...web: http://navakal.org, e-mail- navakal.1923@gmail.com df©-91 A§H$-202 _w§~B© ewH«$dma 27 gßQ>|~a 2013 g§nmXH$ … gm¡. O`lr Im{S>bH$a-nm§S>o nmZo-12 qH$‘V:< 4 RNI Regd No. 1814/57 REGD. No. MH/MR/SOUTH-143/2012-14 EH$‘od ñdV§Ì X¡{ZH$ EH$ Midi X¡{ZH$ "ZdmH$mi'Mr Img ^oQ> nmM VéUtMm ‘oH$Amoìha! A˶§V à{gÕ ã¶w{Q>{e¶Z {Xár XodmZr "ZdmH$mi'À¶m dmMH$ Agboë¶m nmM VéUtMm ‘mo’$V ‘oH$Amoìha H$ê$Z XoUma Amho. hoAaH$Q>, hm¶bmB©Q>, ‘oH$An Ago ~aoM H$mhr H$ê$Z Vw‘Mo ê$nM A{YH$ AmH$f©H$ Ho$bo OmB©b. ¶mgmR>r Vw‘Mm gܶmMm ’$moQ>mo, d¶, {ejU, nÎmm nwT>rb B-‘obda bdH$amV bdH$a nmR>dm Am{U ^m½¶d§V ~Zm. (Á¶m VéUtMm ‘oH$Amoìha Ho$bm OmB©b ˶m§Mo AmYrMo d ‘oH$Amoìha Z§VaMo ’$moQ>mo "ZdmH$mi'‘ܶo à{gÕ Ho$bo OmVrb. nmMhr VéUtÀ¶m {ZdS>rMo gdm©{YH$mar "ZdmH$mi' g§nmXH$m§H$S>o amhVrb. ‘oH$Amoìha Z§Va H$moU˶mhr àH$maMr VH«$ma H$aVm ¶oUma Zmhr ¶mMr Zm|X ¿¶mdr) Ëdam H$am : ’$moQ>mo nmR>dm B-‘ob - youngbuzz2013@gmail.com dH$sb åhUVmV, Amamonr nimbm Y¸$mXm¶H$ KQ>Zm R>mUo Ooba åhUVmV {gamO H«$mB©‘ ~«°ÝMH$S>o eº$s {‘b‘ܶo A˶mMma H$aUmam à‘wI Amamonr Amho Hw$R>o? ‘w§~B©, Jwédma - 22 dfu¶ N>m¶m{MÌH$ma VéUrda eº$s {‘b H§$nmD§$S>‘ܶo gm‘y{hH$ ~bmËH$ma H$aUmè¶m ZamY‘m§Zm Ad¿¶m 36 Vmgm§V Ooa~§X H$ê$Z ‘w§~B© nmo{bgm§Zr gmè¶m OJmMr dmhìdm {‘i{dbr hmoVr. ‘mÌ, AmO ñH$m°Q>b±S> ¶mS>©À¶m Z§Va ZmdmOë¶m OmUmè¶m ‘w§~B© nmobrg XbmMr nma ~oB‚mV Pmbr. AmO eº$s {‘b‘ܶo gm‘y{hH$ ~bmËH$ma H$aUmè¶m ZamY‘m§Mm åhmoa³¶m {gamO aoh‘mZ ImZ hm ~onÎmm Agë¶mMr ‘m{hVr {deof gaH$mar dH$sb C‚db {ZH$‘ ¶m§Zr gÌ...
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...pg 728 Problem a company (say X) is thinking of introducing a product (say P) in the market. For reasons of simplicity, it has categorized the expected sales as ‘high’ and ‘low’. In the past, other companies have also sold products similar to P and the sales of these products have been analysed (historical data). Based on this historical data, X has estimated the probability of the volume of the sales and corresponding monetary inflow / outflow. This estimation is … Volume of sales (E1) is estimated to be … | Probability of occurrence of E1 | inflow / outflow if product is launched | High | 30% | An inflow of Rs 150,000 | Low | 70% | An outflows of Rs 40,000 | X can hire market-research (mr) company to survey the market. The outcome of the survey can be … * High * Low * No statement (ie the surveyors are unable to make a recommendation) In the past, many surveys were conducted by mr companies for products similar to P. data* is available for volume of sales that took place after {the survey was done and the recommendations were made by the surveyor}. *historical data Based on this historical data, X makes following conclusions … Actual volume of sales of the products = high | 50% (a) of the corresponding mr reports had forecasted that the sales volume will be high | | 20% (b) of the corresponding mr reports had forecasted that the sales volume will be low | | 30% (c ) of the corresponding mr reports were unable to give recommendations...
