...should ask ourselves is, what’s multitasking and how is it related to teenagers and students? Multitasking is defined as “the ability to accomplish multiple tasks in the same general time period by engaging in frequent switches between individual tasks” (Konig et.al. 2005). This definition helps us to support our question that multitasking is necessary to teenagers and students. Teenagers and students are part of daily life that requires productivity from them and this will call in for a multitasking. Students and teenagers are surrounded by multiple tasks that all require their attention, and considering the time frame this will not be that much possible. Also at times multitasking will not be that much encouraged due to the fact that when multitasking we tend to divide our attention between the two tasks and thus overwhelming our thoughts which may lead to poor results on what we intended to do. To get much out of multitasking we need to reap the benefits while minimizing the drawbacks. Benefits of multitasking come in handy. We are able to do attend to different types of tasks simultaneously in a given time frame and jumping to others which require our attention, thus saving more time. Multitasking helps the student to switch between different sort of assignments and this prevents boredom and increases our creativity through brainstorming for the other project while doing the other. This becomes more inspiring and keeps us in need of more. Multitasking enables us to use our extra...
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...Saunders MAO 203 Multitasking Skills and knowledge Multitasking Skills and knowledge Alex Saunders MOA 203 April 15, 2016 Multitasking Have you ever heard of multitasking and what it is? Well today we will look at the positive and the negative side of it. Multitasking means ability to complete more than one task at the time with the best ability you can. An average person multitasks every day without even knowing. I am sure that as you are reading this paper you have some apps or tabs open on your computer or even possibly have a phone next to you that just can’t stop buzzing, that is an example of multitasking with everyday tasks and challenges that come our way. Did you know that many professions use multitasking and able to handle it with extremely important documents. According to Dr. Travis Bradberry, ”You’ve likely heard that multitasking is problematic, but new studies show that it kills your performance and may even damage your brain”. (Bradberry, 2014) No worries, practice makes it perfect, at least that’s what we were thought since young age. Most research on multitasking tell us that is ineffective. Often switching between two tasks divides our focus and depletes our mental resources quicker. This leads to a greater risk of making a mistake and less quality work overall. Multitasking is especially ineffective if we are juggling between tasks that use up very similar resources in our brain. However, there is a certain kind of multitasking called task-layering that...
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...grows more advanced. Multitasking is something that is done worldwide and is normally looked at as something that has only negative effects on us humans and our bodies. There are also studies that bring out good results from multitasking. All in all people need to continue to research multitasking, it definitely has its ups and downs, but it could be harmful to us as well. There are a lot of people who have found many negative effects from multitasking. It may have many negative effects, but believe it or not there are some good things that come from multitasking. In some ways multitasking could hurt our performance, but we do it out of habit because it makes us feel good. While multitasking often gets a bad reputation, new research says simultaneous addition of different types of media may help us perform a specific task. Recently, the harmful side effects of multitasking have surfaced. The main so called negatives relate to instant messaging, music, web surfing, e-mail, online videos, games or social network. Research has showed multitasking can cause damages during certain mental tasks involving task switching, attention, and memory, both in the laboratory and in real-life situations. This type of impairment may be due to the fact that multitaskers pay attention to numerous sources of information available around them, without sufficient focus on the information in front of them. Although multitasking is frowned upon today, many of us are multitasking right now and don’t...
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...Have you ever attempted accomplishing multiple tasks all at once and lose focus on what you were doing? Are you listening to music, shouting at your siblings or children, online shopping, checking emails, and texting friends and wondering why you’re still stuck writing your first paragraph in your essay for an hour now? Multitasking may seem like a simple tool to use to accomplish numerous tasks at once; however, that essay may have already been completed if you were to simply focus on one task at a time. Is all the multitasking even worth it at this point? Multitasking can be a wonderful tool in certain people’s eyes, but it can be deleterious to the task at hand. “Multitasking Can Make You Lose…Um…Focus” is an article written by Alina...
