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South High School Research Paper

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Imagine a school where every class you had you had unimaginable fun. Every day you were eager to go. A big school with lots of fun activities planned. Where learning and fun came together; the perfect school. Unfortunately Denver South High is not that school. Problems with U.S. education are that there are more unprepared kids to go to college than prepared. Kids are not getting the motivation that they need. The schools have trashy equipment because they do not receive enough fundings. Many kids are going from school to prison because the school to prison pipeline. I am talking to you about this as a Denver South High senior. Although denver South High is doing well in the areas of diversity and creating a safe environment, South could improve by making things more interesting, college readiness, and it’s crowded classes.
While many U.S. schools struggle with diversity, South successfully fulfills that. According to a study done by The Century Foundation, “The large body of research that demonstrates the important educational benefits- cognitive, social, and emotional for all students who interact with classmates from different backgrounds, cultures, and orientations to the world.” (Wells) Basically there has been lots of research saying that it is good for students to interact with students from a …show more content…
schools also struggle with creating a safe environment, but South is the safe spot. The U.S. Department of Justice said,”Police routinely arrest and transports youths to a juvenile detention center for minor classroom misbehaviors.” (Elias) Schools have lots of problems in the classroom where the students are being sent to detention centers. We went around South and we interviewed a student about it and he said, “Yeah I think South is safe; it is safer than other schools.” (Gonzales) He also agrees that South is a good environment to learn, it is safe. Schools around the U.S. are struggling with creating safe zones, but South has is all under

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