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Mount Rushmore Research Paper

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Mount Rushmore is one of the greatest monuments in the United States depicting some of our greatest presidents. However, it was sculpted on sacred ground to the Lakota Sioux. These were the Native Americans that were here before the settlers came. To make the situation even worse the United States government had a treaty with the Sioux people and the broke it when they built on their land. Mount Rushmore should not have been sculpted on Black Hills South Dakota.

One Reason why Mount Rushmore should not have been sculpted into Black Hill of South Dakota is that the land was taken from the Sioux. Many of the Sioux people think that it is insulting that this monument was sculpted on land that they rightfully owned. In 1986 the U.S Government promised the Sioux people that this land would be theirs forever but ended up taking it when they decided that the wanted it again. This is not the first time unfairness towards these native Americans has happened. This was a pattern of the 19th century. “President Ulysses S. Grant reflected the attitudes of many whites when he said he favored “educating and civilizing” Native Americans to make them more like white Americans. He said that “It is either this or war of extermination." And Nobody then wanted to change so war was the last resort. Therefore because President Ulysses and so many others thought that because they were white that they were in control and that it was their land now. This is why Mount Rushmore should not have been sculpted on the ground that legally owned by the Sioux people.

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