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..._ëb {dÚoMo nmoqeXo - amOfu emhÿ _hmamO àm.S>m°. eoIa Zm. {eagmR> emar[aH$ {ejU Am{U H«$sS>m {d^mJà_wI, Xod{Jar _hm{dÚmb`, Am¡a§Jm~mX. shekhar_shirsath@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------amOfu emhÿ _hmamO ho Ho$di _„{dÚoMo nmoqeXo ZìhVo Va Vo ñdV:hr nÅ>rMo n¡bdmZ hmoVo. åhUyZM Ë`m§Mm H$mbI§S> AmYw{ZH$ ^maVr` Hw$ñVr na§naogmR>r gwdU©`wJ R>abm Amho. emhÿ _hmamO ho {Zð>md§V ~bmonmgH$ hmoVo. 1894 gmbr Ë`m§Mm gÎmmamohU g_ma§^ Pmbm. H$a{da ZJarbm EH$ ^¸$_ H¥$VrMm, gw{ejrV Am{U ì`gZa{hV amOm {_imbm. amÁ`H$ma^mamV JT>boë`m amOmbm _mÌ ~bmonmgZoMm {dga nS>bm Zmhr. amÁ`mamohU : emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr amÁ`mamohU{Z{_Îm 1894 gmbr H$moëhmnyabm EH$ Hw$ñË`mMo O§Jr _¡XmZ ^a{dbo. Ë`m _¡XmZmbm _„{dXoÀ`m joÌmV EH$ Eo{Vhm{gH$ _hÎd Amho. {dO`r _„mà_mUoM nam^yV _„m§Zmhr _hmamOm§Zr ^aKmog ~{jgo {Xbr. H$moU qOH$bo AWdm H$moU habo, `mÀ`mnojm H$moU H$go bT>bo `mbm A{YH$ _hÎd Amho. EImXm n¡bdmZ habm åhUOo Vmo H$_r XOm©Mm _„ hmoVmo hr {dMmagaUr emhÿ _hmamOm§Zm _mÝ` ZìhVr. habobm _„ {dO`r _„mBVH$m H$gXma, X_Xma Am{U H$m¡eë`nyU© Agy eH$Vmo. åhUyZ {dO`r n¡bdmZm§à_mUoM nam^yV n¡bdmZm§Zmhr nm[aVmo{fHo$ àXmZ H$ê$Z Ë`mMr H$Xa H$am`Mm hm ZdrZ nm`§S>m emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr nmS>bm. Ë`m§Zr nmS>boë`m ZdrZ nm`§S>çm_wio Hw$ñVr {dH$mgmbm JVr {_imbr. Hw$ñVr~amo~aM ì`m`m_mMohr _hÎd dmT>{dÊ`mMm àm_m{UH$ à`ËZ emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr Ama§^ Ho$bm. Ë`mgmR>r Amnë`m OwÝ`m amOdmS>çmVM "_moVr~mJ' Vmbr_ gwê$ Ho$br. Vmb_rda Ë`m§Zr ñdhñVo EH$ \$bH$ bmdbm. Ë`mda {b{hbo hmoVo, ""n{hbo eara g§nÎmr, Xwgar nwÌ g§nÎmr d {Vgar...
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...ICT in Retail Sector – India ICT in Retail Sector India July 2011 Executive Summary Retail sector is estimated to reach INR x tr in 20‐‐ and is expected to witness a growth CAGR of a% to reach INR y tr in 20‐‐ IT / ICT adoption in India is fast gaining popularity, wherein growing retail and trade activity is p p p y g expected to push the adoption rate by a large extent Cuurrently, retail sector in India spend about b% ‐ c % of the overall yearly sales on IT services Market Availability of better and faster IT / ICT solutions with maximum accuracy is pushing the industry forward significantly Technology Adoption in Retail Currently, adoption of IT / ICT in retail sector is estimated at INR z bn of the overall IT / ICT Currently, adoption of IT / ICT in retail sector is estimated at INR z bn of the overall IT / ICT industry in India Growing trade and retail activities is resulting in the need for line of business specific applications aimed at catering to the specific needs of the sector p y pp y Cost component, flexibility and customization of applications are the key selection criteria amongst retailers for the selection of IT / ICT tools and services Cloud computing plays a major role in the enhancement of operational procedures of retailing wherein data and information are transmitted on a real time basis thereby facilitating faster decision making It is predominantly implemented in the fields of supply chain management, inventory ...