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...Click, click, tap, click, click, tap great English is finally done now I can start my art project and look up good pictures for Sarah and my presentation in Computers, wait I forgot what is it called when you do two different things at one, wait I got it, it is MULTITASKING!!! I am gonna look up things about Multitasking… Wow multitasking is interesting, but I think it is non-effective because of all this negative stuff I am finding out about it... Multitasking is not effective because our brains on multitasking aren't nearly as good as we think they are. Let's say you're working on an activity over here, on the right side of the brain, and suddenly you're trying to multitask another activity, like talking on the phone. You're not actually...
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...I have mixed views on multitasking. In today’s environment I feel it is critical for an individuals to be able to perform multiple tasks at the same time. Yes I am aware that it is not possible to physically be doing multiple task at the exact same time. There have been multiple days where I am working on numerous tasks roughly at the same time, multiple emails come through to my attention seeking information on the shipping status of orders. Although I cannot actually look into these request all at the same time I do however pull all the needed files required for all the questions at the same time while at the file cabinet, and at the same time I will answer and help my coworkers and there are even times that I need to complete a transaction....
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...Hypothesis 6 Multitasking: 6 Methodology 6 Task 1 (Sudoku Puzzle): 6 Task 2 (Word Puzzle): 7 Experiment 1: 7 Experiment 2: 7 Experiment 3: 7 Results and Findings 8 Interpretation 9 Are women better at multitasking? 10 Conclusion 10 APPENDIX 12 References 16 Executive Summary The question that is under consideration is whether multitasking is good and how it affects performance. Initially a survey was floated for the students of Indian institute of Management Bangalore which was done to get a general perception about multitasking among the MBA graduates. We found that a majority think that multitasking improves productivity. To validate this we conducted experiments in which subjects were made to do two tasks under three different conditions. In the first experiment, subjects were made to perform the two tasks sequentially, in the second they were forced to switch between the tasks and in the third they were free to do in their own way. Results of the experiments show that the performance was better when the tasks were scheduled (Experiment -1) than during multitasking (Experiment- 2). However, the performance was no better when the subjects were free to do the tasks as per their will (Experiment-3). Also, women are perceived to be better multi-taskers than men but the results did not show any significant difference for the same. Aim Multitasking is at the heart of today’s workplace. To understand COLLEGE’s perception towards multitasking we conducted...
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...Steven Marshall Psychology 101 3/1/2016 Multitasking My thoughts on multi-tasking before this course was that it was alright depending on what you were doing. I use to have a job in the military where you had to multi-task. I was checking people in and out of the barracks, running reports, answering phones, and answering questions. I had to use divided attention quite often. When I was by myself I thought I handled myself well but when someone was working with me there tended to be quite a few less mistakes. Sometimes multi-tasking is necessary but try to avoid it whenever at work or school. If I had the time I would always check my work for errors. I am not a very good at multi-tasking because I get distracted very easily. When I study for an exam I have to have focused awareness. " In this state, we are wide awake, fully alert, and completely engrossed in the task at hand" (Nevid, 2015). Usually when I am driving I am listening to music or thinking about what I am going to do next or planning for something in the future. I occasionally eat while I am driving which has almost led to a couple of accidents. I try to keep all my focus on driving and not get distracted behind the wheel. The only thing I really do now is talk to God. If it is dangerous I have been able to keep my focus on task. One of my most distracting things is face book. I check it everywhere. I am checking it right now as I am writing this. I am really hooked and have to work on it because at times it consumes...
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...Have you ever wondered if multitasking is good for your brain? Do you ever wonder if social media has a part in multitasking? Multitasking can be effectively be done by teenagers. My reasons are multitasking is good for the brain, people on media are better at multitasking, and cognitive strategies use more efficient plans. First reason why multitasking can be efficiently done by teenagers is that, multitasking is good for the brain. Chinese researchers have found that multitasking in the 21st century style can be good for the brain. This suggests that it can be good for the brain but that's probably for chinese people. But chinese people found that multitasking 21st century style can't be good for the brain. This shows that multitaskers...
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...After reading “The Myth of Multitasking,” I found multitasking to have a negative impact on the quality of how work is done. Rosen expresses many reasons why multitasking has a negative impact on today’s individual. When it comes to a 21st century average adult, being busy is just how it works, which is why we feel so pressured to multitask all the time. Though in this day and age, deadlines are always around, it doesn’t give us an excuse to allow ourselves to do inefficient, low quality work. Even without the pressures of society, multitasking still is not the way things should be done. Rosen expresses many reasons why multitasking has a negative impact on today’s individual. From her many sources about multitasking, to how she approached...
