...VARK Analysis Paper Jasell Wilson-Ferguson Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V-0500 June 14, 2015 VARK Analysis Paper Not all learners are the same. Each individual has a complex system and unique way of thinking and learning. Nurses encounter a population that is broad and diverse across the board. Nurses must be able to adapt and decipher the best ways of connecting with the client, to facilitate learning and understanding of needed knowledge and/or skills. Learning styles are different and unique ways used by individuals as they prepare to learn and recall information (Ranganath, 2015). A tool that can be used to assess and assist with figuring out the preferred learning style for a student and/or client, is the VARK questionnaire. This is a system that was developed by Neil Fleming in 1987. The VARK questionnaire consists of 16 questions with four options to choose from for each question. More than one option may be chosen. The questionnaire is then scored V, A, R, K. Based on the scoring, the questionnaire decipher a student’s preferred learning style. The VARK system addresses learning styles, and gives strategies that promote learning more effectively. VARK identifies four predominant learning styles; (V) visual, (A) aural, (R) reading/writing, and (K) kinesthetic. When used in various combinations, the learner’s preferred learning style is described as multimodal (VARK, 2015). As described by Fleming, a visual learner is someone who learns...
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...VARK Analysis Paper NRS-429V June 23, 2014 VARK Analysis Paper Learning styles or preferences are based on personal characteristics, preferences or individual strengths. It can be important for students to know or be familiar with their specific style of learning, so that they can develop learning strategies that can help them be successful in the material being studied. You can use tools to help ascertain the specific learning styles, like the VARK questionnaire. It provides an insight to how you “take in and give out information” (Fleming, 2014, FAQ). Also, it can help to isolate and identify strategies based on your identified learning preference. Based on the Vark questionnaire taken, my learning preference is multimodal. The multimodal preference may consist of two or more learning styles, which are comprised of Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic (VARK). The results were as follows: * Visual: 8 * Aural: 3 * Read/write: 6 * Kinesthetic: 7 The results reflect a strong preference to Visual, Read/write, and Kinesthetic (VRK). The multimodal preference can prove beneficial to learning information, but can also have drawbacks. With a multimodal approach to learning one can employ different means of processing the information whether it is being presented through visual presentations, lectures, demonstrations, or reading assignments. The student can adapt or match a preference with what is being presented (Fleming, 2011). In contrast...
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...VARK Analysis Paper In this paper, the VARK Questionnaire will be explored as it relates to individual learning methods. The VARK questionnaire (Fleming, 2001) was chosen for two reasons, scores can be reached quickly and the provision of help sheets assists students to use their knowledge of learning styles. VARK stands for: visual, aura, read/write and kinesthetic. Fleming and Mills (1992) suggested four modalities that seemed to reflect the experiences of the students and teachers. Through the use of the VARK Questionnaire personal learning styles are predicted and suggestions are made as to which work best for each learner. Depending on the person, there may be one method that works particularly well or a mix of all of the methods may meet your individual needs. Multimodal learning indicates the learner prefers more than one style to retain information. The VARK Questionnaire provides a personal profile based on your results and suggestions to help when taking in new information. The personal learning profile report highlights your individual learning preferences and breaks down each category with suggested methods. Based on the personal learning profile received, it indicated the learner was multimodal. This indicates multiple preferences when taking in new information. The three highlighted preferences received were: Visual, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. Visual, meaning learning through the use of different formats designed to convey information. Diagrams, labeled charts...
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...The Vark Analysis: An Examination of Different Learning Styles Cyndi Gamble Grand Canyon University The Vark Analysis: an examination of different learning styles This paper is an examination of the awareness of the learning styles as explained by the VARK website. Although there are four learning styles, this paper will focus on the read/write learning style. It will examine the preferred learning strategies, and recommended strategies for this style. It will also discuss how awareness of these styles and strategies influence not only the learner, but the instructor as well. Although some people may have a “multimodal” learning style, they will usually score higher in one of the four categories, and tend to use that style more often. Read/Write Learning style People who fall into the read/write learning style category tend to take in knowledge through the written word. Read/writers find meaning in words. These learners fit well into conventional learning environments with traditional study techniques. They appreciate instructors who articulate well with expertise and understanding of language and grammar (Claire & Chris, 2014). Read/writers like text in any form or format. Simply put, read/writers “learn best through words” ("Learning styles," n.d., p. 1). And not surprisingly, they enjoy reading both for learning and pleasure. Preferred/Identified Learning Strategies The written word is the preferred learning strategy for learners in the read/write...
