...Objectives - MS Project 2010 * Creating a summary task * Working with subtasks * Establishing task dependencies * Specify lead and lag times A project task list can be as few as 10 or as many as several hundred tasks. With a large project, it can become difficult to locate a specific task. Using MS Project, you can organize the task list by creating a hierarchical structure. This process of structuring a task list is known as outlining. Outlining is used to organize common tasks into groups within the task list. The groups can represent phases of the project. In this lab, we will first use outlining to group the tasks of our project into phases. We will create a main summary task to represent the entire project and then several levels of summary tasks below the main summary task to represent the phases of the project. Creating an Outline 1. Log onto Windows. Open MS Project. 2. Open your project file that you created in Lesson 1, Part A (MyLab1a_XXX.mpp, where XXX are your initials.) 3. Save this file, using Save As, as MyLab1b_XXX.mpp, where XXX are your initials. Creating a hierarchical outline organizes the project tasks list into groups of tasks. Each group of tasks is preceded by a summary task, which describes the tasks within each group. The outline of a project generally begins with a main summary task. The main summary task is a brief description of the project and all tasks are subordinate to the main summary...
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...each week’s Microsoft Project exercise. In this week, we’ll be changing the Microsoft Project standard settings. I’ve accessed Microsoft Project through the DeVry iLab. You can find a link to the DeVry iLab in the weekly iLab pages or in the “Course home.” Let’s get started. The first thing that we’ll do is set some project information variables. This ensures that we are all using the same settings. First, change the start date and the current date. From the menu, choose “Project,” then “Project information.” Change the start date to January 1, 2006. Then change the current date to January 1, 2006. We’re using this date for the assignment, so that everyone’s simulated project looks the same. Click, “Okay.” Now, let’s change some of the options. From the menu toolbar, select “Tools,” then “Options.” A new window will appear. Select the general tab and type your name in the user name field. Next, let’s set the workweek. Select the calendar tab, then choose, “Saturday.” Since the workweek begins on Saturday and timekeeping data starts on the same day of the week here at the Arc Company, where we manufacture the Zuma scooter product line. Making this the default starting workday for the workweek will better align the actual work hours to the scheduled tasks. We will keep Saturdays and Sundays as non-workdays. Select the “Set as default” button for the changes to take effect for all projects. Next, let’s set the project start date. Select the...
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...Resources, depending on the Work and the Duration, it's going to directly impact on the schedule calculations. So this nugget is really going to put it 00:00:42 all together. We already have our Tasks in Microsoft Project. We already have our Resources in Microsoft Project. This nugget 3.2, 3.3 is really going to put it all together and create our effective Project Schedule. And we'll start off in this basic plan that I have called Basic Scheduling Project. It's available to you on CBTNuggets.com. 00:01:06 And if we look at it quickly, there are five Tasks in this project plan, created in two parallel dependency streams - Tasks 1 through Task 3 and Tasks 4 through Task 5. And if we look at my Resource Sheet I have a number of resources. I have three human resources all 00:01:27 of Type Work, Initials R1 of R3 and only R1 and R3 are available to the project full time. And I'm not going to get into the breaking down of the resources into probably a more realistic 90% simply because it makes the math, the the mental math a lot harder to deal with. What's 90% of eight hours a day. I'm going to go stick with a standard 00:01:49 100% utilization. Realizing as per our previous nugget that may not be the most realistic, but R2 is only available to work on projects 50% of the time. I have a piece of equipment, I have a Material Resource, my 2x4 lumber in the Lots of 100, and I have a...
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...Microsoft Project Guide Define a Project Define a project: Objectives: Clear project objectives are crucial because project success will be determined by how closely you meet them. A clear project objective is both specific and measurable. Avoid vague objectives such as “Create a state of the art learning environment”. Objectives may include: Deliverables Milestones Specific due dates Quality criteria Cost limits For objectives to be effective, it is important that all Stakeholders officially agree to them. Assumptions: During the planning stage there will be many unanswered questions, such as “When will key resources be available and how much time a new process will take?” To begin you make educated guesses and then use those estimates to create your schedule. Areas where assumptions arise: 1. Handoffs from other departments. If your project depends on the work of others do they understand your dependency and agree to handoff dates you expect? 2. Resource availability and usage. If you do not manage some of the people who does and have they approved your use of their resource. 3. Task durations. Are your estimates based on solid information or guesses? 4. Project costs. How important is cost to your project? 5. Available time. Can you realistically complete tasks on time with acceptable quality? 6. Deliverables. Does your deliverable match what you stakeholder expects. Get agreement. Constraints: Constraints on a project are factors that are likely to limit the project manager’s...
