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Museum Analysis Essay

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Museum Analysis The Spencer Museum of Art is located in Lawrence, Kansas. The museum is also associated with the University of Kansas. The museum has five floors, however, only two of the levels feature art galleries. The third and the fourth floor are the floors that display various galleries. As an individual walks through the front doors of the museum, they are located on the third floor. In order, to reach the fourth floor one must take a right and use the elevator. There are currently no other accessible ways to reach the fourth floor. If one needs to use the facilities, they are located along the hallway leading to the elevator as you enter through the front doors. The museum is home to any art works, although the art pieces are ever …show more content…
Art that was created in various types of mediums. The collection of art feature pieces created by many world renowned artists. An advantage of the museum is that there is not an admission fee. Therefore, it provides access to the public. Another advantage is the range of open hours that the museum features. As well of the activities on the weekend. The disadvantage of the Spencer Museum of Art is related to the art works in the 20/21 exhibition. The information for each of the art works are not displayed. A visitor of the museum needs to find a book in order to look up the title and artist. This disadvantage could really be an inconvenienced on a busy day, with other people looking a visitor might get tired of waiting or feel pressured while looking up art work they are curious about. Another disadvantage is having only one elevator that leads to the fourth floor. The one elevator is the only accessible way to get to the fourth floor. However, the whole museum is wheelchair accessible. The Nelson Atkins Museum is located in Kansas City is a greater in size, and also provides outdoor art as well as indoor art. The Nelson Atkins also has a café, with live music. However, both museums provide art from world renowned artists, and an enjoyable experience for the

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