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...ADMISSION PROSPECTUS 2012 UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS Prof. Dr. Pirzada Qasim Raza Siddiqui Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shahana Urooj Kazmi Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nasiruddin Khan Pro-Vice Chancellor 99261336 99261300 Ext: 2210 vc@uok.edu.pk 99261396 99261300 Ext: 2531 shahanaurooj@uok.edu.pk 99261340 99261300 Ext: 2532 drnasirkhan@uok.edu.pk DEANS OF FACULTIES Prof. Dr. AbuzarWajidi Faculty of Management & Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. ZafarIqbal Faculty of Arts Prof. Dr. Darakhshan J. Haleem Dean Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Ghazala H. Rizwani Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. HisamuddinMansoori Faculty of Islamic Studies Prof. Dr. S. M. Abbas Faculty of Medicine Prof. Khursheed A. Hashmi Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Darakhshan J. Haleem – Dean Faculty of Science (Caretaker) Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. ZafarIqbal – Dean Faculty of Arts (Caretaker)Faculty of Education University of Karachi Page 3 ADMISSION PROSPECTUS STUDENTS’ STUDENTS’ AFFAIRS o look after students affairs, in general, and to supervise their extra-curricular activities in particular, an office of Advisor Students’ Affairs is situated at the first floor of the Administration block. Teachers and the staff are available for the students’ guidance. 2012 M.Phil./Ph.D theses to students of various departments of the University. LEJ Digital Library is also available at the campus that can be used by all the students to access a large number of books or journals on-line. T Transport: Over...
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...Case Study: RED BRAND CANNERS Vice President of Operations Mr. Michell Gorden Controller Mr. William Copper Sale Manager Mr. Charles Myers Production Manager Mr. Dan Tucker Purpose: Decide the amount of tomato products to pack at this season. Tomato Products Whole Tomato Tomato Juice Tomato Paste Information: 1. Amount of Tomato: 3,000,000 pounds to be delivered. Tomato quality: 20% (grade A) × 3,000,000 = 600,000 pounds 80% (grade B) × 3,000,000 = 2,400,000 pounds (provided by production manager) 2. Demand forecasts & selling prices (provided by sale manager): Products Demand Whole canned tomato no limitation Others Refer Exhibit 1 1 lbs. correction (800,000/18) = 44444.5 Cases Selling prices has been set in light of the long-term marketing strategy of the company. Potential sales have been forecasted at these prices. 3. Purchasing price & product profitability (provided by controller) Purchasing price 6cents/pound Net profit Refer Exhibit 2 Grade A 9 points Grade B 5 points Product Minimum requirement Whole tomato 8 points Tomato juice 6 points Tomato paste 5 points (without grade A) 2 3.8 -(0.54+0.26+0.38+0.77) = 1.85 4.0-(1.18+0.24+0.4+0.7) = 1.48 4.5 - (1.32+0.36+0.85+0.65) = 1.32 0.3 5. 80,000 pounds of grade "A" tomatoes are available at 8.5 cents per pound. (provided by the Vice president of operations) 6. Sale manager re-computes the marginal profits (Exhibit 3). Linear Programming Solutions (a)...
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...also take into account any ethical issues that may arise. The case study I have chosen is Mr X. He is a 32 year old male client. Mr X’s symptoms are sleeping difficulties, low self esteem and problems sustaining a long term relationship. Mr X has never had a very good relationship with his father and he never seemed to receive any sense of approval from him in whatever he did with his life. He qualified as an accountant on leaving school but has now qualified as a nurse which is something he really enjoys doing. Mr X has felt that his father always thought that he could do better, never encouraged him and when he announced he was training to be a nurse, his father said “Why didn’t you train to be a doctor then?”. What ever he does isn’t good enough for him. Mr X believes his childhood feelings of being undervalued have affected him deeply and these feelings have carried on into his adult life. H knows there is a connection between these emotions and his low self esteem and sustaining a long term relationship. We talk through the notification form and discover this relationship that he has with his dad. It is important to assess Mr X before starting a course of hypnoanalysis with him. Hypnoanalysis is a combination of investigative analytical techinques along with the hypnotic state (Psychotherapetic Counselling – year one – Module seven). It is very important to assess Mr X accurately before starting on a course of hynoanalysis. I would be looking at a course of...
