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Rudeness: Final Draft

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Kris Tejada
Professor Rogers
Freshman Comp. 1 ENC-1101
20 July 2016
Causes of Rudeness: Final Draft
Rudeness may be defined as lack of manners and discourteous behavior, but the way some define rudeness may differ depending on whom they are. Many may find different things rude, maybe depending on what it is and what it may take away. For example, acts of rudeness may take away time from someone, a social interaction with someone, or even belittle a person. Acts of rudeness present themselves differently, and may be caused by a number of things. The effects are usually the same when there’s an act of rudeness; people may be offended, undermined, and bothered. The differences lie in what the causes of rudeness are. According to a 2006 poll …show more content…
87% of people see others making annoying cell phone calls, but only 71% are bothered a lot or some by that. Then we have more data that reads 74% of people see others using their cell or checking their email mid-conversation, where 67% are bothered by that. I mean, these polls were taken in 2006 and it’s now 2016. Consider the amount of people that have smart phones and how often they use it. And let’s not get started on this Pokémon Go app, where people aren’t even aware of their surroundings while playing this game. Interesting enough, this brings up a new question: Do more people find phone use annoying now that phones have more functions and features; or are people okay with it since more people using their phones more is a social norm?
Another cause of rudeness may be retaliation, anger, an emotional response, or impulse. In New York City, I take the train and bus everyday along with hundreds of people. I usually see people acting the way others act. Needless to say, if someone bumps into someone by accident, we assume they need to get somewhere fast and brush it off. We don’t deem it rude because that’s justified by social norms. As a New Yorker, we’re used to that. In a relative manner, others may right a wrong since it seems justifiable. This is evident in an instance of a Georgia college student, who hit two women with a …show more content…
What was the college student’s reaction? Righting a wrong. It seems that people define rudeness and justifying rudeness differently. Even though the Georgia college student may have perceived her actions as justified, others find that rude nonetheless. It seems that there are more than one cause of rudeness, illustrated in this instance. Based on this occurrence, rudeness was a cause of lack of awareness, lack of objectivity, and clouded judgment. Clouded judgement accounts for things including acting on impulse, and intentions vs outcome. As Robert Greene, author of 48 Laws of Power,

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