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Moral Case Study


Submitted By Briante1
Words 1074
Pages 5
Case Study: Fetal Abnormality
Briante Bankston
Grand Canyon University: HLT-302
Professor Waddell
May 23, 2013

Moral Case Study: Fetal Abnormality All throughout life we go through and sometimes have to face and deal with the most challenging and unexpected circumstances. Thankfully, we have the ability to take a moment and think wisely about our choices. Because that is ultimately what life is about making decisions. In the Case Study: Fetal Abnormality Jessica and Marco are faced with some unfortunate news from Dr.Wilson, that the fetus Jessica was carrying was not likely to develop any arms and had a quarter of a chance of having Down syndrome. They were faced with a couple of options to deal with the situation accordingly which was either to keep, abort, or give the baby up for adoption. However, each of the individuals involved gave their recommendation for action based on the different moral status theories. When it comes to Aunt Maria, I would associate two theories with her, which is the moral agency and the relationship theory. For one she is involving God in the equation as being a factor in the decision making process for both Jessica and Marco in regards to aborting the fetus. Immediately when she mentioned God and the fact that He intended the pregnancy to happen, me being a Christian, I know that He makes no mistakes and for Jessica and Marco to go along with the abortion it would be seen as sinful. “ Thou shalt not kill”. (Exodus 20:13) Another theory that she is using is the relationship theory. Reason being is because she has pretty much already established a relationship between Jessica and the unborn fetus the moment she urged Jessica to “think of her responsibility as a mother”. Given that the aunt displayed the moral agency and relationship theory each influenced her recommendation in various ways. Starting

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