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...A COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT On Effectiveness of Marine Logistics Submitted to S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide: Company Guide: Ms. Parinaz Todiwala Mr.Pravin Dixit Assistant Professor MD (Kshitij Marine Services Pvt. Ltd.) Submitted by Ms. Harshita Kakar [Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592001] Ms. Nupur Mishra[Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592005 ] MBA SEMESTER III S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT - 805 MBA PROGRAMME Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad December, 2012 Company Certificate (For Sem. 3) (On Company Letterhead) This is certified that Ms. Harshita Kakar and Ms. Nupur Mishra from S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, are carrying out the research on the subject titled “ ” at this company / organisation under the supervision of Mr. Pravin Dixit, from Sep, 2012 to Dec, 2012. I also certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work satisfactorily. Place: - Surat Date: - _________ ( to be announced later on) ________________ (Name & Designation) Students’ Declaration We, Ms. Harshita Kakar &...
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...| Vark: How I learn Best Nicole McDanell Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V July 12, 2014 There are five learning styles visual, aural, read/write, multimodal, and kinesthetic. After taking the Vark quiz I have discovered I am a kinesthetic learner. “Kinesthetic learners do best while touching and moving. It also has two sub-channels: kinesthetic (movement) and tactile (touch).” (Nwlink 2011) Kinesthetic learners will loose concentration if there is too little movement, during lectures they may take notes for the sake of having movement, if reading they will scan the material to focus on details trying to understand the “big picture”. While taking notes kinesthetic learners typically will use color highlighters and draw pictures or diagrams. When learning new information I always use highlighters in many different colors, I also am constantly drawing pictures on my notes. I enjoy learning in an environment that provides a hand on approach whether it is in a lab or clinical setting. I have always used an empty room to study in; I talk out loud about the information, think of possible test questions, and how I would go about answering them. These are all strategies I find helpful when trying to retain and recall information that is being learned. After reviewing the definition of a kinesthetic learner and what the best learning environment and strategies are I am surprised to find that many of them either fit me or I am already practicing. Intake, SWOT- studying...
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...A COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT REPORT On Effectiveness of Marine Logistics Submitted to S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide: Company Guide: Ms. Parinaz Todiwala Mr.Pravin Dixit Assistant Professor MD (Kshitij Marine Services Pvt. Ltd.) Submitted by Ms. Harshita Kakar [Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592001] Ms. Nupur Mishra[Batch No. 2011-13, Enrollment No. 118050592005 ] MBA SEMESTER III S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT - 805 MBA PROGRAMME Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad December, 2012 Company Certificate (For Sem. 3) (On Company Letterhead) This is certified that Ms. Harshita Kakar and Ms. Nupur Mishra from S.R. LUTHRA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, are carrying out the research on the subject titled “ ” at this company / organisation under the supervision of Mr. Pravin Dixit, from Sep, 2012 to Dec, 2012. I also certify that, the above mentioned students have carried the research work satisfactorily. Place: - Surat Date: - _________ ( to be announced later on) ________________ (Name & Designation) Students’ Declaration We, Ms. Harshita Kakar &...
