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Movie Analysis: Keeping Up With The Steins

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Keeping Up with the Steins is a coming of age movie. It follows Benjamin Fielder as he goes through his Bar Mitzvah. The movie starts out with Benjamin and his family attending Zachary Stein’s Bar Mitzvah. Zachary’s Bar Mitzvah is very elaborate, having a Titanic themed party. Benjamin’s father used to work for Zachary’s father but broke off and brought half so the workers with him. This caused a rivalry between the two parents. Benjamin’s father, wanting to out do Zachary’s plans on making Benjamin’s Bar Mitzvah even grander. Doing so he puts a lot of pressure on Benjamin so hoping to get some relief, Benjamin invites his grandfather, Irwin Fielder to his Bar Mitzvah two weeks early. This is problematic because Benjamin’s grandfather walked

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