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...PROJECT SELECTION/ PROPOSAL FORM Date: May 19, 2013 Project Title: Wellness Program for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Anytown, USA Responsible Manager: Project Manager: Week #2: Week #3: Lawinda Week #4: Lou Week #5: Steve Week #6: Bob Week #7: kim Week #8: Kim Yes ☒ No ☐ This project will take more than 500 labor hours? Yes ☐ No ☒ This project is a one-time effort (will not occur on a regular basis)? Project Type: ☐ Technology | ☒ General Support | ☐ Quality | ☐ Legal | ☐ Market Share | ☐ Process Change | ☐ Cost Reduction | ☐ Replacement | ☒ Customer | ☐ New Product | ☐ Capacity | ☒ Other | Project Definition: We are going to develop a Wellness Program for the children serviced at ten (10) local Boys and Girls Clubs in Anytown, USA. The concept of our project is to have the serious issue of Childhood Obesity addressed and to encourage children to make healthier decisions within their own lifestyle. Our mission will be to align our goals with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s goals. Those goals are: to provide children life enhancing programs and character development experiences, giving children a safe place to learn and grow, develop ongoing relationships with caring adult professionals, and to provide hope and opportunity. Goal Definition: Our goal is to implement a wellness program using the management of the Boys and Girls Clubs and to have the management roll this program out to the...
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...MS Project Familiarization Ida Casey Dr. Kimberly Malone-Haddox BUS 375: Project Management October 18th, 2015 At first, I thought the MS Project is very difficult from a user standpoint. I felt that using the MS Project is very time consuming. As I was trying to navigate them the system, I found that I was focusing more on the actual system them inputting information. Considering that I do have a lot of experience with man of the MS office programs, I thought this program would be similar to that. I feel that if I had more tutorials where I am taught then have a quiz or even a step-by-step guide then I would feel more comfortable using it. Overall, it is a great program, but it still think that I would be able to use MS Excel to perform these tasks in MS Excel instead of MS Project. I do feel that with a little more that MS Projects is very easy and simple to use. You just have to get used to the program and take your time. I’m actually very excited about using the program now because this would help me gain some experience on implementing practice and assessments so I would be more confidence using it. But after doing a little research, I did find its purpose and why it was created for the business professional world. Two challenges that I foresee using MS Project in this course would be doing the projects accurate and actually navigating through it. When it comes to navigating through the program, it is difficult due to the extra steps when in the other MS office programs...
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...Assignment 1: MS Project Familiarization Deedra Grace Strayer University BUS375 – Project Management Dr. LaShawn Johnson April 20, 2016 MS Project Familiarization MS Project easy or difficult? I’d say just from viewing all the training videos, and a few extra videos I searched on YouTube, that it will be easy to use. I believe if I weren't already familiar with other Microsoft software, Microsoft Excel especially, I’d most likely be overwhelmed. I’m sure any new software may be difficult at first, but MS Project seems to be easy to grasp. Two challenges I foresee in using MS Project would be; remembering all the features, and what does what. Compared to other Microsoft software, MS Project has too many features. In my opinion less is more. Although, I’ve used different types of other software before and felt “this is too much to learn and master”, but after some time on the software there didn’t seem to be enough features. The biggest problem I'll have in regards to MS Project is no patience, and wanting to get it, right away. Secondly, after having waterfall versus agile methods explained in class, and looking more in-depth to MS Project, and reading that this software doesn't lend itself to an agile type of model. I could easily use Excel for tracking simple tasks, but you don't get the flexibility of using MS Project. I foresee that being a problem because it’s stated: “agile development is taking more of a front seat now”. Not only would it be an issue for...
