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Parent Social Status


Submitted By Datblackboi
Words 3918
Pages 16

Adejumo, G. O. (2011) Impact of Family Type on Involvement of Adolescents in Pre-Marital Sex International Journal of Psychology and Counselling. Vol.3 (1). Pp.15-19


This study examined the impact of home type on involvement of in-school adolescents in premarital sex in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria. This study adopted a survey research design. Three hundred and sixty-eight students from four secondary schools were randomly selected, 128 or 47.8% were males and 148 or 53% were females. Their ages range from 16-19years with the mean of 18.24years. Only 186 or 69% have had sexual intercourse and 94 of them had only one sex partner while 92 had more than one sex partner. Two research instruments were developed for this study-Attitude towards Pre marital Sex Scale (ATPSS) and Parent Involvement Questionnaire (PIQ). The findings revealed a significant effect of home type in prediction of adolescents’ involvement in premarital sex at r=.569, r2 =.347, f (1,218) = 56.47 and <.05 significant level. There was a significant difference significant difference in involvement in premarital sex between adolescents from single parent and intact homes at X2-observed=22.46, 1degree of freedom and p <0.05. It was concluded that parental involvement is paramount in adolescents’ premarital sexual behaviour. It was recommended that government, religious bodies and individuals should uphold the sacred institution of marriage for wellbeing of our children.

Adejumo, G. O (2011) Family Structure and Social Support as Determinants of Family Homelessness in Lagos Metropolis Journal of Functional Management, Leads University, Volume 3 No.1.


Homelessness among families is tremendously destructive and exacts enormous human, social and economic costs. This study examined the family structure and social support as

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