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...Case 15-10 Who’s in Charge? Background Professor X teaches biology at the University of ND (UND). As part of his employment agreement, UND has the rights to any intellectual property or technology developed by Professor X while he is employed by UND. During his employment at UND, Professor X founded several companies that use the technology he developed. This technology involves the use of non-embryonic (adult) human cells to reprogram genes within adult human cells into stem cells. Each company founded by Professor X is an affiliate of UND (for simplicity, UND) and has entered into an agreement whereby the company would license the technology developed by Professor X from UND in exchange for equity in the company and ongoing royalty payments to UND. Phoenix On June 15, 2XX8, Professor X established Phoenix, a biotechnology company that specializes in producing stem cells using the latest technology. Thunderbird On January 26, 2XX6, Professor X established Thunderbird, a biotechnology company that specializes in producing stem cells using second-generation technology. Thunderbird is developing products, but has had no revenue (except minimal grant revenue). Darwin On November 9, 2XX4, Professor X established Darwin, a biotechnology company that specializes in producing stem cells using first-generation technology. As of mid-2XX8, Darwin has several products and services, contracts with customers, and minimal revenue. Darwin and Thunderbird share office...
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...Mr. and Ms. Albert: Problems of Premature Ejaculation 17th Dec. 2012 Abstract This paper reviews the problem of a couple who is experiencing premature ejaculation problems. Psychological ejaculation theories and treatment interventions are considered. Mr. Albert’s possible negative psychological effect is looked at as well as his partner’s. Successful psychological interventions are discussed that could minimize the problem of rapid ejaculation. Combined pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy are found to be the most effective in minimizing the problems of rapid ejaculation and psychological obstacles that arise from the problem. It is highlighted that the psychotherapeutic intervention, cognitive behavioral therapy is important in any case to reduce distress and negative affective thoughts along with the medical process. Mr. and Ms. Albert: Problems of Premature Ejaculation Mr. and Ms. Albert have been married for 15 years. Mr. Albert works as a restaurateur and is a successful man, and Ms. Albert is a housewife who is committed to child rearing. Mr. Albert is 38 and Ms. Albert is 35 years old. Mr. Albert was always a perfectionist, and he always managed to achieve his goals. Additionally, it was important for Mr. Albert throughout his childhood to please his demanding father. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this couple seems to lead a decent life and are highly compatible, they are experiencing problems when they engage in sexual intercourse. The Presenting Problem ...
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...Linear Equations ____ 1 Mr. Frankel bought 7 tickets to a puppet show and spent $43. He bought a combination of child tickets for $4 each and adult tickets for $9 each. Which system of equations below will determine the number of adult tickets, a, and the number of child tickets, c, he bought? A. a = c - 9 9a + 4c = 43 B. 9a + 4c = 43 a +c=7 C. a + c = 301 a +c=7 D. 4a + 4c = 50 a +c=7 2 Tyrone is packaging a mix of bluegrass seed and drought-resistant seed for people buying grass seed for their lawns. The bluegrass seed costs him $2 per pound while the drought-resistant grass seed costs him $3 per pound. a. Write an equation showing that Tyrone spent $68 altogether for the two types of grass seed. b. Write an equation showing that Tyrone bought a total of 25 lb of the two types of grass seed. c. Solve the system of equations to find out how many pounds of each type of grass seed Tyrone bought. Mr. Jarvis invested a total of $9,112 in two savings accounts. One account earns 7.5% simple interest per year and the other earns 8.5% simple interest per year. Last year, the two investments earned a total of $884.88 in interest. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the amount Mr. Jarvis initially invested in each account. Let x represent the amount invested at 7.5% and let y represent the amount invested at 8.5%. A. x + y = 9, 112 0.075x + 0.085y = 884.88 B. x + y = 884.88 7.5x + 8.5y = 9, 112 4 D. C. x + y = 884.88 0.075x + 0.085y = 9, 112 x + y = 9, 112 7.5x + 8...
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...Government and Economics Mr. Herman/Mr. Malone Corporation Profile Project DUE DATE: Directions: 1) 2) 3) 4) Pick one corporation from the list of the top 100 companies from the Fortune 500 (if you do not know what that means, please look it up). Find the following and report on it. Some responses could be a sentence; others may need to be several paragraphs. Make sure to research the following information from reliable sources: a. The company’s logo and motto b. The company’s headquarters c. The company’s leadership (officers and board members) d. FY2009 earnings (profits or losses) e. Its current stock price f. The 52-week range of its stock price g. History of the corporation h. Description of what the company does/is doing and how it is structured i. Competitors and how the company is doing against the competitors j. Financial outlook of the company You must create a short presentation conveying the important aspects of your work. Include a works cited page in MLA format Assessment: Depth/accuracy of information/analysis (20 pts) Quality of presentation (10 pts) Quality of research (10 pts) MLA works cited page (5 pts) Conventions (5 pts) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Total x 2 (100 pts) ___ Government and Economics Mr. Herman/Mr. Malone Corporation Profile Project DUE DATE: Directions: 1) 2) 3) 4) Pick one corporation from the list of the top 100 companies from the Fortune 500 (if you do not know what that means, please ...