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...SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROJECT TITLE: MAAS MS PROJECT CHARTER BUSINESS CASE VERSION 1 MARCH 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Description 3 Measurable Organization Value: MOV3 Deliverable Structure Chart Use-Case Diagram Scope Change Procedure Comparison of Alternatives 3 Skills, Knowledge & Roles5 Roles and Responsibilities6 Meeting Schedule7 Team Communication8 Team Rules and Expectations8 Signatures10 Project Description: MAAS MS The Martial Arts Academy has hired Bella Tech Solutions to design a system to help automate their business operations, improve student retention, and increase revenue. The academy has found that their paper-based process for school enrollment, class entry, and skill progression to become more difficult to manage. For example, instructors have found it difficult to keep track of the classes that students have actually registered for and attended. Also, they have observed an opportunity to maintain an accurate account of the student skill level and progression. Bella Tech Solutions has been tasked with the job of creating a system to automate all of their paper based processes that will directly increase the Martial Arts Academy monthly revenue. The name of the project is MAAS MS, which stands for “Martial Arts Academy School Management System” (pronounced Mac Miss); represents the project team assembled by Bella Tech Solutions to create an efficient information...
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...COMMANDS IN LINUX AND WINDOWS LESSON 2 – BASIC COMMANDS IN LINUX AND WINDOWS “License for Use” Information The following lessons and workbooks are open and publicly available under the following terms and conditions of ISECOM: All works in the Hacker Highschool project are provided for non-commercial use with elementary school students, junior high school students, and high school students whether in a public institution, private institution, or a part of home-schooling. These materials may not be reproduced for sale in any form. The provision of any class, course, training, or camp with these materials for which a fee is charged is expressly forbidden without a license including college classes, university classes, trade-school classes, summer or computer camps, and similar. To purchase a license, visit the LICENSE section of the Hacker Highschool web page at www.hackerhighschool.org/license. The HHS Project is a learning tool and as with any learning tool, the instruction is the influence of the instructor and not the tool. ISECOM cannot accept responsibility for how any information herein is applied or abused. The HHS Project is an open community effort and if you find value in this project, we do ask you support us through the purchase of a license, a donation, or sponsorship. All works copyright ISECOM, 2004. 2 LESSON 2 – BASIC COMMANDS IN LINUX AND WINDOWS Table of Contents “License for Use” Information........................................
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...According to the point of view of Salgado , Zara is getting bigger and bigger and its operating system getting more and more obsolete. Thus, it gives Zara to have a comparative advantage because for a strategic perspective. Although Zara's advantage over its competitors is not so much a result of IT leverage, the sustainability of its competitive edge might be at risk due to a lack in IT investment.The current assumption for the IT investment states about 18,000 hours. The Zara's staff devoted to IT contains about 50 people divided in several departments. So we can suppose that only 10 people are devoted to POS software and so 10 people are able to handle this project. With a brief calculation, we can figure that it would take too much time to set up this project with an internal team. That is why we are prone to think that externalize would provide a more efficient solution, completely handle by an outsourced professional team. It could be a little more expensive at short and long term that is why if we choose this option we have to integrate a training system of our staff to lower the outsourced fees. An important point is that Zara has always developed its own IT solutions and if we make it through subcontractors we are not sure that it would match with Zara values or way of doing. Zara has been used to make it alone. Thus we think that some member of the IT staff could work with subcontractors in order to lower these expenses and help them to create an It solution...
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...MS 3043 – Article Review Project Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/ms-3043-article-review-project/ Objectives: 1. Introduce some basic library search tools 2. Demonstrate the relevance of statistics (in this case, regression analysis) to your chosen field of study. Statistics is not a subject that you simply endure for now and then never use again. Many of the concepts covered in this course will be encountered in future courses and quite likely throughout your business career. The purpose of this project is to explore how researchers in your area of interest use the process of regression analysis. In order to do this, you will locate two articles from academic journals that pertain to your area of interest in business and contain the use of regression analysis. Your search criteria will contain one of the following majors from the UTSA College of Business: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Management, Management Science, and Marketing. There are several other majors, but you may find it hard to locate articles about them. In that case, it may be better to choose one of the highlighted majors above that is related to your major. Directions for finding articles: From UTSA home page Select Libraries link (bottom of page, under Current Students) Under Find Information, select Databases Select “A” under Find by Title Select ABI/INFORM – Global On first line of search terms: enter your business...