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...development firm consisting of eight (8) regional offices in seven (7) countries, including the United States, Germany, Africa, India, Australia, Brazil, and China, with eleven(11) district or branch offices, consisting of 225,000 employs worldwide. NCIF resides in Hopkinton, MA (USA). Communicating to the consumer is the key element in a successful business. Due to a fast paced world there are modernized techniques that all companies need to adapt and implement when it comes to marketing. There is several ways a company can reach out to their clients. A company must dedicate their time to keep their presence known to the public. In order for Johnson and Company to stay competitive and market to their clients and prospects, there are suggestions I have to help make this happen. First, the phones systems need to be updated from an analog system to a Voice Over IP (VOIP) system. One of the main advantages of VOIP is receiving and taking calls away from the office, if you have an internet connection. Another advantage to a digital phone system is clear and crisp sound creating a better experience for the caller. With VOIP you can set up phone conferences allowing you to see and hear the client or vendor. An after-hours machine can be utilized to provide information on the company and its products, website information, and any other details you want your customer to know about. (Zultys n.d.) Another upgrade that would need to take place is the way the customer orders are handled....
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...A Seminar Report ON Human-Oriented Interaction With An Anthropomorphic Robot CONTENTS ➢ Abstract ➢ Index Terms ➢ Introduction ➢ Related Work ➢ Robot Hardware ➢ Detecting And Tracking People * Face Detection * Voice Detection * Memory-Based Person Tracking ➢ Integrating Interaction Capabilities * Speech And Dialog * Emotions And Facial Expressions * Using Deictic Gestures * Object Attention * Dynamic Topic Tracking * Bringing It All Together ➢ Experiments * Scenario 1: Multiple Person Interaction * Scenario 2: Showing Objects to BARTHOC * Scenario 3: Reading Out a Fairy Tale ➢ Conclusion ➢ References Abstract A very important aspect in developing robots capable of human-robot interaction (HRI) is the research in natural, human-like communication, and subsequently, the development of a research platform with multiple HRI capabilities for evaluation. Besides a flexible dialog system and speech understanding, an anthropomorphic appearance has the potential to support intuitive usage and understanding of a robot, e.g .. human-like facial expressions and deictic gestures can as well be produced and also understood by the robot. As a consequence of our effort in creating an anthropomorphic appearance and to come close to a human-human...
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...1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF STUDY The hallmark of the globalization process in the world today is to create a trend of unit business that stands separate but complement the attempt at establishing an integrated network of services for the greater benefit of the people. It was explained that the activities of agencies and agents attached to the clearance of cargo from the ports has in recent times altered this process creating all sorts of bottlenecks. This has caused a negative set up to the roles of the ports from the traditional transit point of cargo to that of warehousing facilities (Ajala, 2001). The global maritime industry is inclined on the movement of cargo from one port to another. He said that the bulk of world trade owes its success to the efficiency or otherwise of the maritime industry which is arguably the most ancient yet effective means of trade (Autry, 2001). In this global trade, the ports play the most significant roles as the point of entry for cargoes. It will therefore be appropriate to describe the ports as the center point of world trade (Awoletu, 2000) Nigerian seaports are perhaps one of the very few in the world that are majorly service ports. The port industry has over the year been responsible for over 90% of the physical carriage of Nigeria's external trade (Badejo, 2002). The importance of this mode of transportation derives not only from its fundamental overriding economics and untapped marketing, but also from the lack of a more efficient...
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...RUNNING HEAD: THE CONCEPT OF KNOWLEDGE IN KM The concept of knowledge in KM: A dimensional model Forthcoming in the Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume 10, No 6, 2006 Bertolt Meyer1 and Kozo Sugiyama2 1 Department of Organizational and Social Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany bmeyer@psychologie.hu-berlin.de 2 School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1292, Japan sugi@jaist.ac.jp Abstract Purpose: To sharpen the concepts of tacit, implicit and explicit knowledge by linking them to findings from cognitive psychology and memory science and thus finding a possibility for measuring non-explicit knowledge. Methodology/Approach: A review of KM and cognitive science literature leads to a dimensional model of knowledge types that links the concepts from KM to more specific concepts from psychology. One central assumption of the model was empirically tested and put into practice in one small-scale KM project. Findings: The concepts in KM can be linked to concepts from psychology and thus receive theoretical support. The developed model enables psychometric access to a part of non-explicit knowledge through structural assessment techniques. Furthermore, the model has proven to be of value in a practical application in KM. Research limitations: The experiment and the practical application are too small in scope to provide full...