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...Multitasking and Technology We all go through it, there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. Our days are like this more often than not. I’m a single mother of two young boys; I always find myself picking up someone from one event and taking them to somewhere else. Life is a constant challenge to be one-and-a-half places at once, doing two or three things at once. As I go through my day I find myself doing two or three things at a time, multitasking, as I believe as they refer to it, often with the use of some type of technology I have: my IPod, phone, or mini laptop with me all the time. When I work out, I keep an eye on my crawling infant son, as I use the DVD player and talk to his dad on the IPod. Other times I cook dinner, while helping my other son with his homework, and maybe check an email or two, and look up a recipe…well that about sums up the idea hectic life style for most people. What I’m actually doing is a series of tasks one at a time and switching constantly between them. The problem with serial tasking is that it leads to lower quality and less productivity. The rice came out a little overcooked, I think I might have sent the wrong email to the wrong person, and we’re still working on the homework. If concentrating on one thing at a time, I would have had a better chance to do more tasks correctly. Technology’s influence on us is greater than ever before; we are ever connected by cell phones, laptops, television. We spend time checking social...
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...your phone. You stop your homework to look at that message, but then your attention shifts to changing the music on your phone because it’s not the mood you’re in. And trust me, i know the problem, but i’m here to tell you as a teen just like you, why “multitasking” is the real problem. First, multitasking seems plaint. When you think you are multitasking… you’re not- it’s actually slowing you down and creating another distraction. I’m saying: it’s going to take longer because we have to remind our brains what we are working on. When you are switching tasks, it slows you down, when you think you are going faster… funny huh? Lets even think about when you listen to music when you're working on your homework that is due the next day for math class. When you listen to music your brain can't focus on both at...
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...The word multitasking connotes a way where a person can complete many tasks successfully in little amounts of time, where in reality “someone can do two things at once, but they can't focus effectively on two things at once” (Keller 3). Despite what many believe, it can be demonstrated that multitasking is terrible for the brain. While some argue that it’s beneficial to multitask, research proves that it’s detrimental to focus on many tasks simultaneously. A person wishing to increase the amount of free time they have will argue that multitasking allows you to combine tasks and get the job done faster. Many who support multitasking will say “rather than doing one thing after the other, a person can combine tasks so they can more quickly get everything done (Source 3). However rather than...
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...Behavior The Myth of Multitasking Steven Woods Brown Mackie College – Northern Kentucky Since the mid-1960’s multitasking has been one of the defining buzz words of the business world. However, most people think that they are great multitaskers, especially if you have been seeing success in your business and personal life. Yet, how do you feel at the end of the day? Tired? Stressed? Are you losing sleep time because you need more time to get those last few things completed? Are you spending more time at work, because you just cannot get them all done in eight hours? If you answered yes to any, or all, of these questions then you most likely suffer from the effects of attempting to multitask. The reality of our human world is that we are not physically or mentally capable of completing more than one complex task at a time. Let us start by defining the term multitasking. Merriam-Webster defines multitasking as: “The ability to do several things at the same time.” (1) The American Psychological Association (APA) defines multitasking in a similar fashion, but also adds the term “switch” at the end. The addition of the word switch actually tells us volumes about the true nature of multitasking. Studies show that multitasking is actually the human mind switching from one task to another. (4) In general, the switch takes only fraction of a second to complete. This quick switch gives us the allusion that we are performing more than one task at a time, thus multitasking is accomplished...
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...Though rarely mentioned or discussed, multitasking effects people of all ages in one way or another. Whether it’s doing schoolwork while watching tv, or skyping someone while in line at the bank, modern society and technology allow user to do virtually anything they want at any time. This immediately raises the question, “just because you can, should you?” All of my research done so far has been in an attempt to find an answer to this question in regards to multitasking in everyday life. Every article I have found seems to have something different, and often contradictory, to say about multitasking. Of the sources I have found so far, the most substantial and concrete of those have all had similar views on multitasking. As of now, I am aware...
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