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... 10 out of 10 points | | | A multi-tasking operating system is capable of executing more than one program at a time for a user.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | Correct Answer: | True | | | | | Question 2 10 out of 10 points | | | ASCII code is one of the code schemes used to represent characters in a byte.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | Correct Answer: | True | | | | | Question 3 10 out of 10 points | | | Operating systemAnswer | | | | | Selected Answer: | d. all of the above | Correct Answer: | d. all of the above | | | | | Question 4 10 out of 10 points | | | About 95 percent of the UNIX operating system is written in C language.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | Correct Answer: | True | | | | | Question 5 10 out of 10 points | | | The two major versions of the UNIX operating system are AT&T's UNIX version V and Berkeley UNIX.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | Correct Answer: | True | | | | | Question 6 10 out of 10 points | | | You must login to use the system. It means that, in response to prompts you type your user Id and password.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True | Correct Answer: | True | | | | | Question 7 10 out of 10 points | | | You can change your password as many times as you wish.Answer | |...
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...ZARA: IT for Fast Fashion With ZARA's fashion business expanding, Salgado and Sanchez have a critical decision to make on whether to upgrade the current, seemingly out of date IT system. Like other large clothing retailers, ZARA adopts a highly standardized business model for ordering, design, manufacturing and procurement across all product categories and regions. However, unlike most clothing retailers, ZARA's business model is based on fast delivery times with minimal inventory, decentralized decision making process and very low data integration among different stores. Unlike its competitors, Zara relies on its individual store managers and designers, rather than an elite team of senior managers, to perform market research on latest trends and decide what clothes to design and procure. ZARA's approach to Information Technology is based on its business needs. In order to establish itself as a brand, which aligns closely with customers' taste, ZARA needs to have information on latest trends from all its stores to keep pace with the ever-changing fashion world. On the other hand, ZARA's popularity and high growth requires an upgraded IT system, which can be easily replicated and scalable to new stores. ZARA's current DOS system serves this purpose efficiently as it is easy to install in a newly opened store and requires little training. ZARA's approach of simple, non-integrated low cost IT investment is well in sync with its decentralized...
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.... Evaluate Microsoft’s strategy in good and poor economic times. In Good Economic Times: Microsoft is the world’s most successful software company. The original mission of this company is “a computer on every desk and in every home, running Microsoft software.” Microsoft's tactic was to be a software manufacturer and make its operating system available to computer manufacturers for use in their personal computer products, and then sell the owners of PCs software to run on that operating system. The history was begins in early 1980, where Microsoft creates DOS Operating System for IBM computer. The company used this inertial success with IBM to sell software to other manufacturer, quickly making Microsoft a major player in this industry. This is one of the changes for Microsoft to grown faster with the inertial advertising efforts focused on communicating the company range products from DOS to the launch of Excel and Windows. Later in 1986, Microsoft went to public with windows operating system and Microsoft office. The strategy contribute to launch this two application is a milestone for Microsoft to future successful. After that, Microsoft found an instant success where they launch the window 3.0 which is offered an improved set of windows icons and application like file manager and program manager where still being used today. Microsoft doing a magazine advertising and received endorsement from the top computer magazine in the industry is another...
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...While contrasting UNIX systems to Windows a few of the features discovered in UNIX incorporate: the usage of simple text for saving data; a ordered file system; UNIX manages tools for example printing equipments, mouse and keyboard and also other tools like files. The UNIX system also manages directories and procedures like files. There's only one root directory inside the UNIX operating system hierarchical tree. UNIX utilizes devices and applications via the command line in contrast to utilizing a single monolithic application which includes all the same functionality. The kernel offers services to begin and stop applications, deals with the file system that saves and arranges the computer system files and data. The kernel usually shifts data into as databases for storage and use. Both UNIX and Windows file systems are ordered and both support lengthy names as much as 255 characters. File Processing Evaluation UNIX programs that are based upon simple text files for setup use a lot of powerful devices that are utilized to process text files. Piping is widely utilized to reroute the result of one command to the input of the subsequent command. UNIX deals with most command in a consecutive order (first in first out) but the procedure may be overridden by making use of variables and alternatives (ADD). This lets commands to be installed collectively and implemented without storing all the results to an output file. UNIX utilizes commands that include: Echo - shows text...
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