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...Abstract It is the purpose of this paper to address the topic of ethics in group counseling. This author will define what group ethics is according to the psychological organizations such as the American Counseling Association (ACA), and the Association of Specialist in Group Work (ASGW). This author will also address what the American Association of Christian Counselor (AACC) has to say about the ethical standards for Christian Counseling. To effectively practice ethically group therapy a counselor needs to internalize the morals, values, and behavioral makeup of each individual within the group. This paper will also look at the comparison between group and individual psychotherapy and why a counselor will choose between the two. The group processes in both individual and group psychotherapy are a positive catalyst for personal growth within the individual psyche. Whereas group therapy tends to address interactional and interpersonal, individual therapy usually looks at the intra-psychic. Group therapy has been proven to have effective treatment benefits in the treatment with various psychological and personal problems. The final section will address the ethical challenges this author may face and her biblical perspective in counseling, her personal leadership qualities and her personal approach to group counseling. Counseling in our society has gone through multiple changes in the recent years. More individuals are looking into receiving support and guidance in...
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...G.L.BAJAJ INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow Plat no. 2, Knowledge park-III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh A SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF PACKAGING STRATEGIES OF ITC Submitted for partial fulfillment of award of Master of Business Administration (MBA) From Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF SUBMITTED BY ABHISHEK KUMAR SAXENA ROLL NO.1380170008 Session: 2013-15 ...
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...In this essay the topic of research is: ‘how children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are included within a mainstream classroom and how greater efforts can be taken to ensure inclusivity for them’. Within our school setting there seem to be more pupils with ADHD (some diagnosed, some undiagnosed but will display some of the behaviours/traits of pupils diagnosed with ADHD). Pupils with ADHD do have some barriers to learning. Some of these pupils are quite able academically and, therefore, may not have been identified as requiring special educational need (SEN) support if it weren’t for the perceived negative behaviours frequently displayed. These behaviours could include: trouble sustaining attention in tasks, trouble organising tasks and activities, refusal to comply with adult instructions, fidgeting with hands or feet or squirming in seat, disruption to the lesson by talking excessively, easily frustrated and having trouble waiting for his or her turn, distress at seemingly minor issues, disturbing other children, leaving the classroom etc. A range of strategies can be used to help these pupils settle in a main stream classroom and raise their achievement. It would be interesting to find out if it is an issue of Sensory sensitivity that is largely a factor in inhibiting the learning of these pupils. Baranek (2002) and Barkley (1998) report that pupils with ADD, ODD and ADHD often have Sensory Processing concerns and also Motor planning deficits. Many...
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...Marginal Cost Based Pricing in Transport Key Implementation Issues from the Economic Perspective Erik Verhoef, Free University Amsterdam Paper prepared for IMPRINT 1. Introduction Marginal cost pricing in transport is a ‘hot’ topic, in at least two senses. First, as is well known, over the last decade(s), sophisticated pricing policies in transport have evolved from a primarily academic, theoretical construct, to a realistic and seriously considered option for many areas – urban and non-urban – around the world. This is due to (at least) two simultaneous, interacting developments, viz. the steady growth in transport related problems such as congestion and emissions on the one hand, and the development of technologies enabling automated charging on the other. So, marginal cost pricing in transport is ‘hot’ in the sense that many governments, at different spatial levels, seriously explore the possibilities for implementing some form of pricing policies aimed at the containment of transport-induced externalities. At the same time, such proposals are rarely met by great public enthusiasm, making it a ‘hot’ topic from the political viewpoint in that policy makers might easily burn their hands when proposing to drastic pricing reforms in transport. A very common result is that proposals for pricing schemes often end up in the proverbial wastebasket long before a first penny was to be actually charged. Apparently, the implementation of marginal cost based pricing in transport is...
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