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...molecular formulae Isotopes FHSC1114 Physical Chemistry 1 Centre for Foundation Studies, UTAR Objectives To define relative atomic masses of atoms & molecules To define & determine mass no. & atomic no. To determine no. of neutrons, protons & electrons To understand mole concept & Avogadro’s concept To determine the empirical & molecular formulae Structure of An Atom Atomic Composition 3 subatomic particles made up all atoms: Electrically positive protons Electrically neutral neutrons Electrically negative electrons Table: Properties & Location of Protons, Neutrons & Electrons In Atom Subatomic Symbol Relative Mass Mass Location Particle electrical (g) (amu) charge Proton p+ +1 1.6726 1 In the x 10-24 nucleus...
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...* PPL/PUR/PAC/2014/002 March16, 2014 * Nandanic Packaging Ind. Kazirgaon, Board Press, Jatrabari Dhaka Attn.: Mr. Nomanur Rahman WORK / PURCHASE ORDER Dear Sir(s), Reference to your quotation & subsequent discussion with you; we are pleased to place the Work Order of the following items as follows Sl. | Description | Quantity | Rate/unit | Total amount | 01 | 42X100 ml Bottle:Size: H-5.5”X W-12.5”X L-14.5”Paper: 3 Ply with both side linerPrinting: One color skin printing | 200 (Two Hundred) Pcs | Tk. 18.25 | Tk.3,650.00 | 02 | 20X500 ml Bottle:Size: H-8”X W-12”X L-14.5”Paper: 3 Ply with both side linerPrinting: One color skin printing | 200 (Two Hundred) Pcs | Tk. 18.50 | Tk.3,700.00 | | 12X1Liter Bottle:Size: H-10.5”X W-12”X L-14”Paper: 3 Ply with both side linerPrinting: One color skin printing | 200 (Two Hundred) Pcs | Tk. 21.00 | Tk.4,200.00 | | 12X1 Kg Box:Size: H-13”X W-14.5”X L-14.5”Paper: 3 Ply with both side linerPrinting: One color skin printing | 200 (Two Hundred) Pcs | Tk. 28.00 | Tk.5,600.00 | TOTAL: | TK. 17,150.00 | Taka Seventeen thousand one hundred fifty only. | TERMS & CONDIT/IONS: 1. Size, Paper, Text & Design etc. exactly as per our specimen & instruction. 2. Before going for Final Printing gets written approval from our responsible person to be obtained by you. 3. PACKING: The above packing materials must be packed...
Words: 388 - Pages: 2
...Securities Act (17 CFR 230.425) Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14a-12) Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b)) Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c)) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Item. 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers. Director Elections The shareholder of Avaya Inc. (the “Company”) and the Company’s board of directors, acting by unanimous written consents, have appointed Mr. Kiran Patel and Mr. Ronald...
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...Bonding Topic 4 IB Chemistry What is a bond? • A force that holds atoms together and makes them function as a unit Atoms bond to achieve a noble gas electron configuration (8 electrons in the outer level - octet rule) • • H and He are notable exceptions - only need 2 electrons (duet rule) The valence electrons (electrons in the outermost energy level) are the ones involved • Ionic Bonds • The electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions (cation = +; anion = -) Results from the transfer of e- from a low electronegative atom (cation, metal) to a high electronegative atom (anion, non-metal) so both achieve complete outer shells (inert gas econfiguration) • • Ionic bonds occur if the difference in electronegativities is 1.8 or greater 2.8.1 • 2.8.7 Chlorine has a stronger attraction for the electrons than sodium; the valence electron moves from sodium to chlorine, resulting in the formation of oppositely charged ions (both atoms achieve a stable electron configuration of the closest noble gas); ions attract to one another 2.8 2.8.8 • The charge of an element is determined by its location on the periodic table • Some ions are formed from a group of atoms behaving as a single entity called polyatomic ions; the group has a single charge Ion NH4+ PO43NO3OHName ammonium phosphate nitrate hydroxide Ion CO32HCO3SO42Name carbonate hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate) sulfate • Ionic substances must be neutral...
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