did you know that the moon has a name? Do you know the moon’s name? Do you know her history of being on this Earth? What purpose do you find the moon has? Everyone sees the moon, Luna, as just a way to tell that the night has approached. Have you ever looked up in the morning and saw the moon? It might not show out as much, but the moon might still be still there. Over twelve million years ago, there was a little girl, Luna. Luna wasn't an abnormal child, Luna was an extraordinary child. She had powers that was unnatural to any human eyes, her unknown powers could make her travel in time. She could travel anywhere she wanted, she went to the past and saw the story of how the sun was made.
The sun was truly made by space gods, whom were trying to create a ball of stars so they could play catch, instead of a ball they made the sun. Luna became disinterested in the trolls and went back into her time period. When she returned, her adopted mother questioned, “Where have you been? I walked into your room because I overheard strange noises, and I came to see if you were okay, then when I entered you was nowhere to be found. I was terrified and worried about you.” Luna …show more content…
Luna yet again, ran back into her room and fell asleep. In the morning, she ran out to tell everyone one what had happened. They didn't go along with what she was saying, instead they thought she was a witch because of her powers and they kept her captive until they decided where she would be kept. They saw her as a dangerous witch, but they didn't want to have to kill a young child. One person explained that they should all send Luna to the moon. Everyone agreed and it didn't take long for her transportation to get ready for her to be shipped off to the

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